Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,182
March 6, 2024
Paul Hallas recently sent me some gifts. Two of them were packet tricks that I really liked. I asked if I could offer them to you but he said he only made a few of each for himself and might eventually offer them at a lecture.
He agreed to send me a very small quantity that I can offer to you now. The first is something very clever that I reworked using casino cards and already performed for my friends. The second is a Vampires vs. Werewolves themed packet trick.
►Fate Or Fortune:
You show seven cards, each having a different possible future. They are handed to the participant to mix up, keeping them face down so no-one can know the order. Through a process of elimination all the cards are eliminated but one, which will be the target card. The envelope is opened to reveal the message, “You will have an enjoyable trip in the near future”.
The card that arrived at is now turned over to show a matching message. “That really is good fortune” you admit, “considering the other fates that could have befallen you!” The eliminated cards are now turned over to reveal disastrous fates, such as: You will be hit by a meteorite. You will be eaten by an alligator. You will be infected with a zombie virus. You will be abducted by aliens, etc.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Vampires Vs. Werewolves:
Themed around the age-old rivalry between the fictional Vampires and Werewolves this is an entertaining packet trick with a surprise ending. The only sleights used are a Hamman Count and an Elmsley Count.
Watch and buy: HERE
Every shippable purchase during March gets a FREE Magical Gift Card. More info in a previous newsletter: HERE

Just received a bunch of coin sets from Martinka including the next coin release that is scheduled for next Saturday. One of the fastest selling releases has been the Dual Position Copper Silver Copper. Sometimes they sell out before I get a chance to mention them in the newsletter (which they just did), Ted quickly made me five more sets so I won’t have to rewrite this newsletter. If you watch the trailer, you will know why they sell out.
I also just received a bunch of Dual Position Triple Split Sets in many of the different varieties. Most importantly are the Walking Liberty sets which match the Dual Position Copper Silver Copper sets and there is even a sequence in the tutorial which combines the two.
Just came in, are the hand-made Ultimate Floating Matches. Coincidentally it is one of the three items I currently carry on me in an ID Wallet. The other two items are also in this newsletter. My version of Fate Or Fortune and the Magical Gift Card which is the free gift I am giving away this month.
►Dual Position Copper Silver Copper:
Connie Haden’s original Silver And Two Copper Transposition is a classic of coin magic which sparked hundreds of variations and handlings. This new gimmicked version designed by Ted Bogusta is likely the best.
What Ted did was take the classic set of coins and infused them with his DPS (Dual Position Magnetic System). The custom magnetic system allows you to do all the basic and classic routines plus many more displays and sequences that were never possible before.
The set includes a DPS set with a Silver Walking Liberty Half Dollar, an East African ten cent coin, an Australian penny, and the three matching coins so everything can be handed out for examination at the end. All the coins are real.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Dual Position Triple Split:
What Ted Bogusta created is a magnetic system he calls Dual Position which uses specially designed and manufactured magnets that allow the magnetic coins to overlap without aligning. This system allows you to place the overlapping coins in your hands, on the table, or even in the spectators’ hands.
The coins are also a little thicker than most which allows them to be shown as full-sized coins as opposed to shims.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Ultimate Floating Match:
This is a self-contained floating match effect that is easy to do and is always ready. There are no hookups or external forces used. Does not require any setup or reset of any kind. It is always ready to go.
It is based on Ben Harris’ Cosmosis and is endorsed by him. It is offered in two versions. As a matchbook and a matchbox.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting.
Watch and buy: HERE
►eBay Update:
Please visit my eBay store and auction for some cool and not so cool magic items. I keep trying to add more stuff every few days.
►Direct link to auctions: HERE
►Direct link to the MyMagic eBay store: HERE
►March 17: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The more I read and hear about super successful people the more I notice that there are two things that stick out besides the usual hard work, persistence, intelligence, etc. The two things are an above average memory and a lucky break from an outside source. We can’t really do much about acquiring a “photographic” memory but there are many ways that “luck” can become more likely.
“One of the most enjoyable ways to come up with new material is to start with a plot fantasy and then try to create a method that will allow you to perform that fantasy.”
…Mark Leveridge (50 Secrets To Successful Magic, 2020)