Meir Cameo At Zarrow Lecture

    Although Herb Zarrow (November 4, 1925-May 11, 2008) presented a few mini-lectures over the years he did very few full evening lectures. Probably less than five. When presenting those lectures, he liked to have a break every few routines. To accomplish that he would ask John Mintz, Ron Wohl, and Meir Yedid to do short spots using some of his creations.
    This is Meir Yedid’s casual performance at the first full lecture Herb Zarrow ever did in April 2001. You will get to see Herb’s Swindle Mates that Ricky Jay performed on TV, and his Quad Transposition Plus. Both of those routines are explained in his book Zarrow—A Lifetime Of Magic.
    Between the two routines are the unpublished variations of Herb Zarrow’s Easy Cut Flourish and Swivel Round-A-Bout. The original simple versions appeared in Apocalypse.

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