MT: March 13-19, 2000

VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 805 / Monday – March 13, 2000
Ed Alonzo won Stage Magician of the Year,  Steve Valentine won Close-Up Magician of the Year, Aldo Colombini won Parlour Magician of the Year, and Johnny Ace Palmer won Lecturer of the Year at the 32nd Annual Academy of Magical Arts Awards Banquet on March 11. There was also a tribute for Doug Henning. His wife Debbie was a presenter and took the opportunity to thank everyone.(3/13)

Chuck Fayne, Mystina, Terry Seabrooke, Suzanne, David Sandy, Tom Burgoon, John Shryock, and Jim Kopperman appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Mar. 13-19. Tom Burgoon lectures on Sunday Mar. 19.(3/13)

Richard McDougall, Geoffrey Durham, Ian Keable, Duncan Trillo, Scott Penrose, Bertie Pearce, Matthew McGuirk, and Peter Scarlett in a special show at the Magic Circle in London on Mar. 14-15. Shows are open to the public and tickets are £18.00 per person. For more information phone  Janet Clare at: 01892 538 211.(3/13)

Monday, Mar. 13
Howard Posener will be making his eighth appearance on Donny & Marie on Monday Mar. 13 at noon ET on FOX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(3/11)
America’s Funniest Home Videos features “not-quite-professional magicians” on Monday Mar. 13 at 8am ET on USA-TV (US-cable).(3/11)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 806 / Tuesday – March 14, 2000
Greg Wilson & Lyuda, who are part of the current “First Family of Magic,” were featured in the  Intelligencer Journal prior to their appearance in Lancaster PA. The appearance at the American Music Theatre is part of an extended U.S. tour of their full evening show which Wilson describes as, “We have 10,000 pounds of illusions we’ll be bringing along on this show… It’s the largest amount of illusions we’ve ever taken on the road.” He continued, “For me, the work is getting there and getting the show set up… The reward is seeing the audience and getting the opportunity to make new friends.” To read the Feb. 25 story suplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(3/14)

Arthur Benjamin guest stars with regulars Mike Bent, David Oliver, and Steve Kradolfer in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Mar. 14. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-7094.(3/14)

Tuesday, Mar. 14
Ricky Jay co-hosts Ripoffs and Scams on Tuesday Mar. 14 at 10pm, Mar. 15 at 1am and 4am, and Mar. 18 at 7pm ET on COURT-TV (US-cable).(3/14,15)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 807 / Wednesday – March 15, 2000
David Blaine (USA), Paul Daniels (UK), Harry Anderson (USA), Juan Tamariz (Spain), and Jung (Germany), are the first five acts announced for the 21st World Magic Congress FISM (Fédération Internationale des Sociétes Magiques) in Lisbon, Portugal on July 3-8. They promise that 80% of the acts have never been seen at a FISM convention before. Every week they will announce a new act on there website at:

Ian Harman is quoted, “…For me, magic was something that incorporated all the genres of performance into one combined art form,” Harman is the new director for the Manawatu Theatre Society’s drama school. To read the Mar. 3 story from the Evening Standard supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(3/15)

OHIO: The 28th Annual Glass City Conjurors Conclave sponsored by IBM Ring #68 on Mar. 17-18 at the French Quarters Hotel in Perrysburg features John Carney, Doc Eason, Pete Gossamer, Paul Richards, Raven, Steve Hart, Adam Williams, and Joe Lefler. For more information click: HERE.(3/15)

Wednesday, Mar. 15
Ripoffs and Scams -See 3/14.(3/15)
Mac King on Donny & Marie on Wednesday Mar. 15 at noon ET on FOX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(3/13)
Penn & Teller play attorneys in the See Drew Run episode of Drew Carey on Wednesday Mar. 15 at 7pm ET on FOX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(3/13)
A magician kills a fellow magician to take over his act on the Well-Cooked Hams episode of Tales From the Crypt on Wednesday Mar. 15 at 7:30pm and Mar. 16 at 1:30am ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(3/13)
The Magic Trick episode of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues  on Wednesday Mar. 15 at 3pm ET on TNT-TV (US-cable).(3/13)
The Magic Show episode of Noddy -See 3/6.(3/13)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 808 / Thursday – March 16, 2000 
FISM 2000 released more names. A day after they announced the first five acts they booked they released a list of 16 more. They are: From the US: John Gaughan, David Williamson, Max Maven, Mike Caveney, Tina Lenert, and Stan Allen. From Switzerland: Roberto Giobbi, and Anam Cara. From England: Guy Hollingworth, J.J. and Chris Power. Others include Asryan Aram (Russia), Andreas Wessels (Germany), Carlos Barragan (Argentina), David Acer (Canada), Ygal Mesika (Israel), and Lennart Green.(3/16)

