MT: October 2-8, 2000

VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,008 / Monday – October 2, 2000
The conclusion of last weeks’ article about Dante in the Salt Lake Tribune appeared on Sunday. It begins with his tragic death in 1899 during a very successful Australian Tour where he was described as “one of the most notable instances of Utah talent.” The article discusses the many rumors speculated about how he died and who may have killed him — until the truth came in by steamship and they discovered that was shot in a hunting accident while hunting for kangaroos and wallabies: “At the end of the day’s hunt, the gun of George Jones, a pianist in Dante’s troupe, accidentally discharged and the bullet struck Eliason in the groin. A doctor’s diagnosis was that ‘it would only be a flesh wound.’ …Hope for his recovery grew, but complications set in and The Great Dante died on Nov. 29, 1899.” Last year a group of magicians in Sydney went to his grave to remember him — 100 years later. To read the Oct. 1 article by Will Bagley titled “Great Dante Retains His Magic Appeal” click: HERE.(10/2)

Penn & Teller appear in North Carolina at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium’s Best of Broadway series on Oct. 3-8 with eight shows. Tickets range from $12.50 to $40.50 per person and are available through TicketMaster by phoning: 919-834-4000.(10/2)

Jerry Andrus, Doc Eason, Michael Ammar, Fr. Jim Blantz, Randy Pryor, Steve Taylor, Dave Hamner, and Blake Maxam appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Oct. 2-8. Doc Eason lectures on Sunday Oct. 8.(10/2)
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,009 / Tuesday – October 3, 2000
Ed Alonzo’s one-man show “Magic and Mayhem” opens at Knott’s Berry Farm’s Halloween Haunt, the “World’s First and Biggest Halloween Theme Park Event and the Scariest Place on Earth,” on Oct. 5 and runs on weekends through Oct. 31 at the New Wave Theater at Knotts Berry Farm in Buena Park, CA. This is the seventh time Alonzo’s show will be a featured attraction. The show is free to all who attend the Knott’s Scary Farm’s Halloween Haunt event which runs around $40 per person.(10/3)

“Reset” was Dark Hirokazu’s full-evening show celebrating his 20 year career in magic. The show took place at the Nakano Zero Sho-Hall in Tokyo, Japan on Sunday Oct. 1.(10/3)

Justin Tranz who has been performing his hypnotism show, “Hyp-nosis: Playin’ With Your Head, in  Las Vegas for the past 11 months is the feature of a Las Vegas Sun article. His first venture in Vegas was in 1992, “…opening a string of magic shops around town.” Included in the article is an interview with Tranz where he pleads for a bigger venue. To read the Sep. 30 article by Jerry Fink titled “Mystic Tranz-former” click: HERE.(10/3)

James Randi and some Philadelphia skeptics are the subject of one of the chapters in, “Therapeutic Touch,” a new book by Bla Scheiber and Carla Selby which is reviewed in The State Journal-Register Springfield, IL. To read the Sep. 24 article titled “Alternative medicine investigation touches nerve” and supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.
-To purchase a copy of the book from for $20.80 click: HERE.(10/3)
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,010 / Wednesday – October 4, 2000
Mark Wilson who starred in his own weekly magic series (The Magic Land of Allakazam) in 1960 will be taping a segment on Wednesday Oct. 4 for PAX’s weekly series, Masters Of Illusion, which debuted last Monday. Franz Harary who hosts the series said of Wilson, “He’s the master, the pioneer, a true legend, in both the worlds of television and magic… Among our many guests during the series, this is the most exciting because Mark Wilson is a real part of magic history, the man that all the baby boomers grew up with on TV, and he’s still an icon for young magicians and fans of magic.” The taping will begin at 9:30am at the Ren Mar Studios (Stage 8, 846 N. Cahuenga) in Hollywood, CA. To read the Oct. 3 company press release titled “ADVISORY/A “Magic Moment” In TV History” click: HERE.(10/4)

Makah Tendo performs at the Be-Point in Tokyo, Japan on Oct. 3 and 4 at 7:30pm. Tickets are 3,300 Yen per person with a discount available to SAM members.(10/4)
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,011 / Thursday – October 5, 2000
George Joseph is profiled in a Detroit News story which discusses his recent seminar to Greektown Casino employees where he teaches them how to recognize card cheaters. We learn that Joseph learned his magic from Jimmy Martin, a contemporary of Houdini. In teaching them gambling techniques he explains, “I want to show you how to prevent cheating… None of you know how to cheat, or you wouldn’t have been able to get a job here.” To read the Oct. 2 story by Mark Puls titled “Casinos use expert to catch card cheaters Native Detroiter trains dealers in tricks of the trade” click: HERE.(10/5)

