Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,001
March 19, 2022
I am glad that many of you enjoyed the last newsletter. I received many comments and compliments and was surprised that the each of you related to different pieces of advice. If you missed or deleted the last newsletter you can read it: HERE
One of the other things I learned from Harry Anderson is his desire to give gifts to the audiences during performances, which give them something to remember him by, and possibly the routine that used that prop.
Whenever we brainstormed routines, he would find a way to end it with a souvenir. Some of the popular examples of the routines I marketed of his are the Gang Of Four and Last Monte. You can also check out his ideas for the Wonder Bill.
Which leads to Guy Bavli’s Show Biz Card which I purchased the rights to around a million years ago. Some of the original stickers had some issues so I re-branded it, re-packaged it, and also shot a video tutorial and a new trailer: HERE
The beauty of this very easy and visual routine is that it leaves the audience with a memorable photograph of their selected card which happens to be on the back of your business card.
►Show Biz Card:
After your spectator selects a card, you introduce a stack of business cards with a beautiful picture of hands on it. You riffle the stack of business cards like a flip book and the hands begin to animate. The hands clap and a deck of cards appears between them. The cards are spread in a fan and one card magically rises from the deck. The animated hand picks up the card and turns it over — it is the chosen card!
The business card with the selected card pictured on is then removed and given to your spectator to keep and use the next time they want to hire you.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Business Card Paradox:
This is a five-piece puzzle that you or your spectators assemble into a Four of Clubs. Explaining that this is a two-sided puzzle you turn over four of the pieces and assemble them to form the back design of the card.
The puzzle is complete, but there is an extra piece left! Hand the piece to the spectator and to their amazement it is your business card.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Overwhelmed with too many new projects at the moment. Good thing I didn’t book any travel… Except for Sunday and Tuesday!