Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,023
June 29, 2022
Many magicians know that I collect Finger Choppers, but my friends know that I have been an obsessive accumulator of anything that has to do with hands and fingers. They often find stuff at toy stores, antique stores, or on their travels that they buy and gift me.
One of the cool finger magic pieces that I really liked was invented by Toru Suzuki and was released by Tenyo in 1994. It is an illusion where you apparently cut your finger or any object of that shape with built-in scissors, show it severed, and restore it.
I always thought about making a large, forward facing, one for stage that would apparently cut my wrist. Also considered making one as a shadow box art piece that can hang on a wall until you want to demonstrate the illusion. Never followed up on those ideas but remembered them when Tenyo recently rereleased Oh No!
►Oh No!:
This looks like a perfect stage illusion done in miniature. It even uses a method that is often associated with stage magic.
You display a small box with built in scissors and a tube down the center. You place your finger (or any similarly shaped object like a borrowed pen) into the tube from underneath so it protrudes from the top of the tube.
The scissors are then used to apparently cut through your finger and as a convincer you lift half the tube to show that the middle of the finger is completely gone even though the fingertip sticking out of the tube is still there and wiggling.
Watch and buy: HERE
Just received a small shipment of this fabulous rope routine by Tenyo which coincidentally was also invented by Toru. Keep in mind that when you purchase this directly from me you also get a video tutorial and an instructional pdf that is immediately accessible in your MyMagic account.
►Four Nightmares DX:
This is a beautiful rope routine created by Mr. Suzuki that uses a special set of gaffed ropes. With these ropes and very little effort you will be able to present a routine that you will carry with you for both stage and close-up performances.
This edition features five phases where two unequal ropes stretch to the same size, they are tied together and merge into one rope, a knot is tied in the center and visually slid off, another larger knot is formed and slid off to form a loop, as a finale the loop and rope meld together into one rope.
Watch and buy: HERE
I have been slowly going through old VHS tapes and digitizing them. The first batch of tapes are of my TV appearances. I want to eventually archive all of them on MagicTimes.
The one I did this week was my appearance on Marco Tempest’s The Virtual Magician series.
I think you will like it. Especially the opening segment. It makes me smile every time I see it.
Take a look: HERE
You get two versions you can perform. A comedic one using an extra sheet of horoscopes and the standard serious version using the horoscopes printed on the back of the card case.
The basic routine begins with you showing a blue deck of cards with one red prediction card hidden inside. A spectator is given access to a horoscope for them to find their sign and lucky number.
They use that number to count down to a card in the deck. When the red prediction card is removed from the deck, written on its back is the name of the selected card and the astrological sign of the spectator.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Wanted to remind anyone who performs with the Rainbow Film technology that you must read the updates: HERE