NYCAN (New York-Canadian Magicians Convention) which starts this week in Buffalo gets some press in the Buffalo News. To read the Oct. 2 article titled “Magicians will hold convention in area” click: HERE.(10/5)

Geoffrey Durham – The Magical One Man Show opens for one night only at The Castle Theatre (Castle Way, Wellingborough) in Northamptonshire, England on Oct. 7 at 7:30pm. Tickets are available for £6.50 – £9.50 from the theater box office by phoning: 01933-229888.(10/5)

NEW YORK: Fr. Cyprian is the guest of honor at this year’s NYCAN (New York-Canadian Magicians Convention) held at the Radison Airport Hotel in Buffalo on Oct. 5-7. Featured performers include: Jerry Mentzer, Hank Moorehouse, Kenrick “Ice” McDonald, Tom Craven, Ben Caeser, Robert Bengel, Garrett Thomas, Mike Porstmann, and many others.(10/5)

VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,012 / Friday – October 6, 2000
NEW YORK: It’s “Meir Yedid Day” at Tannen’s Magic (24 West 25th Street) in New York City on Saturday Oct. 7. If you are in NYC come visit Meir who will be performing and demonstrating all of his latest releases — a full day of magic. Free for MagicTimes readers — tell Meir that you read MagicTimes and receive a free copy of the “New Jumping Back.” The last “Meir Yedid Day” took place in January, 1998 and the place was packed — with many surprise guests dropping by to say hello. For more information phone Tannen’s at: 212-929-4500.(10/6)

Arturo Brachetti is one of the regular characters on the new sitcom “Nikki” which debuts on Sunday Oct. 8 at 9:30pm on the WB-TV network.(10/6)

The Las Vegas Sun reported that Steve Wyrick’s new show at the Sahara cost “…somewhere between $60-65 million. That ranks Wyrick’s show right up there as one of the most expense productions on the Strip. To read the Oct. 3 column by Kate Maddox titled “New name springs to ‘EFX’ talk” click: HERE.(10/6)

“The Executioner” is a gothic themed illusion show produced by John Bundy Productions for “Frightfest” at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ. The show opened on Sep. 29 and will run through Oct. 31.(10/6)
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,013 / Saturday – October 7, 2000
Jeff McBride’s “Abracadazzle!” which opened at the Claridge in Atlantic City is reviewed in the Bergen Record where he is called, “McBride is technically superb, but what sets him apart from the pack is his superior eye — and ear — for staging, enabling him to take what might be a fairly mundane trick and elevate it, as in the case of two of his signature illusions.” The reviewer, which has been harsh to some magicians, wrote of the show, “Abracadazzle! …offers ample proof of why McBride, a native of New York’s Catskills region, is one of the most celebrated magicians on the boards today.” To read the Oct. 6 review by Chuck Darrow titled “An eye for elevating a magician’s fare” click: HERE.(10/7)

CALIFORNIA: Doc Eason lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel (450 Powell St.) in San Francisco on Tuesday Oct. 10 at 7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(10/7)
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,014 / Sunday – October 8, 2000
The Swann Galleries has just shipped the catalog for their Oct. 26 magic auction. The catalog lists 267 lots whose estimates range from $80 to $18,000 for a rare Samri S. Baldwin – The White Mahatma 3-sheet lithograph. As usual there are many Houdini items with many of them from the archives of the “Houdini Club of Philadelphia.” There are also some books which Houdini inscribed to his nephew Toddles. The second half of the auction (lots 152-267) are all posters. Well represented in the poster section are lithos promoting: Alexander, Carter, Chang and Fak Hong, George, Thurston, Virgil ,Chung Ling Soo and many others. You may purchase the catalog for $25 or you may view it in “pdf” format at there website by clicking: HERE.(10/8)

“Ed,” is a new sitcom which premieres on Sunday on NBC-TV. On the second episode of the season (scheduled for Oct. 15) a local magician, “Stuckeyville Stan” is exposed by a “masked copycat who creates a show called “Stuckeyville Stan Revealed.” To read the Oct. 6, San Francisco Examiner story by Tim Goodman titled “Excellent, quirky ‘Ed’ charms without fireworks” click: HERE.(10/8)

Tom Durnin, Alex Porter, Jamy Ian Swiss, Carl Mercurio, Michael Chaut, and Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 9 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(10/8)

NEW JERSEY: Jerry Mentzer lectures on Wednesday Oct. 11 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit – Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. Cost to non-members is $12. For more information phone Al Hillman at: 732-257-3456 or click: HERE.(10/8)
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