MT: August 5-11, 2002

VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,680 / Monday – August 5, 2002
Mark Phillips and Karen Beriss star in Thin Air, which is being presented at the Minnesota Fringe Festival this week. You can catch them at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis (410 Oak Grove) in Minneapolis, MN on Monday Aug. 5 at 7pm, Friday at 10pm and Saturday at 4pm. The show is described as, “Thin Air is guaranteed to crack you up and amaze you. Think Penn & Teller meet Burns and Allen! Great family fun.” Tickets are available at the door or by phoning: 612-604-4466.(8/5)

Aldo Colombini, John Cassidy, Mike Barger, Jack Murray, Howard Jay, Bruce Gold, Joseph Tran, and Joshua Seth appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Aug. 5-11. Shoot Ogawa lectures on Sunday Aug. 11.(8/5)

Michael Chaut, Rich Marotta, The Great Throwdini and Lady Astrid, Simon Lovell, Jamy Ian Swiss, John Graham, Bob Elliott and Frank Brents appear at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 22 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(8/5)

Hermann and Marcia Carr were featured in a Urbana Daily Citizen article by Henry S. Conte on Jul. 26. Speaking on how to learn magic the article reported, “Carr prides himself on being mostly self-taught and encourages interested children to do what he did — check out the local library for books on magic.”(8/5)

ARIZONA: PCAM 2002 (Pacific Coast Association of Magicians) takes place on Aug. 6-10 in Page. Previously announce performers include: Gaetan Bloom, Andre Kole, Marvyn & Carol Roy, Kevin James, Jim Steinmeyer, Don Wayne, Mark Kornhauser, Dick Zimmerman, and many more. For more information phone: 435-564-3451.(8/5)

CALIFORNIA: Whit Haydn lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop on Wednesday Aug. 7 at 7:30pm at the Fort Mason Center (Building C, Room 370) in San Francisco. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(8/5)
VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,681 / Tuesday – August 6, 2002
MICHIGAN: Abbott’s 65th Magic Get-Together takes place on Aug. 7-10 in Colon. The massive convention that takes over the entire town for the weekend will feature performers from around the globe. Scheduled to appear are: Gaeton Bloom, Fukai & Kimika, Pat Page, Jeff Hobson, Kevin James, Billy McComb, Devlin, Sonny Fontana, Chris Capehart, Stuart and Lori, Bill Watson, Bob Higa, Joe Holiday, Jonathon Park, Bob Jepson, Keiko Muto, Noel Britten, Domenico Dante, and Julius Frack. Registration is $120. For more information click: HERE.(8/6)

Paul Zenon’s show “Off the street, on the road” is reviewed in The Scotsman where they point out that “His desire is still to entertain and amuse rather than to strike with awe.” To read the Aug. 5 review titled “Paul Zenon – Off the street, on the road” click: HERE.(8/6)

A question and answer with Paul Zenon in the The Scotsman has him explaining that, “I’ve never really liked the word magic or magician; it’s a bit twee, a bit … Disney. I’ve always preferred trick or trickster really. As a kid I wasn’t particularly interested in the showbiz magic, I was more interested in films like The Sting and Paper Moon, that kind of crime really – non- violent crime.” To read the Aug. 5 article titled “A minute of your time” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(8/6)

A Circus & Magic Auction takes place on Sunday Aug. 11 at the Playbox Theatre in Warwick, England. Of the 212 items offered for sale there are a number of magic and magic related items from the early part of the 20th century. A catalog which includes many photos is available online by clicking: HERE.(8/6)

Bob Bohm’s appearance at the Ozaukee County Fair is described in the Oazukee-Washington Daily News as, “The acts that he performed blended the tricks of traditional magic while tickling the funny bone.” Bohm explained how he creates his routines, “The idea I have is to take a basic magic trick and come up with a story or situation and build the trick around that. Kids respond to stories and games, so it’s fun to do tricks built like that.” To read the Aug. 5 article by Liz Greenawalt titled “Magician keeps fun up his sleeve” click: HERE.(8/6)

VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,682 / Wednesday – August 7, 2002
In coordination with the annual SEAM (Southeastern Association of Magicians) convention held in Atlanta this week CNN Headline news will feature magicians throughout the day on Thursday Aug. 8 with performances and interviews. Scheduled to appear are: Ken Scott (7:24am), Joe M. Turner (various times 9:00am-noon), Jessica Reed (various times noon-3pm), Robert Bengel (3:45pm), Dan Garrett (6:54pm), and Michael Ammar (9:45pm). The times are all in the Eastern Time Zone and are subject to change. Some segments will be taped others will be aired live. The man behind the event is Rolando Santos who is the executive vice-president and general manager of CNN Headline News and is also an associate editor of The Linking Ring and a member of the board of directors of IBM Ring 9 in Atlanta.(8/7)

