MT: April 15-21, 2002

VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,568 / Monday – April 15, 2002
Mac King and Lance Burton’s long friendship is recounted in a Las Vegas Review-Journal article that focuses on King’s rise to Vegas star. The article pointed out that his “cohesively funny show” at Harrah’s “was turning away as many as 200 people per day” during spring break last month and “King can now claim something Burton can’t: He’s a published author.” The article concludes “Time will tell if ‘Tricks With Your Head’ further boosts King’s popularity on the Strip. But as the definitive guide for pretending to break your nose, swallow a goldfish or shove a straw through your chin, it’s a legacy that will at least guarantee a welcome in his daughter’s school cafeteria for years to come.” To read the Apr. 14 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Book may help King’s climb” click: HERE.(4/15)
–To buy the book for $8.80 click: HERE.

Milton Tropp died on Monday Apr. 8 at the age of 89. Tropp was an active magician in the New York City area for many years and had a number of routines published in various magazines. He began using mnemonic techniques to do magic a number of years ago when he lost his eyesight. He also managed to continue with his other hobbies of playing bridge and backgammon using memory and brail.(4/15)

MISSOURI: George Schindler lectures on Thursday Apr. 18 at 8pm for SAM Assembly #8 at the St. Louis Senior Center (Sublett and Arsenal) in St. Louis. For more information e-mail:
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,569 / Tuesday – April 16, 2002
David Copperfield’s Project Magic is the subject of a USA Today feature that pointed out that some of Copperfield’s “…best magic is in hospitals and rehabilitation centers with those who are disabled and going through rehabilitation.” Some of the most important aspects of what makes magic better than standard methods of rehabilitation therapy are discussed in the article. In addition to practice (repetitive motion, a key to successful physical therapy) magic also motivates and helps with cognitive functions, speech, self-esteem, depression and social skills. Copperfield summed it up, “Learning magic can help them learn a variety of skills… It’s fun and challenging.” To read the Apr. 15 article by Mike Falcon titled “David Copperfield conjures therapeutic magic” click: HERE.(4/16)

New York magician Russ Merlin has signed a one-year contract to appear in Showgirls Of Magic at the San Remo in Las Vegas. He is currently in the process of moving to Las Vegas where he plans to be a permanent resident. After spending years working cruises and traveling all over the world Merlin told MagicTimes “I really like the idea of driving to work everyday.” At one time Merlin toured with Richiardi, Jr.(4/16)

A humorous article about the purchase of Magic Christian magic cards appeared in The Observer. To read the Apr. 16 article by Tim Dowling titled “Now that’s tragic” click: HERE.(4/16)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,570 / Wednesday – April 17, 2002
Marc Salem is featured in the May issue of Games Magazine where they describe him as, “There are very few performers like Marc Salem on the entertainment scene today. While his act involves a certain amount of patter and misdirection, he doesn’t like to be called a magician, and he avoids the standard trappings of magic: No tricks involving playing cards, no animals pulled out of hats. Salem is a mentalist. …He may predict what you are about to say, force you to make the choices he wants you to make , or simply read your mind outright.” The article by Eric Berlin titled “Mental Giant” chronicles Salem’s career both as a performer and educator and concludes with, “Lots of people consider the mind to be a playground. Marc Salem is one of the few people out there building new rides for it.” Also in that issue is the debut of Scott Kim’s new column which converts video games into board games. The issue will remain on sale until May 7.(4/17)

The masked magician will be back on May 15 on FOX television where he will attempt to expose David Blaine’s ice stunt from his last TV special. According to a New York Daily News article “Fox is aiming to melt the mystique around illusionist David Blaine, who two years ago encased himself in ice for an ABC-TV special.” To read the Apr. 16 article by Donna Petrozzello titled “Fox Says It’ll Expose Blaine’s Ice Escapade” click: HERE.(4/17)

Millennium Magic III produced by George Tovar & Theatre West is a benefit for the theater on Apr. 19-21 which will feature performances by Max Maven, John Carney, George Tovar, Larry Wilson, Amos Levkovitch, Joe Monti, Sylvester The Jester,The Arlingtons, Woody Pittman, and Bob Jardine. Each of the three shows will feature different performers at Theatre West (3333 Cahuenga Blvd. West) in Hollywood, CA. Tickets are $10-$15 per person and are available by phoning: 323-851-7977.(4/17)

