MT: August 14-20, 2000

VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 959 / Monday – August 14, 2000
Lennart Green is headlining the Close-Up Gallery at the Magic Castle this week (Aug. 14-20) where he will be doing six shows per night and a lecture on Sunday for a total of 43 performances in seven days. Also appearing this week are T.C. Tahoe, Andrew Goldenhersh, Tina Lenert, Eugene Burger, Loren C. Michaels, and Monique. For more information click: HERE.(8/14)

The Amazing Johnathan performed in Evansville, IN this weekend and is featured in a Courier & Press article. He is quoted, “I don’t get nervous anymore — even when I’m working on something new. I kind of foolproof it by sandwiching it in between some things I know are crowd-pleasers.” To read the Aug. 10 article by Rebecca Coudret titled “Amazing comedian coming to town” click: HERE.(8/14)

CANADA: The Sorcerer’s Summer Safari, “Canada’s Magic Camp,” for kids takes place on Aug. 14-19. For more information click: HERE.(8/14)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 960 / Tuesday – August 15, 2000
The Attendees at Tannen’s Annual Magic Camp might be surprised on Friday when David Copperfield is scheduled to make an appearance announcing the creation of the “David Copperfield Scholarship.” This year’s magic camp began on Saturday Aug. 12 and runs through the 19th with featured performers, teachers and counselors: Eric DeCamps, Rocco, Tom Ogden, John Ferrantino, Steve Rodman, Hiawatha, Michael Chaut, Simon Lovell, David Oliver, Scot Hitchcock, Mike Carbonaro, Mike Randazzo, Richard Wayne, and many others. To find out more about the annual event or to register for next year phone Tannen’s at: 212-929-4500.(8/15)

The Abbott’s Get-Together is a boom to the economy of Colon, MI. According to a Kalamazoo Gazette article “Business owners and residents look forward to the once-a-year chance to make a profit off their status as Magic Capital of the World.” To read the Aug. 14 article by Sarah Mieras titled “Get-Together is Magic For Colon Businesses” click: HERE.(8/15)

Tim Sonefelt & Rhett Bryson team up to perform in A Magic Spectacular on Friday Aug. 18 at 8pm at the Newberry Opera House (1201 McKibben Sreet) in Newberry, SC. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children. To purchase tickets phone 803-276-6264 or click: HERE.(8/15)

CALIFORNIA: Michael P. Lair lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop at the Fort Mason Center (Building D Room 290) in San Francisco on Thursday Aug. 17 at 7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(8/15)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 961 / Wednesday – August 16, 2000
Magic On The Fringe—
On The Fringe Of Magic? Five shows, all with themes of magic or “the allied arts” will be presented as part of the 4th Annual New York Fringe Festival. For only $12 you can see Mark Mitton in “The Big Tent Show,” Jamy Ian Swiss in “The Honest Liar,” Todd Robbins in “Carnival Knowledge,” Fred Anderson in “Prop Comic!” and “The Curtain Of Light,” a play about Georges Melies. …Go to full story (8/16)

Jerry Sadowitz continues to get great press in conjunction with his one man show. This time the Scotland on Sunday reported that “After a life and career in which more has gone wrong than right, he is …finally having television executives who understand him, promoters whom he trusts, and the prospect of making a reasonable living. What scares him is that someone is going to take it all away again.” To read the Aug. 13 article by Colin Sommerville titled “It’s just an illusion” click: HERE.(8/16)

Verizon cancels a party it had scheduled at the Magic Castle on Tuesday for the Maine Democrats. The official word was that company officials were too busy covering for their striking employees to be able to attend. Unofficially it was cancelled because they feared that “the Democrats were likely to boycott it in support of the striking workers.” To read the Aug. 14 Portland Press Herald, Reporter’s Notebook article by Steven Campbell click: HERE.(8/16)

Phil Keller appears in Summer Fantasia 2000 on Aug. 18-19 at the Shoyo No Ma in Forest-Hills (Toyoya-shi, Aichi-ken) in Japan. Tickets range form 9,000 – 10,000 yen and include a buffet. For more information phone: 565-58-3535.(8/16)

