MT: January 11-17, 1999

VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 378 / Monday – January 11, 1999
Jeff Steele, George Tovar, Ken Smith, T. C. Tahoe, Jonathan Neal, Ardan James, Sylvester the Jester, and Pete McLeod appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jan. 11-17. Loren C. Michaels lectures on Sunday Jan. 17.(1/11)

Hal Hale, the Magic Castle Librarian, passed away last week. No further details available.(1/11)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 379 / Tuesday – January 12, 1999
A bomb scare forced the evacuation of two Atlanta office buildings last Thursday. It seems that an amateur magician ordered a box of ‘novelty flash devices’ and a co-worker picket one up and ignited it. After the incident police and federal agents ordered about 75 people to leave the buildings for about two hours while they searched for other possible devices. Fulton County police say no charges will be filed.(1/12)

Johnny Gaughan and Bill Smith are featured on “The Builders” episode of “Grand Illusions: The Story Of Magic” on the Canadian Discovery channel, Tuesday Jan. 12 at 9:30pm and again on Jan. 13 at 1:30am & 4:30am, Jan. 16 at 7:30pm and Jan. 17 at 3:30pm ET.(1/12)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 380 / Wednesday – January 13, 1999
Tomas Kubinek a “Certified Lunatic and Master of the Impossible” performed his one-man show last Sunday at the John Harms Center, Englewood, NJ. He described his start as: “I went to the circus with my dad and saw a bunch of performers there, and then I started to be interested in magic, too. So I’d go to the library and get different books on clowning, magic, and daredevils.” To read the whole story by Filomena Gomes which appeared in the Jan. 8 Bergen Record click: HERE.(1/13)

Dana Daniels to join Dick Fosters Eclipse at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe on Feb. 26 through Mar. 7.(1/13)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 381 / Thursday – January 14, 1999
The World Magic Seminar XXII under the new management of Rich Bloch, Nick Ruggiero and Joe Stevens will take place on Feb. 28 – Mar. 3 at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. The convention is almost sold out so if you are interested in attending contact them now. If you have not made up your mind yet maybe this exclusive list of scheduled performers, speakers and lecturers might help: Ed Alonzo, Gay Blackstone, Paul Cummins, Robin Dewitt, The Evasons, Chuck Fayne, John Ferrentino, George Honda, Vlademire Kolmykov, Dick Koornwinder, Lorne Christopher Michaels, Mystina, Owens Magic, Peter Pit, Der Plebsbuttel, Owen Redwine, Charles Reynolds, David Roth, Marvyn & Carol Roy, Nick Ruggiero, Hero Sakai, Bill Schmeelk, Sylvia Schuyler, Sumie Shoukyokusai, Bill Smith, Mr. Suzuki, Rick Thomas, Voronin, Fielding West, Ken Whittaker, David Williamson, Tommy Wonder, and many more. And don’t forget Siegfried & Roy and Lance Burton. For more information and registration phone: 800-219-2200, e-mail:, or visit their website by clicking: HERE.(1/14)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 382 / Friday – January 15, 1999
Derek Hughes performs his one-man show “Magic Exists” on Friday Jan. 15 and Saturday Jan. 16 at 8pm at Locus Media Inc. 594 Broadway (between Houston and Prince St.), Suite 1010, NYC. Tickets are $10 each. For more information phone: 212-219-3088.(1/15)

Harry Allen, Mick Ayres, Michael Barefoote, Jair Bonair, Eugene Burger, Dave Chandler, Chris Fariah, Alain Nu, and Carl Skenes appear at SCAM (South Carolina Association Of Magicians) one day convention in Columbia, SC on Saturday Jan. 16. For more info visit their website by clicking: HERE.(1/15)

The children’s show “Zoom” features segments on performing magic on Friday Jan. 15 at 4pm ET on PBS-TV (US). This show is syndicated and will appear at different times depending on where you live.(1/15)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 383 / Saturday – January 16, 1999
Steve Spill’s Magicopolis in Santa Monica is featured in the Jan. 14 issue of the Los Angeles Times. Spill describes Magicopolis as, “…more of a family experience as opposed to a nightclub or a Las Vegas-y kind of a thing. At the same time I want it to be a cutting-edge experience. We’re still going for a high level of excellence.” Also is mention of Bob Sheets and The Gamesters which star in the current show. Spill also discusses a new type of, soap opera style, magic show with a continuous story line which changes every six weeks. To read the story by Jon Matsumoto click: HERE.(1/16)

Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company, opens it’s Winter/Spring 1999 Season on Sunday Jan. 17 with performances every Sunday in January at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(1/16)

Alan Shaxon does magic in the “Mr. Bean Goes to Town” episode of Mr. Bean on Sunday Jan. 17 at 4pm on FAM-TV (US-cable).(1/16)

A psychic murders a magician in his own guillotine on the “Columbo Goes To Guillotine” episode of Columbo on Sunday Jan. 17 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(1/16)

A magic themed episode of the Flash titled “The Trickster” on Sunday Jan. 17 at 11am ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(1/16)
VOLUME: 13 / ISSUE: 384 / Sunday – January 17, 1999
Hilary Chaplain, Tom Durnin, and Rich Bloch appear at Monday Night Magic on Jan. 18 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(1/17)

J.B. Benn, Juliana Chen, Greg Frewin, The Amazing Johnathan, Tim Kole & Jenny Lynn, Nicholas Night & Kinga, Sylvester the Jester and highlights from the Monte Carlo Grand Prix of Magic, with hosts Princess Stephanie and David Chokachee on Champions of Magic III on Monday Jan. 18 at 8pm ET on ABC-TV (US).(1/17)

The Amazing Randi plays an ailing escape artist in “The Magic Show” episode of “Happy Days” on Monday Jan. 18 at 10pm and Tuesday Jan. 19 at 3am ET on NICK-TV (US-cable).(1/17)
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