MT: April 8-14, 2002

VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,561 / Monday – April 8, 2002
Gerry McCambridge who bills himself as “Mentalist to The Stars” will be presenting his one-man mentalism show at Caroline’s on Broadway (1626 Broadway) in New York City on Tuesday Apr. 9 at 7pm. You can also catch him on Z-100 radio (100.3 FM) on Apr. 8 around 8am. McCambridge has a special offer to Magicians and Mentalists who would like to attend the Caroline’s show: you can have the $15 cover charge waved by mentioning MagicTimes when making a reservation. The Caroline’s reservation number is: (212) 757-4100.(4/8)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,562 / Tuesday – April 9, 2002
Elizabeth Warlock who recently received the David Berglas Award from the British Magical Society is featured in an Evening Mail article. Warlock said, “I was really pleased to be given this award. I am the first woman ever to receive it so it is quite a landmark. It was for my services to magic, both as a performer and as a writer.” Warlock has accomplished a lot in her magic career both as a performer and a correspondent. As a performer she was the youngest person to win the IBM’s British Ring Shield and also the first woman to do so. She continues to write about magic and magicians for many of the magic print magazines. Coincidentally, her father Peter Warlock “was the first recipient of the accolade, making it an extra special magic moment for Elizabeth.” Also receiving awards on that night were Mr. Merrell and Marc Dominic. To read the Apr. 5 article titled “It’s Pure Magic” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(4/9)

Deddy Corbuzier, one of Indonesia’s best known magicians, is featured in the Jakarta Post where he said that “…the Indonesian magic world was about 20 years behind other countries so he had to study abroad to garner the skills.” Corbuzier’s dream is “…to make Indonesia like Las Vegas where magicians become a respectable profession and the magic society is really appreciated. Here many still mistakenly compare magicians with dukun (shamans).” To read the Apr. 7 article by Emmy Fitri titled “I want Indonesia to become like Las Vegas” supplied by Infoseek, YellowBrix and Worldsourcs, Inc. click: HERE.(4/9)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,563 / Wednesday – April 10, 2002
Ricky Jay’s new show “On The Stem” which was originally supposed to begin previews on Tuesday Apr. 9 has postponed it’s opening until Saturday Apr. 13. All ticket holders for the first few shows are being rescheduled for the end of May and early June. The official opening night will be in the early part of May. Currently the show is scheduled to run through Jul. 14, at the Second Stage Theatre (307 West 43rd Street) in New York City, with a brief hiatus in June. Some seats are still available. To purchase tickets click: HERE.(4/10)

Aaron Isaacs who teaches magic as an after school program is in a Post-Standard that quotes a the coordinator of the program, “He uses magic tricks to entertain the younger kids, and he actually teaches the older kids some of the basic tricks… He’s a very good magician. I find myself enthralled at his skills. He’s creative and funny.” To read the Apr. 9 article by David L. Shaw titled “School Tries Magic Touch” click: HERE.(4/10)

Members of SAM Assembly #181 and IBM Ring 200 will participate in “A Day at Hogwarts” a Harry Potter themed magic show on Apr. 13 at 3pm and 7pm at the Manalapan High School in Freehold, NJ. The show is a benefit for the Freehold Area Habitat for Humanity. For more information click: HERE.(4/10)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,564 / Thursday – April 11, 2002
MASSACHUSETTS: The 14th annual Hank Lee’s Cape Cod Magic Conclave takes place on Apr. 12-14 in Falmouth. A usual strong lineup is scheduled with performances and lectures by Scott The Magician & Muriel, Goldfinger & Dove, Wayne Dobson, Jay Sankey, Amos Levkovitch, Eric DeCamps, Kenji Minemura, Chuck Fayne, Robert Swadling, Gene Anderson, David Stone, Laurent Beretta, Majinx, Kerry Pollock, David Oliver, Todd Charles, Bob King, Thomas Fraps, Danny Archer and much more. Registration is $125 per person. For more information and registration phone: 617-482-8749 or click: HERE.(4/11)

David Blaine’s next stunt which is scheduled to take place next month at the General Motors building in New York City is beginning to get some press. The Irish Independent described it as “…his most death-defying stunt yet when he spends two days and nights balanced on top of a 100ft flagpole.” To read the Apr. 11 Irish Independent article titled “New stunt is up the pole” click: HERE.(4/11)

Criss Angel’s Mindfreak will celebrate its 200th performance on Sunday Apr. 14 at 7pm at The World Underground Theater (WWF New York on Broadway and 43rd Street) in New York City. Angel is currently working on a TV special slated to air around Halloween.(4/11)

Geoffrey Durham who is touring his show throughout the UK gets press in The Western Mail where they quote him, “One-man-shows are what I like doing best – they’re the culmination of a life’s work… You can’t do this sort of thing unless you have been working for a long time. You need the versatility and depth of knowledge which you slowly acquire over the years.” To read the Apr. 10 article by Kate Jackson titled “Magician to share some secrets” click: HERE.(4/11)

