Source: World Alliance Of Magicians
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets brings together in one place the law applicable to the protection of magic secrets.
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets will help performers, creators, and manufacturers of magic secrets understand and appreciate the choices available to them in protecting the essence of their art.
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets will also provide a starting point for attorneys interested in assisting the magic community in protecting magic secrets.
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets summarizes each area of the relevant law in America, contains a brief explanation of the possible application of the form of protection, and contains a practical summary of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the protective theory.
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets will help members of the magic community determine whether they wish to consult an attorney in order to obtain the protections that the law provides. The report also contains innovative ideas which would advance the cutting edge of the law in the protection of magic secrets.
The Protection of Magicians’ Secrets will be offered for sale, on June 1, only on the World Alliance of Magician’s Web-site:
The selling price of the book will be only $25.00 (U.S.), and that price includes priority mail shipping to anyone, in any country in the world!
On the WAM website, our purchasers will be able to charge the book to their Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card, or they may send their personal or company check to: World Alliance of Magicians, P.O. Box 1016, Jonesboro, GA 30237.
Books will be mailed out next day upon receipt of check or processing of credit card. Sorry, books will NOT be available from Magic Dealers, but may be purchased from Abb Dickson at the upcoming Abbott’s and I.B.M. Conventions.
For more information, contact:
Abb Dickson, International President World Alliance of Magicians through the WAM website at: