MT: December 27-31, 1999

VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 728 / Monday – December 27, 1999
Mark Kalin, Jinger Leigh and Jeff Hobson’s Carnival of Wonders was named as the show of the year in the Reno-Tahoe area by Mel Shields who wrote the, “Carnival of Wonders is consistently enjoyable and often fascinating. Hobson’s comedy is stellar.” His pick for Comedian of the Year was Mark Kornhauser, who “…almost single-handedly carried the Greg Thompson production of Cirque Berserk at Harrah’s Reno. …Kornhauser managed to make what are usually the centerpieces of a production show — the dance segments — seem merely interludes.” To read the Dec. 26 Sacramento Bee story click: HERE.(12/27)

Monday, Dec. 27
Magicians are scheduled to appear on Daniel Barenboim Conducts: New Year’s Eve on Monday Dec. 27 at 9pm ET on WLIW-TV (US-PBS). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(12/26)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 729 / Tuesday – December 28, 1999
The 32nd Annual Academy of Magical Arts Awards Banquet has been set for March 11, 2000. This time the event is being held at the Wilshire-Ebell Theater which holds close to a thousand people. Honorees will include: Johnny Thompson (Masters Fellowship), John Gaughan (Lifetime Achievement), Bruce Cervon (Performing Fellowship), The Keeners (Performing Fellowship), Val Andrews (Literary Fellowship), Martin Breese (Special Fellowship), and Silvan (Magician of the Year). Tickets are $25-$50 for the awards show. There will also be a black-tie dinner prior to the show for $100 per person. For reservations and information phone Yvonne Smith at 323-851-3313, Ext. 301.(12/28)

Tuesday, Dec. 28
Salty-Come-Lately/It’s Magic is a magic themed episode of Salty’s Lighthouse on Tuesday Dec. 28 at 9:30am ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(12/27)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 730 / Wednesday – December 29, 1999
Michael Paskevich lists his top ten shows of 1999 in Las Vegas with magic shows appearing in three of the spots. Number 5 – Siegfried & Roy: “The German-born duo has become a Las Vegas landmark.” Number 8 – Penn & Teller: “…were a nonstop delight.” Number 9 – David Copperfield: “He’s a self-effacing performer with a surprising light touch. He also adds new illusions almost every visit.” To read the Dec. 26, Las Vegas Review-Journal story click: HERE.(12/29)

Wednesday, Dec. 29
Illusions Of Legend episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Dec. 29 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/29)

Mentalism episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Dec. 29 at 1:30am and 5:30am ET on Discovery Canada.(12/29)

America’s Funniest Home Videos features “not-quite-professional magicians” on Wednesday Dec. 29 at 8am ET on USA-TV (US-cable).(12/28)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 731 / Thursday – December 30, 1999
The December issue of the Canadian magazine The Gambler featured David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, and Lance Burton on the cover. Inside the magazine there were six pages and lots of photos dedicated to their life stories and careers. The article is prefaced with this disclaimer: “Even though we refer to our great illusionists  as magicians, they really aren’t — not in the true sense of the word. Magic is an occult art by which nature and natural events are controlled or influenced by supernatural means, whereas conjuring is the accomplishment of the apparently supernatural by natural means. So these artists really should be called conjurers. But ‘magician’ sounds better, and the term has stuck.” There is also a two page spread featuring “A timeline of the greatest magic tricks” which begins with Dedi in 2000 BC and ends with Stevie Starr in the 1990s.(12/30)

Thursday, Dec. 30
The Linguini Incident (1992) features a waitress who dreams of becoming an escape artist on Thursday Dec. 30 at 8pm, and Dec. 31 at 12:30am and 1pm ET on ROMCL-TV (US-cable).(12/29)
The Magic Of Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Thursday Dec. 30 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/29)
Tommy Cooper Christmas Special features highlights of his career on Thursday Dec. 30 at 9pm on Channel 4-England.(12/29)
Paul Zenon’s Tricky Christmas features Zenon performing magic on the streets of London, Blackpool and Dublin on Thursday Dec. 30 at 10pm on Channel 4-England.(12/29)
David Blaine’s Street Magic on Thursday Dec. 30 at 11:05pm on Channel 4-England.(12/29)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 732 / Friday – December 31, 1999
Joseph J. Jellinek died on Dec. 27 at the age of 94. He was the Dean and Past President of IBM Ring #26 in NYC and was a member of both SAM and IBM for more than 50 years. Born in New York City on Aug. 24, 1905 his interest in magic was sparked when he met Houdini at a young age. He was a very active member of both local organizations for many years. Ring 26 is planning a Broken Wand Ceremony for Jellinek on Jan. 28 at their monthly meeting.(12/31)

Uri Geller announced that he is planning to sue Nintendo for around $100 million because one of their Pokémon characters, ”Un-Geller” which is only released in Japan and is known as Kadabra in the US, is based on him. The Pokémon (Pocket Monster) is a psychic which induces headaches in people around him and carries a spoon. Geller told USA Today, ”The last thing I want is for a whole new generation of children to think I am bad or that spoon-bending is evil.”
–To read the Dec. 30 US Today article by César G. Soriano click: HERE.
–To read a similar article by Lisa Brownlee in the NY Post click: HERE.(12/31)

Adam Guy gets some press, in the Dec. 30 Missourian, about his New Year’s Eve show where he plans to saw his sister in half. To read the Amy Vincent article click: HERE.(12/31)

Friday, Dec. 31
The Linguini Incident -See 12/30.(12/30)
Magicians Only episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Friday Dec. 31 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/30)
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