MT: March 18-24, 2002

VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,540 / Monday – March 18, 2002
SOUTH AFRICA: The SA Magic Championships, hosted by the College of Magic, takes place on Mar. 21-24 at the Grandwest Casino in Cape Town. Featured performers include Tommy Wonder, Tim Ellis & Sue-Anne Webster, Wolfgang Riebe, Ricki Gray, Dr. Duane Mol, Jacques le Sueur, and Colin Underwood. Registration is R600 per person. The evening shows will also be open to the general public with tickets costing R70 per person. For more information click: HERE.(3/18)

Lance Burton receives The Best of Las Vegas Best Magician award from the Las Vegas Review-Journal Readers’ Poll on Saturday Mar. 17 where he said, “Thanks to the 51 percent of the people who voted for me,” said Burton, who also noted, “I’m just happy to be working.” To read the Mar. 17 Las Vegas Review-Journal article by Mike Weatherford titled “The Best Of Las Vegas Awards: Mirth takes myriad forms at show” click: HERE.(3/18)

Fernando Keops, The Hamners, Shoot Ogawa, Thomas Meier, Apollo, Jim Bentley, Mallory Lewis, and Randall Kappe appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Mar. 18-24.(3/18)
VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,541 /Tuesday – March 19, 2002
MICHIGAN: Pit Hartling and Manuel Muerte will headline at the 22nd Annual Abbott’s Close-Up Convention on March 22-23 in Colon. Both Hartling and Muerte are past FISM winners with some outstanding magic methods and effects. Also scheduled is a one-trick contest, a teach-a-trick session and a banquet. For more information click: HERE.(3/19)

“A Night of Magic” featuring Richard Steven Cohn, Marco Monteverdi, The Melodians, Torkova, and Prof. Bobby Baxter runs for one-night only on Friday Mar. 22 at 7:30pm at the Auditorium of PS 321 (7th Ave. and 1st St, Park Slope) in Brooklyn, NY. Tickets are $8 per person. For more information phone: 718-499-6223.(3/19)

OHIO: Ryan Swigert lectures on Mar. 22 at Haines House of Cards (2514 Leslie Avenue) in Cincinnati. Swigert will offer a workshop at 6pm and the “Hit and Run Lecture” at 7pm. For more information phone: 513-531-6548.(3/19)
VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,542 / Wednesday – March 20, 2002
Warren Kaps, the current national president of the Society of American Magicians, is featured in a Bergen Record article that looks at his career as attorney and magician. Kaps noted, “When magicians get together, they just want to have a good time… Magic is the type of hobby that doesn’t have financial, race, or color lines.” Asked about his successful law practice Kaps said, “I didn’t want to become a lawyer, but my father said that it was good business training.” Comparing magic and law he explained, “As a magician, you’re challenging the audience to fool and entertain them at the same time… As a lawyer, you’re trying to prove to the jury that you’re right and your adversary is wrong.” To read the Mar. 19 article by Stanley B. Chambers, Jr. titled “Hackensack attorney’s passion for magic is no illusion” click: HERE.(3/20)

Jim Merrills who performed at New York City schools recently is featured in a Courier Leader article. To read the Mar. 18 article titled “Area Magician Travels To NY to Help Children” click: HERE.(3/20)

Charles Del Rosso presents “Out Of Your Mind” on Mar. 22-23 at 8pm at the 12 Miles West Theatre (488 Bloomfield Ave) in Montclair, NJ. Admission is $20 per person. For tickets phone: 973-746-7181.(3/20)

“Jay Alexander’s New Swing Circus” featuring Jay Alexander, Fred Anderson, Olaf The Clown Prince Of Switzerland, T-Ruth the Funky Psychic, Angel the Princess of Pyro, and Trick City Swing Dancers appears for one night only on Friday Mar. 22 at 8pm at The Lodge Theater at the Regency Building (1290 Sutter Street at Van Ness) in San Francisco. The 12-piece swing band, Lee Press-on and the Nails, will play backup during the show. Tickets are $20-$25 per person and are available by phoning: 415-883-7878.(3/20)

George Schindler appears at Gamble-Fling on Friday Mar. 22 at 8-11pm at Purdue University (University Inn & Conference Center) in West Lafayette, IN.(3/20)

NEW YORK: IBM Ring 140 presents a New Vaudeville magic revue at the State Theater in Ithaca on Mar. 23. For tickets phone: 800-284-8422.(3/20)

VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,543 / Thursday – March 21, 2002
Louis Tannen, Inc., which is one of the oldest continuously running magic shops in the United States, has announced that they have a new CEO. As of this week Steven Brown, who has more than 17 years of retail and Internet experience (most recently with and and a 30-year passion with magic, will be taking over the day-to-day operations of the company. Tony Spina remains as president and will continue to run the annual Magic Camp, Tannen’s Jubilee and oversee the production of new products. For more information about Tannen’s click: HERE.(3/21)

