The British are coming… The British are coming… in an army of one, and his name is a household word in Europe and many other parts of the globe. Ladies and gentleman, it is my supreme honor to introduce you to perhaps the most influential magician of the modern age: Paul Daniels.
His medium: TV. His ethics: rock solid. He’s a Yorkshire fellow and though they speak funny up there, Paul Daniels is a man’s man who pulls no punches and delivers…a man who has enjoyed international success on stage, screen and TV. And now, this man of too many marvels to list here is conducting a very rare master class attended by such magical luminaries as Mac King, Lance Burton, Kevin James, Jeff McBride, Bill Malone and Eugene Burger. Indeed, Lance Burton calls him, “The finest magician of the past century.” Comments below are from the recent Sydney, Australia & UK Master Class events.
“The man’s a genius. His information was extremely well organized and concise. He allowed ample time for questions and consistently gave detailed answers with you in mind. It was worth every penny and I felt truly honored by his presence.” -Michael Stavrou |

What hasn’t he done is the better question with Mr. Daniels! He lived in 007 Roger Moore’s old house (is that cool or what?)! He’s caught bullets in his teeth fired by one of the marksman who was there on March 23, 1918 firing at another bullet catcher named Chung Ling Soo! He’s made elephants vanish inside a soccer stadium. He’s monkeyed with monkeys and probably enjoyed it more than his diaper-clad primate pals. He’s the subject of a book by the venerable producer and historian John Fisher. He’s even turned down opportunities for a long-term Broadway and Vegas illusion show because he wanted to stay near his family. Daniels has not only produced the longest running magic series in history, he has run his career in a Houdini-like way, and I for one salute him.
“I haven’t stopped thinking since the lecture and I have already worked out an avenue for afternoon radio and some breakfast live TV. ” -John Barrand |

Paul Daniels comes from common stock and delivers like a king. I have seen him raise an audience of 3000 to their feet screaming “bravo” in an old theater in Eastbourne, and all he had on him was a cup and a ball. Listen up — those who miss this Master of magic in his forthcoming appearances in Chicago, New York, Orlando, Los Angeles and Las Vegas will really miss something rare. Think about it, if so many of our own American magic greats are registered as delegates, that says it all. They are in the know. In fact, many of them got their first break on Paul’s BBC TV show. If you see one magician live this year, see Paul Daniels. It’s really that simple.
He is the first international recipient of the Magic Castle’s Magician of the Year award in 1983. TV’s most coveted Golden Rose Montreaux Award (the Euro Emmy) went to his 1985 Easter Magic Show. From a close-up illusion to a gigantic stadium production, his magic has won hearts literally the world over, and he makes every kind of magic entertaining and baffling.
“You will find plenty of ideas to increase your income and make your act much better.” -Martin Key |

It’s often been said that Paul Daniels is “the British Johnny Carson.” He reminds me of a mixture of Carson (himself a fine magician let’s remember) and James Cagney. One time I saw his stocky small frame maneuver itself into the hearts of every diner in the Holland Park hotel, and all he had to do was pull the trigger. He could have done it at any time. Think about that ability. He kind of mesmerized everyone in the place, left a few hostesses aghast at his comedic wizardry and then whispered to me as we made our way through the well wishers, “I’m a damn good magician, even though I hide it under a lot of comedy.” Not that I needed any convincing.
“Paul did a great job. I found it inspiring…with new ideas which I can easily implement.” -Alan Watson |
In this seminar you will hear a master speak the language of show business; an interpretation by a world-class entertainer. You will become a better magician from experiencing Paul Daniels. At the very least, you will understand the art of magic a whole lot better than you do now.
Apparently the master is about to tip his mitt in a big way. Not only will I be there, I know a lot of others who can’t wait for the date. I care what Paul has to say. But, I like watching others watch him for the first time, and slowly watch their hearts and minds melt. A veteran of thousands of hours on TV who can also do it live is something you don’t want to miss.
OK, stop reading. You better get busy with a credit card and some email…now — Before all the US seats are sold out.
The official website for Paul Daniels Masterclass is: http://www.pdmasterclass.com
Tour Schedule: |
Saturday April 12 at 10am-5pm in Chicago (Jay Marshall’s Magic INC Theatre) |
Sunday Apr. 13 at 10am-5pm in New York (McGinn Theatre – Home of Monday Night Magic) |
Tuesday Apr. 15 at 7pm-10:30pm in Orlando (Special evening lecture at Hilton Hotel, Altamonte off I-4) |
Saturday Apr. 19 at 10am-5pm in Las Vegas (Jeff McBride’s Magic Centre in Las Vegas) |
Sunday Apr. 20 at 10am-5pm in Los Angeles (Double Tree Guest Suites Hotel in Santa Monica off I-10) |
For more information about any of the events you may contact:
Andrew Lock
E-mail: info@pdmasterclass.com
Phone in the UK: 011-44-1344-222304
—Ben Robinson
Ben Robinson is a magician and writer who lives in New York City. He wrote “Twelve Have Died,” the definitive book on the Bullet Catch, and is a recipient of the Milbourne Christopher Foundation award for his notable contributions to magic. He is the co-founder of The Art Rock ‘N Roll Circus and produced STOMP at Lincoln Center. His latest book “Ben Robinson On Synchronicity” was published last year on CD. For more information visit: www.illusiongenius.com.