NEW JERSEY: Danny Archer lectures on Friday Apr. 19 at 8pm for the SAM Rouclere Assembly #25 at the VFW Hall (Veterans Place) in Elmwood Park. For more information e-mail:
Legendary character “Uncle Floyd” and John Pizzi performed at the annual benefit for the Stanley M. Levine Memorial Foundation on March 25. In addition to your editor audience members included Jake “The Raging Bull” LaMotta, New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevy and a host of celebrities and athletes. (Photo: MagicTimes). (4/17)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,571 / Thursday – April 18, 2002
The Society of American Magicians, Parent Assembly will celebrate their 100th anniversary at a cocktail party on May 11 at the Soldiers, Sailors and Airman’s Club in New York City. The event will also honor past “Magicians Of The Year” Tony Spina (1984), George Schindler (1986), Imam (1989), Fr. Cyprian (1990), Mike Bornstein (1991), Ken Krenzel (1993), Eric DeCamps (1996), Meir Yedid (1997), John Bohannon (1998), and Bill Andrews (2002). Space is limited to 100 people and restricted to SAM members and their guests. Admission will be $10 per member and one guest. For more information phone 718-336-0605 or e-mail:

Then Goan Magicians’ Guild was inaugurated in India on Apr. 2. According to a Times Of India article Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said at the event that “The art of magic could be used for the benefit of society.” To read the Apr. 3 article titled “Magicians’ guild formed in Goa” click: HERE.(4/18)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,572 / Friday – April 19, 2002
The Spencers are featured in a Wickenburg Sun article that is promoting their Apr. 19 show at the Del E. Webb Center for the Performing Arts in Wickenburg, AZ. Kevin Spencer pointed out that by bringing audience members on stage to assist “They’ll just be close to the magic… What we do is fun, and we want people who come to have fun, too.” He also explained that the show “…is not only suspenseful at times but also humorous and beautiful.” To read the Apr. 18 article titled “Theatre of Illusion perform magic Friday night” click: HERE.(4/19)

NEW JERSEY: B.J. Hickman, Danny Archer, and John Bundy & Morgan headline at Magic Funday on Sunday Apr. 21 at the Villagers Theatre (475 DeMott Lane) in Somerset. In addition to the lectures and shows there are contests and an auction. Admission is $40 per person. For more information click: HERE.(4/19)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,573 / Saturday – April 20, 2002
Penn & Teller’s show at the Rio in Las Vegas is the subject of a Showbiz Weekly feature that also looks at their recent TV specials where they traveled to Egypt, India and China to look for local magicians. The article pointed out that “Despite being renowned for some rather gory routines—hanging, firearms, water torture and flames—Teller said some of the things he saw on the road surprised even him. Some acts, he said, “Had to do with the father cutting the son’s throat or the father cutting the kid’s head off, and then going around and taking up a collection,” to restore his son’s life. Teller observed, “We really look like birthday-party magicians compared to that.” To read the Apr. 21 article by Todd Peterson titled “Almost Morbid Magic” click: HERE.(4/20)

Siegfried & Roy’s support for Cape Town’s College of Magic is discussed in Showbiz Weekly where Siegfried said, “We have used our on-stage magic in our conservation efforts… Now, it’s going toward youngsters who are experiencing the world of magic as we did when we were young.” To read the Apr. 21 article titled “May The Force Be With You” click: HERE.(4/20)

Two out of the three magicians who stole magic memorabilia from the collection of William Brewe were fined and given jail sentences. According to a Cincinnati Post article the third “awaits trial on his charge.” To read the Apr. 19 article by Kimball Perry titled “Trick earns magician time in jail” click: HERE.(4/20)

Spooky House, which stars Ben Kingsley as the Great Zamboni is, reviewed in the Houston Chronicle which reported that “Spooky Guy’s house is full of stage props and magical paraphernalia. The kids are fascinated yet frightened by such contraptions as a sofa with a revolving seat (so whoever lies on it tumbles inside).” To read the Apr. 19 review by Eric Harrison titled “‘Spooky House’ provides enough chills for the young ones” click: HERE.(4/20)
VOLUME: 52 / ISSUE: 1,574 / Sunday – April 21, 2002
Mac King is interviewed in the Las Vegas Sun about magic, his career and his new book “Tricks With Your Head.” Speaking about how to become good at magic King said, “I get e-mail all the time from people who want to know how to become a professional magician. The only real answer is, you find a place where you can do a bunch of shows. There’s no magic to it, no pun intended, it’s just a matter of getting in front of an audience as much as you can.” To read the Apr. 19 article by Jerry Fink titled “Mac the Nice” click: HERE.(4/21)
–To buy the book for $8.80 click: HERE.

The upcoming “Magic’s Secrets Finally Revealed” is mentioned in a Los Angeles Times article which pointed out that “the network’s executives might want to uncover, while they’re at it, is who cast the spell that put a chill on their ratings.” To read the Apr. 20 article by Brian Lowery titled “As ‘X-Files,’ ‘Ally’ End, Fox in a Fix” click: HERE.(4/21)

David Regal, Goldfinger & Dove, Dana Daniels, Jason Tong, Tim Shegitz, Bob Jardine, Magic Feets, and Doug Hoover appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Apr. 22-28. Tim Shegitz lectures on Sunday Apr. 28.(4/21)
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