Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,020
June 18, 2022
As you probably remember I purchased the rights to Obie O’Brien’s product line. Last month I released the “Forks Full Of Appetizers” book and today I will introduce you to one of his two favorite routines. Even though he was known as the organizer of the 4F convention, as a performer he specialized in family shows and family restaurant work.
His “Big Bucks” routine uses jumbo bills and is based on Larry West’s “Passing The Buck,” that was originally manufactured for him by Larry’s company. I unexpectedly had a lot of trouble making bills that look as real as I wanted them to without breaking any counterfeiting laws. I am very happy with the final product.
It comes with access to a video tutorial where I teach my handling and also features Obie performing and teaching his original routine.
I made the new set using the latest US bills out of cardboard, but I also have a small supply of original sets that Obie sold at lectures in Europe and Canada using laminated Euros and Canadian Dollars.

►Big Bucks:
The routine revolves around a conflict between two people who are trying to out cheat each other.
It begins with four large ten-dollar bills which are miscounted as eighty dollars. The four ten dollar bills are then shown to have changed into a ten, a twenty, a fifty, and a hundred-dollar bill for a total of $180!
Watch and buy: HERE
The Roth Coin Box Sets sold out, so I wanted to make more. The machine shop that made them quoted me a price that was very close to what I am selling them to you for.
But they said that they had nine extra sets, that they never gave me and would sell them to me at the original price. If you were thinking about getting a set this could be your last chance at this price.
►Roth Coin Box:
David Roth revolutionized the use of coin boxes by creating many different techniques that are now considered common.
In his constant pursuit of the ultimate coin box routine, he created the Roth Coin Box which allowed him to be secretly one-ahead, and it also did a lot of the dirty work for him, making the routines cleaner and more direct. In addition to the Roth Coin Box, you also get access to an in-depth tutorial where he teaches what he considered his best Coin Box Routine.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Billy Buys Brooklyn Appearance:
On April 28th I appeared on the new Billy Buys Brooklyn television series as a Gambling Collector where I showed, demonstrated, and talked about holdouts.
I finally got a chance to cut out my segment and add it to my personal website for you to view. Hope you enjoy it.
Watch the TV appearance: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: You may have had trouble entering my site last week. The anti-virus companies that added me to their database apologized and cleared me again.