Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,057
November 19, 2022
Last night Dr. Michael Rubinstein appeared on Penn & Teller: Fool Us where he performed his latest routine which was a homage to his friend David Roth.
Today he is releasing a limited run of that routine. Limited to only 60 pieces. The routine he performed on TV is a long formal routine.
Since that taping, he has streamlined the routine, so it is easier and more direct. It comes with unique props and a tutorial that teaches both routines and the many techniques used.
This is an exclusive and limited release that is only available here or directly from Michael.
For everything Michael Rubinstein go: HERE
►The Other Hand:
After recording the formal TV version of the routine, he decided to continue refining the routine and eventually created a close-up version that is shorter, more direct, and easier to do. The new close-up version uses the same props but is streamlined for more intimate performances.
Since the props involved are difficult to put together, he decided to release a limited edition for serious coin magicians and collectors.
Comes with the beautifully antiqued chest, a high-end coin purse, a silicone hand, and access to the 1-hour and 42-minute video tutorial.
Watch and buy: HERE
A modern version of the classic Acrobatic Matchbox using a Tic Tac container.
The basic routine has you put a box of Tic Tacs on your palm. It mysteriously stands on end and then the lid pops open by itself, and as a surprise ending a Tic Tac jumps out which can be easily eaten or given away.
As a bonus handling you are shown how to do an almost identical routine using an ordinary, or even borrowed Tic Tac box.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Die-Cipher II:
This is Chazpro’s improved version of Mental Die or Die-Cipher, which unlike the previous versions, allows you to divine the exact number the spectator is thinking of instead of narrowing it down to two and having you guess.
The basic effect uses three objects that are made of solid brass. A cylindrical case with a base and lid, and a die that is made of brass.
The spectator thinks of one of the numbers on the die and seals it inside the canister with their number facing up. After they hand you the canister you will be able to immediately know which number they are thinking of.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Upcoming Appearances:
Dec. 4: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I plan to add a bunch of collectible stuff to my eBay auctions tomorrow night: HERE
“Magicians are very forgiving about a bit of strange finger movement if the final trick is good. Laymen will look at that as something suspicious.”
…Dr. Michael Rubinstein (Rubinstein Coin Magic, 2020)