MT: September 11-17, 2000

VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 987 / Monday – September 11, 2000
The Columbus Magi-Fest will be celebrating its 70th anniversary convention on Feb. 1-3, 2001 at the Columbus Marriott North (6500 Doubletree Ave.) in Columbus, OH. Already booked for the celebration are Norm Nielsen, Michael Ammar, Johnny Ace Palmer, The Majestics, Lupe, Whit Hayden, Dana Daniels, Junge Junge, Rachel Wild, Tom Jones, Sean Boguina, Joel Broock, Ed Ellis, Gregor, Phillip Kaiser, Duane and Mary Laflin, Hank Moorehouse, Joel Ward and more to be announced. If you register before the end of the year you will save $10. For more information phone: 614-299-8995 or e-mail:

Bruce Cervon, Tom Noddy, Mr. Mysto, Murray, Trixie Bond, Scott Hollingsworth, and George Millward appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Sep. 11-17. Scott Hollingsworth lectures on Sunday Sep. 17.(9/11)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 988 / Tuesday – September 12, 2000
Paul Gertner’s photo appeared on the cover of the Marketplace section of the Sep. 11 issue of The Wall Street Journal. The title of the article is “Corporate Hocus-Pocus: Magicians—Presto!—Turn Into Business Motivators And Reap Big Rewards.” The article is about how successful magicians can be in the corporate world, “Prestidigitators who once worked birthday parties for a pittance are now making as much as $20,000 an hour to push corporate themes at meetings, trade shows and training sessions.” Also mentioned in the article were Lisa Menna who receives $60,000 for a three day trade show and Giovanni Livera who received $144,000 for a three day seminar. Story was written by Joel Rosenblatt. Although The Wall Street Journal’s website is by subscription only they do sell a daily pass for a minimal fee.(9/12)

David Blaine lashes out at David Copperfield, “Copperfield, if you keep up these insults, I may have to hire you as my flack.” To read the Page Six article in the Sep. 11 issue of The New York Post click: HERE.(9/12)

T.C. Tahoe and Charles Bach star in “It’s Magic Show” at the Gaslight Theatre, (7010 E. Broadway) in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday Sep. 12 at 7pm. Tickets are available from Williams Magic & Novelties for $10 per person by phoning: 790-4060.(9/12)

Harry Houdini’s 1921 patent for a “diver’s suit” is listed as one of the “Famous patents through U.S. history” in the Sep. 11 issue of USA Today. To read the article click: HERE.(9/12)

VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 989 / Wednesday – September 13, 2000
A new Japanese movie, “Sweet Sweet Ghost,” which is full of magic will open in Tokyo on Friday Sep. 15 and then be released in theaters all over Japan. Well known close-up magician Tomohiro Maeda acted as the magic consultant. The story revolves around a teenager whose uncle is obsessed with ghosts. To find out more about the movie or at least see some stills from the production click: HERE.(9/13)

Hal Zeve died on Sunday Sep. 10 after a battle with cancer. Zeve was a longtime demonstrator at Mecca Magic in New Jersey and was the lecture reviewer for Tannen’s Magic Manuscript. A broken Wand ceremony will be performed for him on Friday Sep. 15 at 11am at the Van Dyke Nursing Home in Montclair, NJ (973-783-9400).(9/13)

Psychologists have concluded that children are, “intrigued by magic tricks at a very young age.” And, in a separate study they, “found that a baby’s memory and ability to distinguish patterns and recognize faces, helped it to realize that magicians were conjuring, even though it could not work out how the trick was done. They may not gasp in disbelief but they do look reliably longer at magic tricks, if only for a few seconds. Toddlers, by contrast, were baffled by basic tricks, though their developing consciousness should have helped them understand what happened.” To read the Sep. 12, Chicago Sun Times, article by Robert Uhlig titled “Native language becomes familiar in womb: study” click: HERE.(9/13)

Jessy Reign performs at the Woodstock Opera House (121 Van Buren Street) in Woodstock, Illinois on Sep. 15-16. For tickets and information phone: 815-338-5300.(9/13)