Houdini on a commemorative quarter? A Pioneer Planet article humorously suggested that “Houdini (which would give new meaning to the words, ESCAPE TO WISCONSIN)” could be used on Wisconsin’s quarter which is scheduled to be released in October 2004. To read the Aug. 13 article by Steve Hannah titled “One quarter won’t capture a fraction of Wisconsin” click: HERE.(8/16)

NEW JERSEY: John Mintz will be lecturing on Friday Aug. 18 at 8pm for the SAM Assembly #25 at the VFW Hall (Veterans Place) in Elmwood Park.(8/16)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 962 / Thursday – August 17, 2000
Erdnase appears on the cover of the Aug. 16 Wall Street Journal with an article by Rachel Emma Silverman titled “Into  Thin Air: Writer Reveals Magic Tricks, Then He Disappears.” Although no new information was added for the diehard follower of the near 100-year old puzzle of who wrote The Expert At The Card Table in 1902, there was a summary of where we are in the current search for the man and the latest leads by Richard Hatch and David Alexander. Clues led Hatch to two possible candidates: James Andrews and Edwin  Sumner Andrews, while Alexander is concentrating on Wilbur Edgerton Sanders. Both are trying to definitively prove that their man was Erdnase by making that all important connection to him being able to garner expert magic knowledge and gambling skills while fitting the profile described by the illustrator of the book: Marshall D. Smith. Also mentioned in the article was Martin Gardner who originally found the illustrator and introduced him to the magic fraternity in the 1940s. Hatch pointed out to MagicTimes today that since the article appeared sales of Expert At The Card Table soared at to number seven. To purchase a copy or see the book’s current ranking click: HERE.(8/17)

Jerry Sadowitz and his show are reviewed in The Independent where he is described as, “He tells the single most tasteless joke to be heard in the city this month, certain to be ruined as it spreads by word of mouth; does at least two amazing things with a grapefruit (though he probably knows several more), and vents his spleen on the soft, if deserving, target of David Copperfield… Great stuff. Did I mention that he’s a misanthrope?” To read the Aug. 16 article by Steve Jelbert click: HERE.(8/17)

The Junior Magician’s Club of Calgary was formed by 30 young magicians who meet once a month to practice and learn magic. In a Calgary Sun article Everett Andrews is quoted, “A lot of them come into magic almost accidentally… They pick up an interest from watching TV specials or getting a magic trick for Christmas.” To read the Aug. 16 article by Nova Pierson titled “Magic kids perfect ancient art” click: HERE.(8/17)

Mr. Maric’s Cho-Majyutsu 2000 Encore Live on Aug. 19 at the Kyoto Kaikan Daiichi Hall in Kyoto, Japan. For more information phone: 75-211-0261. The show also appears on Aug. 20 at the Oshaka Kosei Nenkin Kaikan Dai Hall in Osaka. For more information phone: 6-6341-8638.(8/17)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 963 / Friday – August 18, 2000
David Price’s Egyptian Hall Museum of Magical History which is one of the largest collections of magic in the world was purchased by George Daily and Mike Caveney on Aug. 15. The entire collection which was housed in Nashville, TN arrived in York, PA last night. Over the next few weeks the collection will be divided between the two new owners. Caveney’s half will be transported to California where the Egyptian Hall Museum of Magical History will now reside while Daily’s half will be housed in York. Both plan on allowing the vast amount of information to remain accessible to magic researchers and historians. A rumor about this purchase has been circulating for the past few days. George Daily confirmed all of the above information to MagicTimes a few hours after the collection arrived in Pennsylvania. A more in-depth story about this historic purchase will appear in our Spotlight News section next week.(8/18)

Darren Romeo is featured in a Cincinnati Post article in conjunction with his appearance in Abracadabra this weekend. Romeo said that the “Playhouse audiences will find him poised for the next level of magic, where big investment results in big illusions. He’s working on that now and hopes he’ll be headlining a magic show in a Las Vegas showroom within the year.” To read the Aug. 18 article by Jackie Demaline titled “The music of magic: Darren Romeo’s ‘Abracadabra’ act owes a little to a crooner named Darin” click: HERE.(8/18)

Todd Robbins who is appearing in his “Carnival Knowledge” show in New York is featured in a New York Post article where he describes how he learned his trade, “I’ve been very fortunate to know a number of old carnies… I learned all that I do from these veteran sideshow performers. I’ve been very fortunate to carry on these traditions.” Also reported in the article is that the show might open Off-Broadway after this run. To read the Aug. 17 story by Chip Deffaa titled “Carnie Making Waves At Fringe Fest” click: HERE.(8/18)