Lance Burton will once again go on the road with his live show. He will appear at the Cerritos Center For The Performing Arts (12700 Center Court Dr., Cerritos, CA) on Mar. 17-19. He will be doing a total of four shows (Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm and 8pm, Sunday 2pm). Tickets range form $42-$52 and are available by phone or at the box office. In California phone: 800-300-4345, from everywhere else phone: 562-916-8500.(3/16)

Lance Burton is scheduled to be interviewed on KLAC 570 AM radio in Los Angeles on Thursday Mar. 16  between 6-6:30am PST. Interviewing him will be well known radio personality “Charlie Tuna.” The show can be heard live on the web by clicking: HERE.(3/16)

NEW JERSEY: Phil Ivory (a student of Roy Benson) lectures on Friday Mar. 17 at 8pm for the Rouclere Assembly #25 at the VFW Hall (Veterans Place) in Elmwood Park.(3/16)

Thursday, Mar. 16
Tales From the Crypt -See 3/15.(3/14)
Ricky Jay in Sink or Swim -See 3/6.(3/14)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 809 / Friday – March 17, 2000
NEW JERSEY: Magic Fun Day on Sunday Mar. 19 from 10am-10pm at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Somerset. Headlining this year is: Eric DeCamps, Murray Sawchuck, Torkova, The Gamesters, and Jerry Rowan. The day includes two lectures, a close-up contest, auction, an evening show and many exhibitors. Cost is $35 for the entire day for more information and directions click: HERE.(3/17)

Friday, Mar. 17
The Geisha Boy -See 3/1.(3/15)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 810 / Saturday – March 18, 2000
Andy Leviss in a very nice feature in The Berkeley Beacon of Emerson College. He is quoted, “I’d like to be big and famous [working in magic], but I’d also like to work with theatrical special effects.” He is also shooting a series of magic segments performing around Boston which are scheduled to air between programs on the Emerson Channel. To read the Mar. 13 article by Aimee Noelle Drewicz click: HERE.(3/18)

Fred Kelly, younger brother of the world famous dancer/actor Gene Kelly, died on Mar. 15 at the age of 82. His obituary mentioned that he was active “…as a dancer and a magician, performing occasionally until he took ill in December.” To read the Richard Cowen obituary from the Mar. 17 Bergen Record click: HERE.(3/18)

MISSOURI: The Midwest Magic Auction, sponsored by SAM Assembly #8, on Mar. 17-18 takes place at the Kirkwood Community Center in Kirkwood. The Main auction takes place on Saturday with the doors opening at 8am. Last year’s event generated more than $10,000. This year a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the SAM Endowment Fund. For more information click: HERE.(3/18)

Saturday, Mar. 18
Ripoffs and Scams -See 3/14.(3/16)
The Geisha Boy -See 3/1.(3/16)
Lance Burton: A Portrait episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 18 at 7am ET on Discovery Canada. (3/16)
Close-Up Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 18 at 7:30am ET on Discovery Canada. (3/16)
Magic In The Movies episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 18 at 7:30am ET on Discovery Canada. (3/16)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 811 / Sunday – March 19, 2000
John Lenahan who is one of the producers of Monday Night Magic in London, which begins its new season at the Gatehouse Theatre on Mar. 20, is featured in The Independent – London. He discusses his experiences as a street performer both in the US and England. He compares the two venues, “In America, people seem to have less time and street-performing is more about stopping passing trade to make a buck. In London, people seem willing and able to spare 15 minutes to be entertained, and you can turn a sidewalk into a theatre.” To read the Mar. 12 story by Sarah Barrell supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(3/19)

Patrick Slaughter, Chris McDaniel, Jamy Ian Swiss, Simon Lovell, Frank Brents, Michael Chaut, Chris Capehart  appear at Monday Night Magic on Mar. 20 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(3/19)

Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company performs on March 19 and 26 at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(3/19)

Sunday, Mar. 19
The Amazing Jonathan on Lounge Lizards on Sunday Mar. 19 at 1:30am ET on COM-TV (US-cable).(3/18)
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