Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #974
November 6, 2021
I was very happy with the response to my latest release. All orders were shipped, and I know you will love them when you get them. The David Roth Coin Boxes and his routines are outstanding. Take a look: HERE
I did miscalculate when having these boxes manufactured. I assumed that you would want the single boxes and made a lot more of those. Unfortunately, or fortunately almost all of you bought the higher priced set and I now only have around 35 of those left.
I just found a bag in the warehouse with a few of the original P. Cinimod “Well I Never” tricks that have probably been in storage for more than 30 years. They were originally released in 1979 but the trick goes back much further than that, probably early 1960s.
Thinking back, it was probably the first close-up trick I bought at Tannens that was a compete fooler. I think Irv Tannen sold it to me after fooling me with it and teaching me how to do it.
It is still a classic that is so clean and magical. I only have ten of them, they are old so you might have to clean the coin and re-tape the magnet. Sold as a collectible.
►Well I Never!:
This is a collectible trick that has been in storage for many years. It was produced by P. Cinimod and the instructions are copyright 1979.
The simple effect starts out with a box of matches, a penny, and a playing card. You place three matches on the table forming a triangle. You place the penny in the middle of the triangle and cover it with a playing card and place the matchbox on the card. When the box and card are removed the coin vanished. It is later found in the matchbox.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Roth Coin Box Set:
This is similar to the set of boxes David used to sell at his lectures. You get the Roth Coin Box, a matching Okito Box, a matching Boston Box, and a lid that fits over all of them.
Comes with access to a 50-minute instructional video by David Roth.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Roth Coin Box:
Many magicians who purchased the original Roth Coin Box Set ended up only using the Roth Coin Box, from the set, for David’s routine or their own version of it. For the first time we are offering just the Roth Coin Box and lid which will allow you to do the main routine that is performed on the trailer.
Comes with access to a 50-minute instructional video by David Roth.
Watch and buy: HERE
I keep adding more products to my eBay store and auction. As usual all auctions will end on Sunday night.
►A direct link to the auctions: HERE
►A link to my eBay store: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: In the past ten days more than six million dollars was spent on magic collectibles. I hope you have enough left for the Well I Never!
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE