Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,115
June 24, 2023
Nat Litt was a friend of mine. We got along because of our wild sense of humor. He was a giant guy who was very tall and very wide. There was a story about him that circulated around which I asked him about and he said it was true. Even though it is incredible and hysterical.
It turns out that he was found unconscious and was declared dead by the paramedics. Taken to the morgue where was laid on a slab. All of a sudden, he started moaning and tried to get up while everyone in the morgue almost had a heart attack. Turns out that he was so big that the instruments they used to look for a heartbeat could not penetrate his chest.
Nat also owned a magic shop in Philadelphia and produced silks under the name “Silk Worm Studios: The Ultimate In Silk Artistry For Magicians.” I was recently able to acquire some of his original designer silks, still in their original packaging. Will offer a few today and the rest when I get a chance to photograph them. Very limited quantities available.
►Buccaneer Silk:
This Buccaneer Silk from the 1980s, is a black, 12”x18” silk, with the pirate duck image printed on it in white. Not sure of the routine it was made for or the gag it was used for, but it is very attractive and a bargain for the price.
Get one: HERE
►Flying Arrows Silk:
There was a time when you would see this routine performed in every kid show and in every manipulative act. Using a reel that was attached to one corner of the silk you could make the arrows apparently jump, so they face from side-to-side to top-to-bottom, and repeat it as often as you like.
Get one: HERE
►The End Silk:
One of the ways magicians end their shows is with a production of a large, patterned silk with the words “THE END” printed on it. This is usually the last of a series of productions from a production prop or even used in a flashy stage act. It gets a laugh and gets people to applaud. It most useful during children’s shows as it signals the end of the show.
This silk is part of the Connoisseur Picture Silks series and is described as “The End Silk 36” x36” (Five Colors) Blue Background.”
Get one: HERE
►Visual Alchemy: The Magic Life of Jeff Sheridan:
Jeff’s friend Jim Moore, who is an outstanding photographer, decided to put together and tribute book about Jeff and his magic. The book features many rarely seen photographs of Jeff working the streets between 1976-1989 and is filled with many essays about Jeff from his friends.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Fusion Coins:
Routines with impossible objects as their surprise ending always over-perform. This is one of Michael Rubinstein’s favorites.
The basic routine features you handing two coins to your friends for examination (a Quarter and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of.
You then place the Penny on top of the Quarter and after a little squeeze the penny sinks into the quarter and is fused inside. The odd new coin can then be examined.
You pick up the coin, give it a little shake and the penny falls out leaving everything examinable and ordinary.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Friday June 23: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
►Saturday July 1, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I was able to find a Nat Litt price list from 1988 and what I am offering these Silks for is less than what his original retail price was.
“It is interesting to note that silks and effects employing their use were almost neglected prior to the latter part of nineteenth century.”
…Harold R. Rice (Rice’s Encyclopedia Of Silk Magic, 1948)