VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,036 / Monday – October 30, 2000 |
Dixie Dooley’s attempt to contact Houdini in a Halloween Séance is covered in a Las Vegas Sun article. Part of the article is an interview with Dooley about Houdini, his life, the séance, and his career. To read the Oct. 28 article by Kirk Baird titled “Summoning the Spirit” click: HERE.(10/30) Tony DeLap’s 40-year body of artwork is profiled in The Orange County Register. The work is described as “…DeLap has created a deceptive dimensionality that toys with the viewer’s perceptions.” The article concludes, “But like any magician worth his salt, DeLap does not reveal his secrets, and one is often left wondering, ‘How did he do that?’ This, of course, is half the fun.” To read the Oct. 29 article by Sara Wolf titled “Not so simple: Beneath the cool surfaces of Tony DeLap’s work is a complexity that grows the longer you look” click: HERE.(10/30) Kristoffer Olson who plans on making magic part of his career is profiled in the Red Wing Republican Eagle. Describing his passion he said, “The theatrical aspect is one of the things I love about magic… It’ s all about creating a character and a story line.” To read the Oct. 29 article by Ruth Nerhaugen titled “17-year-old has been a magic man for most of his life” click: HERE.(10/30) Tony Clark, Earl Nelson, Doug Malloy, Monte Smith, Lou Serrano, George Tovar, Ross Horwitz appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Oct. 30-Nov. 5. Ross Horwitz lectures on Sunday Nov. 5.(10/30) Halloween has always created work for magicians and magicians have also contributed their services to many charities during the week preceding Halloween. Practically all regular magic venues have a Halloween package and many clubs and community centers feature magic. This year’s features include Ben Robinson in New York City, Dixie Dooley in Las Vegas, The Manipulator in Santa Monica, Neal Bacon in Canada, J. Wm. Johnson in Joplin, and much more. See below.(10/30) Ben Robinson performs on Oct. 31 at 9:30pm and midnight at the Circa Tabac (32 Watts Street) in New York City. Tickets are $30 per person and include two drinks. For tickets and information phone: 212-941-1781.(10/30) The 15th Annual Las Vegas Houdini Séance takes place after Dixie Dooley’s show “Houdini Lives Again” on Oct. 31 at the Plaza Hotel/Casino (1 Main street) in Las Vegas, NV. For more information phone: 702-457-8448.(10/30) The Manipulator and the Miss Direction Girlz premiere their new high energy show at the Arcadia night club on the Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica CA on Oct. 31 at 8pm. Tickets are available by phoning: 818-688-3810.(10/30) Neale Bacon performs his “Halloween Alternative” show which he describes as, “…an outreach to kids in the area and a safe Halloween activity,” at the Salvation Army Cariboo Hill Temple in Burnaby, BC on Oct. 31 at 7pm. For more information phone Neale Bacon at: 604-525-5089.(10/30) J. Wm. Johnson performs at the John Q. Hammons Trade Center (I-44 and U.S.71) in Joplin, MO. on Oct. 31. The show which includes a tribute to Houdini is sponsored by KSN-TV16 and the Children’s Miracle Network. Admission is free. For more information phone: 417-625-6639.(10/30) Jayson & Jessica Morrison perform at downtown Kernersville, NC on Oct. 31 at 6pm and 8pm. Show is free to the public.(10/30) |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,037 / Tuesday – October 31, 2000 |
![]() David Copperfield does a web chat on msn.com on Tuesday Oct. 31 at 6pm.(10/31) Richard Robinson’s Magic Show (www.allmagic.com) is profiled in The Straits Times where it is called, “…you’ve come to the perfect guide to initiate you into everything from card illusions to stage magic.” To read the Oct. 29 article titled “Let’s hear it for the Net” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(10/31) Michael Messing who describes his show as, “My shows emphasize magic that not only mystifies people but lets everyone be involved as much as possible and to have a really good time,” is in The Knoxville News-Sentinel. To read the Oct. 22 article titled “Museum sets Halloween party” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(10/31) |
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,038 / Wednesday – November 1, 2000 |
