MT: September 18-24, 2000

VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 994 / Monday – September 18, 2000
”Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company” which opens next week in Beverly, MA. will be celebrating its 25th season and is the feature of a Boston Globe article. Cesareo Pelaez, founder of the magic company discussed how the show evolves, ”I am always listening to the audience, and what is not working, we take out. We learn what to do, and what not to do, from the response of the audience. No matter how beautiful I think an illusion is, if it doesn’t work, that’s it — we have built things that we used only three or four times.” This story is an honest and fair history of this magic troupe which has performed more than 2,000 shows in the past 25 years. You will find out more than you thought you knew about this very magical company. To read the Sep. 17 story by Richard Dyer titled “Grand illusion: The magic of Le Grand David continues” click: HERE.(9/18)

Aldo Colombini, Fernando Keops, Len Reid, Bob Dorian, Mike Wong, Eric Buss, Loren C. Michaels, and Bob Stone appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Sep. 18-24. Aldo Colombini lectures on Sunday Sep. 24.(9/18)

Paul Kozak performs at the Funny Bone Comedy Club (West Port Plaza, Interstate 270 and Page Avenue) in Maryland Heights, MO on Sep. 20 at 8pm.(9/18)

PENNSYLVANIA: Whit Haydn lectures on Wednesday Sep. 20 for Marc DeSouza in Gulf Mills. The cost is $15.00. For more information phone: 610-941-4132 or 6l0-668-9300.(9/18)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 995 / Tuesday – September 19, 2000
Geoffrey Durham is featured in the Scotland Evening News. Durham who performed under the name, Great Suprendo explained the character, “I tried to get the tricks right, which most comedy magicians don’t do… I started to get into being the best I could and that started to conflict with what was essentially a novelty act. The way to do good magic is to be yourself.” To read the Sep. 14 article in the Sep. 14 Evening News titled, “Magic Show There, Geoff” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(9/19)

The annual Magician’s Mystic Convention in Dublin, Ireland is profiled in the Irish Independent. Mentioned in the article were David Stone and John Bowden. Bowden is quoted, “Magicians use their skills to entertain but you must know when enough is enough. It’s best to leave your audience wanting more.” To read the Sep. 18 article by Bill Corcoran titled “Magicians conjure up a host of deft new tricks” click: HERE.(9/19)

The Flying Karamazov Brothers who performed last weekend in Salt Lake City are featured in a Salt Lake Tribune article. The focus of the article are the many new technologically aided routines using props which were designed for them by MIT Labs. To read the Sep. 15 article by Vince Horiuchi titled “Something Different in the Air: The Flying Karamazov Brothers take juggling to new heights” click: HERE.(9/19)

Sean Bogunia who won the competition at the 63rd Annual Abbott’s Magic Get-Together in Colon, MI is spotlighted in the South Bend Tribune. To read the Sep. 11 article click: HERE.(9/19)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 996 / Wednesday – September 20, 2000
David Copperfield will be honored with a set of four stamps issued in the Caribbean. The unveiling is scheduled to take place on Oct. 19 at Grand Central Terminal in New York City where Copperfield will autograph the stamps. The stamps will be issued by the countries: St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Grenada, Nevis and Dominica. Grenada will also issue a series titled “Discover the Magic of Stamps” which will feature Harry Houdini, Harry Kellar and Howard Thurston. To read the Sep. 19 Reuters story titled “Presto! Magician Copperfield appears on stamps” click: HERE.(9/20)

Lance Burton and five other Las Vegas acts will be inducted into the Casino Legends Hall of Fame as “Las Vegas Living Legends” on Friday, Sept. 22 at the Tiffany Showroom at the Tropicana Resort & Casino.(9/20)

Teller is one of the stars in the “The Fantasticks” movie which opens on Sep. 22 in select theaters around the U.S.(9/20)

Geoffrey Durham’s show at the Brunton Theatre is reviewed in the Scotland Evening News. To read the Sep. 15 review titled “You’ll like this . . a lot” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(9/20)

SPAIN: The 12th International Magic Convention of Vitoria-Gasteiz sponsored by Association of Illusionists of Alava takes place on Sep. 22-24. The convention includes a visit to the Museum of Playing Cards. For more information e-mail Juan Carlos Ruiz de Arcaute at:
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 997 / Thursday – September 21, 2000
Rouclere SAM Assembly #25’s Annual Banquet & Magic Show takes place on Friday Sep. 22 at 7:30pm at the Russian Hall (4 Woodhull Ave., Little Falls, NJ). This year’s stage performers are: Ali Bongo, Whit Haydn, Jeff O’Lear, and Meir Yedid who will Emcee. Close-up performers will include: George Schindler, Eric DeCamps, Rich Marotta, Simon Lovell, Bob Delaney, Mike Bornstein, John Mintz, Richard Bangs, Ron Wohl, Mel Fields, Mike Randazzo, Warren Kaps and many others. This show, which usually sells-out months in advance, has some openings this year due to some last minute cancellations. If you want to go, phone Adrian Kuiper at 908-369-1227 for a reservation (or phone 201-797-5504). Tickets are $30 per person and include the close-up shows, stage show and dinner.(9/21)

David Blaine: Street Magic which was rerun on Saturday Sep. 16 on ABC-TV finished 65th in the Nielsen ratings for the week of Sep. 11-17. It received a rating of 4.1 which means that it was viewed in more than four million households.(9/21)