JAPAN: The 42nd annual Tenyo Magic Festival takes place on Friday Sep. 15 at the Mitsukoshi Gekijo in Tokyo.(9/13)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 990 / Thursday – September 14, 2000
Mecca Magic’s “Rare & Collectible Magic Auction” takes place on Sunday Sep. 17 at 11am. The auction consists of personal magic items from the Ted Collins collection and the collections he has purchased over the years. There are expected to be more than 400 lots consisting mainly of props and smaller illusions from the 1930s-60s. Marrio Carrandi helped organize the auction and will be the auctioneer. There are limited seats available so if you want to be there phone to make a reservation. All lots will have no minimums or reserves. For more information phone Mecca Magic (49 Dodd Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003) at: 973-429-7597.(9/14)

“Magic in the Park” will be presented by the Louisville Magic Club (IBM Okito/Lance Burton Ring #64 and S.A.M Assembly #215) on Saturday Sep. 16 at 8pm at the Iroquois Amphitheater (1080 Amphitheater Rd.) in KY. Performers include: Bob Esher (Emcee), Dennis Alm, Donovan, David Garrard, Jerry & Pat Oliver, Branden Yancey, Claude Thurman, and Marc Daniels. Tickets are $3-$6 and are availble by phoning: 502-363-3792.(9/14)

Eric Citron opens for Joy Behar at Harrah’s in Atlantic City, NJ on Sep. 15-17. They are scheduled to do four shows.(9/14)

OHIO: Komedy Kids Klinic featuring David Ginn, Sammy Smith and Steve Taylor on Sep. 16 at the Nazier Grotto in Canton. The event is being sponsored by The Canton Magicrafters. For reservations phone Tim Royer at: 330-497-8223.(9/14)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 991 / Friday – September 15, 2000
Franz Harary who will be receiving the “Magician of the Year” award on the Sep. 25 telecast of the “World Magic Awards,” (taped this week in Santa Monica), has also been selected to host the new weekly magic series on PAX-TV titled “Masters Of Illusion” which begins airing on Oct. 2. To read the Sep. 14 press release titled “No Rabbits in the Hat for Him: Magician of the Year Says He Has No Illusions About Political Candidates Winning Votes Through Manipulation” click: HERE.(9/15)

CALIFORNIA: David Regal lectures on Monday Sep. 18 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd.) in Burbank. Seating is limited to 25 people and tickets are $25 per person. For more information phone: 818-562-1921 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 992 / Saturday – September 16, 2000
Steve Wyrick is featured on the cover of Las Vegas Review-Journal’s Neon Magazine. Wyrick who opened at the Sahara in Las Vegas with a 75-minute show filled with spectacular illusions and which cost around $7 million to produce describes the show as, “I feel like Lance (Burton) has his niche, Melinda has hers. I’m going for a very different experience than is provided in Las Vegas by any other magician, with the complete theming of the facility and interior… “I’m packaging all that with some unbelievable effects you can’t see anywhere else in Las Vegas.” The show features illusions with helicopters, jet engines, motorcycles, a NASCAR vehicle, and an airplane. To read the Sep. 15 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Steve Wyrick launches his aeronautic-themed magic show at the Sahara” click: HERE.(9/16)

CALIFORNIA: Docc Hilford lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop at the Spanish Cultural Center (2850 Alemany Blvd.) in San Francisco on Tuesday Sep. 19 at 7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(9/16)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 993 / Sunday – September 17, 2000
Dom DiMento’s magic collection and home are featured in the November issue of Traditional Home magazine. The five-page spread features twelve color photographs of the home with its many magical treasures on display. Discussing the type of magic he collects DiMento said, “The paper I collect is quite specific… It’s from the golden age of magic, mid- to late 19th century to the 1920s.” Describing the theme of the displayed part of the collection he said, “The commonality of all of these objects is the notion that the role of the magician as a performer has historically been—and continues to be—quite a significant one… Carefully showcasing these richly visual objects as art throughout our home acknowledges this significance and also lends a magic charm that is both exotic and enchanting.” The story by Eliot Nusbaum titled, “A Magic Transformation,” and photos by Jon Jensen begin on page 86 and the magazine is currently available at most bookstores and magazine stands.(9/17)

David Copperfield resumes his Touring Schedule with shows in Caracas, Venezuela on Sep. 19-24 and in Bogota, Columbia on Sep. 26 – Oct. 1.(9/17)

Jorge Blass, Master Lee, Rocco, Todd Robbins, Frank Brents, Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on Sep. 18 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(9/17)
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