Lance Burton’s show closed through Thursday as he went back home due to the untimely death of his father on Sunday at the age of 67. A Las Vegas Review-Journal article also reported that “The Fielding West Show: Comedy, Tricks & Naked Chicks” at the Bourbon Street has officially closed. West also so said that, “…he is going back to his one-man format and will stick to the comedy and tricks without the naked chicks. After the nearly five-month experiment with the adult revue, West says he’s inclined to agree with his friend Burton that magic works best in a family-friendly format.” To read the Aug. 6 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Golden Nugget fills step-dancing void” click: HERE.(8/7)

Neville Wiltshire is interviewed in the Irish Times about whether children are still entertained by magic and Punch & Judy shows or are they more sophisticated? Wiltshire pointed out that, “If you watch children at play, it hasn’t really changed. Grown-ups might like to think that their children are more sophisticated but I don’t think they are. They’ll still laugh at the same things children did 50 years ago.” To read the Aug. 6 article titled “When a Punch turns PC” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(8/7)

The Amazing Johnathan who appears in Glamorama for a five-minute spot is featured in a Chicago Sun-Times article. To read the Aug. 4 article titled “Johnathan’s happy to amaze–even for five- minute performance” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(8/7)

GEORGIA: The 75th Anniversary SEAM (Southeastern Association of Magicians) convention takes place on Aug. 8-10 in Atlanta. This year the traveling convention is being sponsored by The Georgia Magic Club, IBM Ring 9 and will feature performances and lectures by: Dale Adamson, Michael Ammar, Eric Anderson, Nowlin Craver, Rebecque de Fontes, Dan Garrett, Hannibal, Max Howard, Doyne Michie, Charles Pecor, Jessica Reed, Lucy Sanders, and Ken Scott. For more information click: HERE.(8/7)
VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,683 / Thursday – August 8, 2002
Joshua Jay will premiere his one-man show on Friday Aug. 9 in Canton, Ohio. The show which is called “Joshua Jay: The Future of Magic is in his Hands?” is a semi-autobiographical play of magic that has been in the works for three years. Jay told MagicTimes, “There’s a lot of new material in the show… The focus is card magic, but I touch on mentalism, memorization, coins, and some other surprises?” The 90-minute close-up show will run on Aug. 9, 10, 16, and 17 at 7pm and 9:15pm. Admission is $20 per person. For reservations and information phone: 330-493-3303.(8/8)

Darren Romeo received a Merlin Award for “Entertainer Of The Year 2002” from the International Magicians Society on Jul. 26. To read the Aug. 7 press release titled: “Darren Romeo Awarded ‘Entertainer of the Year 2002’ By the International Magicians Society” click: HERE.(8/8)

The history of Ritherdon & Company which was founded by amateur magician Percy Ritherdon is featured in a This is Lytham article. According to the article the box company which was founded in 1895, “…built the cabinets for disappearing acts and for the ‘sawing a lady in half’ trick that delighted Victorian audiences throughout the country. One of his top customers was a magician called Chung Ling Soo who died in the early 1900s when the ‘catch a bullet in the teeth’ stunt went tragically wrong.” To read the Aug. 8 article titled “The family with a box of tricks” click: HERE.(8/8)

WASHINGTON: Ben Robinson lectures for IBM Ring 52 at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Seattle on Sunday Aug. 11 at 2pm. For more information e-mail: or phone: 206-217-0926.(8/8)
VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,684 / Friday – August 9, 2002
Dr. Millard Brooks is featured in a Naples Daily News article that gives away his opening line, “I’m Doc Brooks, board-certified anesthesiologist. I’d like to show you a little magic, and if I don’t entertain you, I’ll just put you right to sleep.” Asked why he performs magic Brooks said, “I just do it because I like to do it. It’s different from what I have to do on a daily basis. It’s a nice diversion away from the focus and demands of being responsible for people’s lives. All I have to do is just entertain somebody. If you don’t like what I do, you’re not gonna sue me.” To read the Aug. 8 article by Tiffany Yates titled “The doctor of magic” click: HERE.(8/9)

Lyn Dillies who is billed as “America’s Premiere Female Illusionist” will present her full-scale illusion show, “The Magic Of Lyn,” at the Tilden Arts Center (Cape Cod Community College) in Cape Cod, MA on Aug. 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 at 7:30pm. Jon Stetson will make a guest appearance in her show on Aug. 19 and 27. For tickets and information phone: 508-430-1305.(8/9)

Raber Umphenour who is currently appearing at the “Addison County Fair and Field Days” is featured in a Addison County Independent article where he explained, “…that the mechanics of magic are ‘strictly boring’ and that the interesting part lies in the performance.” To read the Aug. 8 article by Carolyn Wilsey titled “Field Days magic: Local teen wows the crowd” click: HERE.(8/9)

The Amazing Johnathan who was scheduled to appear at the Glamor-ama fashion show was cancelled. A Chicago Sun Times article reported that, “It’s not the first time the gruesome bit has been cut. In 1999, the Amazing Johnathan had to retape a segment on ‘Late Show With David Letterman’ after Letterman objected to the gore.” To read the Aug. 8 article by Misha Davenport titled “Magician does disappearing act” click: HERE.(8/9)