F.A.O. Schwarz’ fall catalogs include, “Marvin’s Magic Experience.” For only $20,000 you get a trip to the Magic Circle in London where you get to participate in a workshop with some of it’s members, a tour of Marvin’s offices, dinner with Marvin Berglas, a Taxi tour of London, roundtrip airfare and three nights in a hotel. To order your trip or read more about it click: HERE.(9/21)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 998 / Friday – September 22, 2000
Masters of Illusion To Magically Appear On Stamps…
Four Nations To Issue ‘Postage Stamps’ Honoring David Copperfield, Harry Houdini and Prior Magic Legends In A Public Ceremony At New York’s Grand Central Station. For the first time in the history of postage stamps, the art of magic and illusion will be recognized when four nations pay tribute to David Copperfield, Harry Houdini and past magical masters. On Thursday, October 19, David Copperfield, and three of magic’s most legendary artists will be honored in a postal series entitled ‘Discover The Magic of Stamps’. …Go to full story.(9/22)

The sale and auction of the duplicates from the Egyptian Hall Museum of Magical History takes place on Saturday Sep. 23 and Sunday Sep. 24 at the Yazoo Mills (305 Commerce St.) in New Oxford, PA. There will be around 2,000 items up for sale with many of them having significant historical value. This could very well turn out to be the event that everyone who attends will be able to tell stories about for a long time to come (kind of the Woodstock of magic collectibles). Prices of the items will range from $10 to $25,000 which will allow everyone to walk away with a piece of magic history. More that 150 magicians and collectors are expected to attend. If you have a genuine interest, and decide to go at the last minute without a reservation — we have made special arrangements with George Daily and Mike Caveney to allow you in to the Fixed-Price Sale on Saturday at 2pm — all you have to do is mention MagicTimes at the door. You will still have to make a reservation for the Sunday Auction by letting them know on Saturday or e-mailing them at:
–To find out more about the Egyptian Hall click: HERE.
–To find out more about the sale and auction click: HERE.(9/22)

Mandy Muden is featured in an Evening Standard – London article where she describes the many advantages in being a magician and the many costs incurred. She was recently flown to Lebanon for a one hour show, “I was booked to perform at a wedding… I spent the rest of the week shopping, sightseeing and swimming. It was great.” To read the Sep. 21 article by Judith Zerdin titled “Vanishing Tricks” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(9/22)

Harley Neuman performs on Saturday Sep. 23 at 2:30pm at Becker College’s Daniels Hall in Leicester, MA as part of the Harvest Fair 2000.(9/22)

David Kaplan who performed at Stuart’s Opera House in Nelsonville, OH on Thursday is featured in an Ohio University Post article. To read the Sep. 20 story by Tiffany Royal titled “Ohio U. gets another taste of plate spinning, bean bag juggling, ESP” click: HERE.(9/22)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 999 / Saturday – September 23, 2000
John Bundy & Morgan star in Spooktacular which opens on Sep. 23 at Worlds of Fun Amusement Park in Kansas City, MO. This is the seventh season they have performed this magical extravaganza. This year they will be joined by a cast of seven and will present thirteen major illusions in the thirty minute show. All shows run four times a day, every weekend through Oct. 22 at the 1,500-seat Tivoli Music Hall.(9/23)

Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company which is recognized as, “the longest-running, resident stage magic production/show” in the world by the Guinness World Records, opens it’s 25th season on Sunday Sep. 24 at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Shows will continue every Sunday at 3pm for the rest of the year. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more information and tickets phone: 978-927-3677.(9/23)

Lance Burton has just found out that he has an 18-year-old son. He met his son for the first time earlier this month and had a DNA test to prove that it was indeed his son. Burton described the meeting as “looking across at a mirror… His resemblance, his mannerisms … it was uncanny.” To read the Sep. 22 Associated Press story which appeared in the Las Vegas Sun titled “Burton finds out 18 years later he has a son” click: HERE.(9/23)

Dave Womach who won the junior stage competition at the PCAM convention in Portland is featured in The Spokesman-Review. Womach who will be performing his full evening show, “Family Night of Magic & Illusion” on Saturday said, “Magic has always been something I knew I wanted to do.” Also on the show are Doug Malloy and  Juggling Josh. To read the Sep. 21 article by Doug Clark titled “Teen’s magical career a labor of love” click: HERE.(9/23)
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 1,000 / Sunday – September 24, 2000
Lance Burton said after discovering he had an 18 year old son, “At this time in my life this has been a wonderful blessing.” To read the Sep. 22 Las Vegas Review-Journal story by Norm Clarke titled “Burton finds out 18 years later he has a son” click: HERE.(9/24)

The International Brotherhood Of Magicians (IBM) Ring #49 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada has renamed its club in honor of Doug Henning who was a member while attending college. The new name is: “The Doug Henning Magic Wand Club.” To visit their new website click: HERE.(9/24)

ENGLAND: The 64th annual British Ring Convention takes place on Sep. 26 through Oct. 1 in Eastbourne. Featured performers this year are: Billy McComb, Goldfinger & Dove, Tommy Wonder, The Evasons, Peter Marvey, Dominique Duvivier, Rich Bloch, Murray, Roger Crosthwaite, Ali Bongo, Shirley Ray, David Wood, Colin Rose, Julius Frack, Peggy Fox, Tensai, Carlijn, Nicholas Einhorn, Steve Bedwell, Terry Seabrook, Amethyst, Versin, and many others. The six day event includes workshops, seminars, banquet, dealers’ fair, close-up, cabaret, competitions, and full-evening gala shows. Tickets to the gala shows are available through the Congress Theatre box office by phoning: 01323-412000.(9/24)
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