Scott Interrante’s “Houdini’s Escapes and Illusions” is being presented by the Arena Players Repertory Company at the Second Stage Theater (296 Route 109) in East Farmingdale, NY on Friday and Saturday at 9pm and Sunday at 3pm through Aug. 27. Cost is $10-$19 per person. For tickets and information phone: 516-293-0674.(8/18)

Lyn Dillies produced two Asian elephants during the grand reopening of the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, MA. “Close to 1,000 people were on hand to view the illusion, which was performed twice during the weekend celebration.” To read the Internet Wire story titled “Nationally Renowned Illusionist Defies The Depths Of Animal Illusions Making Magic History” click: HERE.(8/18)

Nicholas Night and Kinga are described as embodying “…the artistry of magic in a strikingly visual form.” in a Cincinnati Post article. To read the Aug. 17 article titled “Making magic: Abracadabra at the playhouse” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(8/18)

An encounter with Jerry Sadowitz is described in The Scotsman. To read the Aug. 17 article titled “Edinburgh Diary” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(8/18)

Michael Winters who performed at the Hepburn Center in Florida is featured in the Miami Herald. To read the Aug. 17 article by Colleen Warren titled “Magic dazzles children at Hallandale library” click: HERE.(8/18)

JAPAN: The UGM Lecture Convention 2000 takes place on Aug. 20 at the Nagoya Kanko Hotel in Nagoya. Scheduled performers are Tony Clark, Rich Bloch, Kazu Katayama, Yuji Yamamoto, Kuniyasu Fujiwara, Ken Masaki, and Kenji Minemura. Registration is 6,000 – 10,000 yen. For more information phone: 052-936-0657, e-mail: or click: HERE.(8/18)

JAPAN: Fukai’s Fushigi Yose (Mysterious Show) & Workshop on Aug. 20 at the Vimarisse in Osaka. Performers include Hiromasa Fukai, Dream Ikenaga, Bonber Hata, Hideki Tani, Takanobu Ishida, and Katsuya  Masuda for more information phone: 726-88-0618 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 964 / Saturday – August 19, 2000
Richard Robinson and his websites are the feature of a Deseret News article. Robinson who is described as a pioneer of bringing magic to the World Wide Web explains, “The way I see it, everything on the Web is special interest… We’re the 501st channel that’s never going to be on your TV set. If magic is your escape from reality, (my Web sites) are always there for you.” The purpose for bringing magic to the web is to help preserve magic for the future, Robinson explains, “With a new medium, there has to be a time where the magician jumps ahead… If not, magic will be gone for good.” Robinson’s many websites and features are described as candy for the eyes, ears and the imagination. Websites mentioned and discussed:,,,,,, and To read the Aug. 18 article by Preston Truman titled “Need to escape? Magic of Internet thrills Web wizard” click: HERE.(8/19)

Michael Makman, “Professor Putter,” is featured in a New York Times article about his uses for the New York MetroCards. He has been cutting and folding them into many shapes and has even written a book about them in his new book “MetroCard Mania With Professor Putter.” To read the Aug. 18 article by Lynda Richardson titled “Old MetroCards as Origami, Not Litter” click: HERE.(8/19)
–To purchase MetroCard Mania from click: HERE.

UTAH: David Regal, Jim Pace, and Dan Paulus lecture at IBM Ring #193’s Day Of Magic on Saturday Aug. 19 at Kim Walkowski Cabin (2020 Lamb’s Canyons) in  Salt Lake City. Registration for the day is $25.(8/19)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 965 / Sunday – August 20, 2000
Marc Salem’s Mind Games which has taken New York City by storm will be making a special one-night only appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland on Monday Aug. 21 at 9:40pm. The show will take place at the Assembly Rooms (54 George Street). Tickets are available at the Fringe Box Office by phoning: 0131-226-5138.(8/20)

Michael Chaut, Chris McDaniel, and Bobby Baxter appear at Monday Night Magic on Aug. 21 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(8/20)

CARACAS: Rafael Benatar lectures for Peña Mágica de Caracas (Caracas Club) on Aug. 22, at the Caracas Theater Club (Calle Chivacoa, San Román)- for more information e-mail:
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