David Blaine’s new TV special will air on Sky One in the United Kingdom. A Guardian article describes the show as, “…a one-off special following US magician David Blaine as he attempts to spend two days on top of a flagpole in New York.” To read the Apr. 10 article by Jason Deans titled “Sky One takes a shine to TV dating” click: HERE.(4/11)

Bill Andrews is scheduled to “speak and critique members’ acts” at the Society of Young Magicians workshop in Indianapolis on Saturday. To read the Apr. 10 The Indianapolis Star article titled “Workshop set for members of young magicians group” click: HERE.(4/11)

VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,565 / Friday – April 12, 2002
Jerry Sadowitz will bring his show to London’s West End for six nights beginning on Monday Apr. 15. The shows which come with a warning: “not suitable for the easily offended” will be held at the New Ambassadors Theatre. An Ananova article reported that “The show promises a return to pure stand-up following recent shows that concentrated more on the magic.” Tickets are £14.50-£16 per person and are available by phoning: 020 7369 1761. To read the Apr. 10 article titled “Jerry Sadowitz brings ‘offensive’ show to London” click: HERE.(4/12)

Murray has just signed a contract extension for his show at the New Frontier in Las Vegas. The show which has been well received is scheduled to run at least through the end of May.(4/12)

The NYU Magic Club is featured in the Washington Square News article that  talks to Jeremy Meadow, Doug McKenzie, and Jenna Kassen about magic and the camaraderie between the magic enthusiasts who meet every Thursday to talk and practice magic. Meadow pointed out that “The Magic Club is very social… You hang out with these people and form friendships. That’s more important than any magic tricks.” To read the Apr. 10 article by Cristina Silva titled “Magic is in the air for student tricksters” click: HERE.(4/12)

CALIFORNIA: Lee Earle lectures at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd) in Burbank on Monday Apr. 15 at 7pm. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(4/12)

VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,566 / Saturday – April 13, 2002
Lance Burton’s Vegas show is reviewed in the Las Vegas Review-Journal where they comment that “Magician’s greatest feat might be rapport he establishes with audience members.” The review concludes, “People feel like they know him by the time the show is over. That’s perhaps the most impressive feat of all, and the key to repeat business for a guy who’s likely to be a fixture on the Strip for as long as his lifelong career plan dictates.” The show is also called “…arguably the best on the Strip for families” and the review also mentions the recently staged parody on Burton. To read the Apr. 12 review by Mike Weatherford titled “Burton’s tried-and-true show a family favorite” click: HERE.(4/13)

An auction benefit for Joe Raven who injured himself by blowing up his hand during a show on Mar. 23 is being organized by IBM Ring 332 and Those who wish to donate a magic item to the auction ma send it to: Enchanted Workshop Ltd., 2 Grand Street, Hancock, MD 21750. Mark the item for: “Joe Raven Fund.” For more info about Raven search MagicTimes for prior stories.(4/13)

PENNSYLVANIA: Docc Hilford and Kenton Knepper lecture on Tuesday Apr. 16 at 7pm at the Shubin Theater in Philadelphia. Admission is $20 per person. There will also be a special workshop on Saturday the 20th. For more information e-mail:

NEW YORK: Danny Archer lectures on Tuesday Apr. 16 at 7:30pm at the Magical Arts Centre (578 Warburton Ave.) in Hastings-On-Hudson. Admission is $18 per person. For more information phone: 914-478-2680 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,567 / Sunday – April 14, 2002
The Amazing Johnathan is the subject of a Las Vegas Sun article that looks at his career, accomplishments and current show at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.The very successful show which continues to get large downtown audiences is described as “Amazing Johnathan’s show is not for everyone. Children under 14 are not allowed to attend; ages 15-18 are permitted only with a parent.” Johnathan pointed out that “You’ll see kids’ arms being pulled out of the sockets the first five minutes of the show, the parents can’t get them out of the showroom fast enough… This is live and this is violent and there’s language, and I like for it to be very anti-magic edgy.” The show is currently booked through Jul. 7 but will probably continue to be renewed as long as his audiences continue to be twice as large as the celebrity shows who share the theater. To read the Apr. 12 article by Kirk Baird titled “Amazing Johnathan puts his own twist on traditional magic” click: HERE.(4/14)

Jim Wilson collapses with a stroke then dies prior to his magic show at a child’s fifth birthday party. The children at the party were kept from seeing Mr. Wilson and did not know what went on. To read the Apr. 13 Daily Record article titled “Kids’ Party Magician Drops Dead” click: HERE.(4/14)

Alan Marchese, Kerry Pollock, Dan Birch, Thomas Fraps, John Shryock, Todd Lamanske, and Jim Skaggs appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Apr. 15-21. Alan Marchese lectures on Sunday Apr. 21.(4/14)
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