Lance Burton is scheduled to be the subject of the improvisational group Second City with their “Celebrity Salute” on Sunday Mar. 31 at the Flamingo Las Vegas starts at 8pm. To read the Mar. 20 Las Vegas Review-Journal article by Norm titled “Singer to talk about ‘dropping’ in on Afghanistan” click: HERE.(3/21)
VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,544 / Friday – March 22, 2002
The March 2 issue of Berkley Satellite is themed “Magic Realism” with three interesting features about magicians. The issue begins with editor Rahul Kamath recounting his experience watching his uncle Umeshmaam perform magic in India and comes to some very interesting and astute conclusions. Kamath pointed out that “The allure of magic lies in the direct conflict between what we see (or what we want to see) and what we understand as truth or reality. Magic as entertainment is remarkable as a terrain in which we are consciously aware of, even celebratory of this conflict. But our cognizance of this clash of seeing and believing can also serve as a general warning about coming to conclusions simply because our senses push us in a particular direction.” Also contained in the issue is an article about eight magicians’ favorite foods which interviewed Ed Alonzo, Adam Williams, Dan Birch, Larry Impson, Paul Nathan, Daniel Chan, Lance V. Snead, and Bill Campbell III. Magician’s favorite food according to this article is “steak and sushi.” The final article is an interview with Roy Porfido about his magical career. To read the Rahul Kamath article titled “Magic And Mockeries” click: HERE.
–To read the Huan-Hua Chye article titled “Presto Change-O” click: HERE.
–To read the Adam Martin article titled “Interview With A Real Live Magician” click: HERE.(3/22)

Andy Kirk who at 36-years old becomes the youngest president of the 98-year-old British Magical Society is featured in an Evening Mail-Birmingham article which quotes Abracadabra editor Donald Bevan, “Andy has served his apprenticeship very well with us and I’m sure he will make an excellent president.” The article also mentions that “The presidential honour is usually given only to those who have devoted their lives to magic, but Andy’s outstanding skills made him the natural successor to retiring president Roy Farmer.” To read the Mar. 20 article titled “Andy’s Wand To Watch!” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(3/22)
VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,545 / Saturday – March 23, 2002
Peter Lamont has just received a £54,000 (approx. US $77,000) grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Board to study “Magic: between performance and reality.” According to a Guardian Unlimited article his fellowship “…aims to look at the appeal of magic and the historical and cultural differences from a performance perspective.” Lamont explained, “It’s focusing on the performance of magic, which people might mostly associate with David Copperfield, Paul Daniels and David Blaine today. It’s that kind of magic – trickery. I’ll be talking about what magicians do, and what magic means to audiences, but the point is not to expose the magician’s secrets.” To read the Mar. 22 article titled “AHRB announces 20 new fellowships” click: HERE.(3/23)

NEW JERSEY: Eric Anderson lectures on Wednesday Mar. 27 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. Hall (20 Pennsylvania Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit — Linden train station) in Linden. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. For more information phone Carl Bajor at: 732-969-2566 or click: HERE.(3/23)
VOLUME: 51 / ISSUE: 1,546 / Sunday – March 24, 2002
The Midwest Magic Jubilee has been scheduled for Aug. 15-17 at the St. Louis Marriott Airport. The impressive preliminary list of scheduled performers includes: Gaeten Bloom, Eric DeCamps, Diamond Jim Tyler, Kevin James, Mike Finney, John Carney, Sean Bogunia, John Mendoza, Sonny Fontana, Tom Burgoon, Gary Plants, Steve Draun, Dan Fleshman, Eric Buss, Danny Cole, Jason Baney, Rachel Wild & Tom Jones, and many others. Sponsored by IBM Ring #1 this convention has always been a popular and successful one. Registration is $90 per person. For more information click: HERE.(3/24)

Torkova, Jeff Sheridan, Frank Brents, and Jeff Moche  appear at Monday Night Magic on Mar. 25 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(3/24)

CALIFORNIA: Johnny Ace Palmer lectures for Mind Over Magic at the Ramada INN (2900 North San Fernando Blvd) in Burbank on Wednesday Mar. 27 at 7pm. Admission is $35 per person. For more information phone: 818-843-5955.(3/24)

MARYLAND: Tom Craven lectures for IBM Ring 94 on Wednesday, Mar 27 at 7:30pm at the Hagerstown American Legion in Hagerstown. Admission for non-members is $10 per person. For more information phone: 240-409-1905 or e-mail:
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