Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #795
December 4, 2019
Last year I was made aware of many cases that were lying in a warehouse that were full of magic props. I briefly carried some of those props when they arrived in the US around 15 years ago. They were manufactured by artisans in a Cambodian jungle. I was finally able to acquire them, and they arrived at the warehouse this week.
The item that most impressed me back then was not the wood stuff but the Crochet Sponge Balls they manufactured. I was pleasantly surprised to find one of the cases full of them.
We are all familiar with the crochet balls you get with sets of Cups & Balls and Chop Cups. Usually the core of the balls is either cork or rubber.
What this Cambodian company decided to do, and I believe it was their original idea, is to make crochet balls where the inside is actually a sponge ball. They basically crochet sweaters for sponge balls.
What is nice about these balls is that they look solid but can be squashed to fit into smaller spaces and best of all you can do most sponge ball moves and vanishes with them.
They come in two different sizes and several different colors. I have a very limited supply and I doubt they will ever be available at these prices again since they are labor intensive to make. I even made a video of them so you can see the shape, size and colors available.
Watch and buy: HERE.
Crochet Sponge Balls:
The balls come in two sizes. The small ones are around a one-inch diameter and are ideal for most cups & balls routines.
The large ones are around an inch-and-a-half in diameter and are ideal for the Indian Cups or a Benson Bowl routine.
But they can easily be adapted for any ball routine. Even a Multiplying Balls routine on stage or most Sponge Ball routines. They are not perfectly round because of the nature of the sponges used but I think you will really like them.
Available colors are: Blue, Green, Light Green, Lime, Orange, Safety Orange, Red, Pink, White, and Yellow. Very limited quantities.
Watch and buy: HERE.
Wooden Cups & Balls:
The small crochet balls were originally made for this set of wooden cups.
I had two sets of cups at the warehouse and was finally able to marry them with the matching balls. These are the last ones that will be available.
There are no instructions included. You just get the three cups that were turned out of one piece of wood and a set of four small white crochet balls.
Get a set: HERE.
Impromptu Card Magic Volume 3:
I have to admit that I am really enjoying revisiting this series and my friends are realizing it too… Since I started performing the stuff for them and fooling them.
Volume three is now available as a download. I put three of my favorite effects on the trailer. If you watch the second performance, it is special. A young Daryl taught it to me and after his early lectures many of the New York magicians were playing with it and performing it. It was one of the rare impromptu card tricks where you never touched the cards…. The spectator did everything.
Another cool routine that is not on the trailer is a telephone trick by Bob King. I think you will really like it. As usual the introductory price ends on Tuesday.
Watch and buy: HERE.

I decided to extend the sale for the six-volume DVD set of Aldo’s Impromptu Card Magic until the end of the year or until I release all the videos as downloads. So, you can still get the set for a bargain price. I believe that my initial investment in putting this out was more than $40K. Luckily I already broke even.
Get the set now, get the set: HERE.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Dec 21: Performing at Comix Comedy Club at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
►Jan 17-21: Exhibiting at the SAM National Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Info: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.