Michael Jackson with Jenny and Scott Alexander who operate Denny & Lee’s Magic Studio in Las Vegas. Jackson spent a couple of hours at the magic shop on Wednesday Aug. 7 where he watched them demonstrate “nearly every trick in the shop.” (Photo: Jenny Alexander).(8/9)
VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,685 / Saturday – August 10, 2002
David Copperfied performances in Taipei the next two weekends are the subject of a Taipei Times feature that gives background on his career and quotes him about the difference between tricks and magic, “Part of what makes Copperfield’s performances so memorable is his direct engagement of the audience. ‘I don’t perform tricks. To say ‘tricks’ makes it sound like I’m smarter than the audience. I’m not trying to trick anyone. Instead, I try to involve the audience at every step of the way.'”  The show’s organizers reported that in China, “Taoist spiritualists who claimed to possess a range of supernatural powers. After seeing the show, they too were shocked by what they saw and reluctantly admitted that Copperfield was, indeed, the master of illusion.” To Read the Aug. 9 article by Max Woodworth titled “Abracadabra!” click: HERE.(8/10)

Penn & Teller’s show at the Rio is called, “…by far, the coolest “magic” show I’ve ever seen. Offering up some slightly inhumane humor, a few spirited practical jokes and a whole lot of awesome feats of trickery with a little fire-swallowing thrown in, this show is like no other.” To read the article from the Aug. 11-7 issue of Showbiz Magazine by Carla J. Zvosec titled “The long and short of it” click: HERE.(8/10)

“Beats of Passion” a quick replacement show at the Showroom at The Venetian features Joaquin Ayala & Tanya who will be in the show through Sunday. The show is reviewed in the Las Vegas Review-Journal where they conclude, “This is one of those shows where there’s nothing really wrong with what’s there, just that it’s missing that elusive something to really elevate it. …Maybe the show is ultimately too tasteful for its own good.” To read the Aug. 9 review by Mike Weatherford titled “Latin- flavored revue makes reappearance at Venetian” click: HERE.(8/10)
VOLUME: 56 / ISSUE: 1,686 / Sunday – August 11, 2002
Cory Holder who uses his magic to sell cars is featured in a Greensboro News Record article that reported, “To make sure his image is burned into a customer’s memory, Holder has gone so far as handing out flaming business cards. He says customers are impressed when he blows out the fire and the card remains intact.” Holder explained, “I use an illusion to break the ice or open somebody up if they’re cold.” Speaking about secrets Holder observed that, “Buying a magic trick is like buying a secret… Once you let go of that secret, you can’t get it back. It’s something you give to people to hold onto.” Holder will be undergoing surgery on Nov. 14 to remove a brain tumor. To read the Aug. 9 article by Samiha Khanna titled “Do You Believe In Magic?” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(8/11)

Bob Driebeek (February 8, 1922-August 7, 2002) who was the inventor of such classics as the Driebeek Die and Necktie Servant died on Wednesday Aug. 7 at the age of 80. His magic was published in various magic magazines and in a German language book “Aenigmas Rätsel.” He was also a confidant to many European magicians including Fred Kaps.(8/11)

Steve Thomas is featured in a Daily Journal article that looks at his career and how he became interested in magic. Thomas pointed out, “The audience usually makes the show,” he said. “If they just sit there and stare at you, you’re in trouble.” To read the Aug. 9 article by M. Scott Morris titled “Abracadabra” click: HERE.(8/11)

The 65th annual Abbott Magic Get-together in a Sturgis Journal article that mentions some of the surprises so far. After a Houdini stamp dedication, “The Houdini stamp was so popular that postmasters from Oshtemo and Sturgis arrived in Colon to help at the stamp table display.” The article also lists many of the performers which will be appearing at the convention. To read the Aug. 9 article by Terry Katz titled “Many surprises during annual Get-Together” click: HERE.(8/11)

A Sturgis Journal article reports that “About 1,000 magicians and their families are expected to attend the 65th annual Magic Get-together in Colon next week. To read the Aug. 5 article by Terry Katz titled “Magicians begin to appear for Magic Get-Together” click: HERE.(8/11)

Paul Zenon in an interview in the Scotsman in conjunction with his show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival once again takes the opportunity to attack David Blaine. As the article points out, “Paul Zenon doesn’t waste any time in grabbing the opportunity to reduce one of his American counterpart’s most incredible acts to child’s play. But it’s not that surprising perhaps, given that Zenon had tricks from his pilot TV programme copied by Blaine.” Zenon also gives his opinion about other magicians and even groups of magicians, “There is a bizarre sect [of magicians] who call themselves the Bizarrists, and they are very sad people.” To read the Aug. 11 article titled “A tricky customer” click: HERE.(8/11)

NEW JERSEY: Chris Capeheart lectures on Wednesday Aug. 14 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. Hall (20 Pennsylvania Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit — Linden train station) in Linden. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. For more information click: HERE.(8/11)


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