![]() Shahid Malik freed himself from a straightjacket in 40 seconds while hanging 18 feet above Trafalgar Square in London to commemorate Houdini’s death 74 years ago. To read the Oct. 31 Nando Times story titled “Magician breaks straitjacket-escape record” click: HERE.(11/1) Dilip is “…one of the country’s [India] highest paid restaurant performers, seen at the top hotel chains.” He will be performing at the Le Royal Meridien Nov. 2 and is featured in The Hindu. To read the Oct. 31 article by T. S. Shankar titled “Weaving a magical web” click: HERE.(11/1) James Randi, his foundation and the million dollar challenge are mentioned in a CNN story about the occult. Also mentioned in the article is Kreskin. To read the Oct. 31 article by Porter Anderson titled “Occupational occult: Voices and vocation” click: HERE.(11/1) Dixie Dooley’s 15th Houdini Séance in reported in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Dooley is quoted, “Houdini never actually claimed he would return from the dead… But he said that if there was a way to escape the afterlife, he would be the one to do it.” To read the Oct. 31 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Magician Dooley seeks contact with Houdini in annual séance” click: HERE.(11/1) Joe Romano performs at the Larry King Cardiac Foundation Benefit Dinner on Nov. 3 at the New Ritz Carlton in Washington DC. This is Romano’s fifth appearance at the benefit which raises awareness about heart disease. For more information or to make a donation click: HERE.(11/1) FLORIDA: Magic On The Beach VI hosted by the Syd Bergson, IBM Ring 45 will feature Jade, Jason Byrne, Mike Caveney, Tina Lenert, Aldo Colombini, Michael P. Lair, Sparks Magic, and Paul Cummins. All festivities take place on Nov. 3-5 at the Ramada Plaza Marco Polo Beach Resort (19201 Collins Ave) in N. Miami. Registration is $65 per person. For more information click: HERE.(11/1) NEW YORK: Bob King lectures for IBM Ring #244 on Thursday Nov. 2 at 8pm at the Syosset Library in Long Island. Cost is $10 per person. For more information phone Bob Lusthaus at: 516- 937-1366.(11/1)PRESS RELEASE: ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS. |
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,039 / Thursday – November 2, 2000 |
![]() Dave Womach performs on Nov. 4 at 7:30pm at the First Church of the Nazarene (9004 N. Country Homes Blvd.) in Spokane, WA. The show is a benefit for the North Side Bus Service. Tickets are $5 each and are available b phoning: 238-5007.(11/2) Seems like Siegfried & Roy won over the execs from the World Zoo Organization which objects to the use of animals in shows. To read the Oct. 30 Las Vegas Review-Journal article by Norm titled “Good time had by all at Club Rubber Halloween Ball” click: HERE.(11/2) |
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,040 / Friday – November 3, 2000 |
![]() The It’s Magic touring show featuring Dimmare, Bob Borgia, Fielding West, Roy Davenport, Willie Tyler & Lester, and Ed Alonzo can be seen at the California Center For The Arts in Escondido on Saturday Nov. 4 at 2pm and 8pm. Tickets are $24 per person and are available by phoning: 800-98-TICKETS.(11/3) Le Grand David’s Anthology of Stage Magic will appear on Saturday Nov. 4, 11, and 25 at 2pm with a special show on Friday Nov. 24 at 2pm at the Larcom Theatre (13 Wallis Street) in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more information and tickets phone: 978-927-3677.(11/3) Magic On The Beach convention in Florida is written up in the Miami Herald. Jason Byrne, Jade, Tina Lenert, Mike Caveney, Michael P. Lair, and Aldo Colombini will perform on their Saturday night show which is open to the public. To read the Nov. 2 article titled “Magicians to perform Saturday” click: HERE.(11/3) Scott Sullivan who won several awards at the recent Magicians’ Alliance of Eastern States convention is profiled in the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal. To read the Nov. 1 article by Tom Knapp titled “Marietta native dials winner in magic contest” click: HERE.(11/3) |
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,041 / Saturday – November 4, 2000 |
![]() PENNSYLVANIA: Max Maven lectures on Tuesday Nov. 7 for Marc DeSouza in Gulf Mills. The cost is $30.00. For more information phone: 610-941-4132 or 6l0-668-9300.(11/4) |
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,042 / Sunday – November 5, 2000 |
Paul Daniels has been in the press after he canceled two of the Ballet Imaginaire shows in Dundee, Scotland at the last minute. It seems that the stage was not big enough for the stage designs and lighting rigs were too heavy to be used in the theater. The theater operators noted that only 80 seats were pre-sold for the two performances. The show continues its run through Scotland. To read the Nov. 3 Herald article titled “Anger as magician vanishes because venue is too small” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/5) –To read the Nov. 3 Scottish Daily Record article titled “Disappearing act by magic man Daniels” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/5) –To read the Nov. 3 Scotsman article titled “Disappearing act” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/5) Max Maven, Joe Monti, David Oliver, Todd Robbins, Michael Chaut, Jamy Ian Swiss, and Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 6 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/5) |
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