Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #889
December 19, 2020
Have been ignoring my business in preparation for my upcoming lecture that all of you are invited to see for free.
If you attended any of my Zoom Lectures earlier this year you may have noticed that one of my goals was to use similar sleight of hand techniques in different ways and using different objects. This new lecture that I am calling Unexpected Methods will feature completely different routines and deal less with sleight of hand and more with unique methods.
People often talk about first level thinking, which is generally considered the most obvious solution to a problem or the most obvious ad lib. All the routines I plan to teach, in my opinion, have gone beyond the first level. How far beyond the obvious? I will let you decide.
Unexpected Methods:
I am planning on presenting eight routines that can fall in the following categories: cards, animation, mentalism, and weird. You can decide which is which. All the methods used will be on the easy side and am planning on the lecture lasting around an hour. There will be a Q&A between routines which might make it run a little longer.
The lecture is part of the IBM JAM series and will go live on their facebook page (IBM – International Brotherhood of Magicians) on Tuesday December 22 at 9pm (New York time).
It is open to everyone, so feel free to invite your friends (magician friends…obviously). You don’t need to be a member of any group, just show up. You can even watch it without joining facebook, but they will likely have popups every few seconds asking you to create an account.
Hope to see all of you there.
Direct Facebook link: HERE
I am extremely happy with my final release of the year. These are manufactured by Nick Diffatte using the Dr X design and equipment. They do not come with instructions, but I made the trailer very informative and I tip a fantastic idea by Nick that I have never seen before. Please watch the 4-minute trailer. If you are not familiar with this it will be eye opening.
Watch and buy: HERE
Card Peggers:
This is a precision-made card pegger also known as a card punch that is based on the Dr. X design. A card punch is used to mark cards by adding invisible blisters to them (like braille) so you can find the cards you marked by feel.
The advantage of these types of punches is that they do not have to be adjusted like the pin versions and they will not pierce the cards since they do not have any sharp edges.
There have been many applications published in magic books over the years but there has also been a trend developing among mentalists who use these marked cards as key cards, that can be found by feel, to create some impossible effects.
These peggers are tiny, so we are selling them as a set of two, so you have a spare in case you lose one. They are made of brass and are around an eighth of an inch in diameter.
Watch and buy: HERE
Coin Ballonacy:
After the last newsletter I was able to make a new trailer where you can see a performance of the routine.
The introductory sale price will end on Tuesday night so you can still get it for less than the price of a good cup of coffee.
Watch and buy: HERE
Back In Stock:
Zodiac Coin: HERE
Second To None: HERE
How To Make Money By Magic: HERE
Auctions ending on Sunday night include Slum magic, cards, and books.
►29 Auctions ending on Sunday: HERE
►242 Collectibles in the store: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: Everyone who attends the lecture will get instructions on how to get a free set of lecture notes.
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is an ideal stand-up routine with intrinsic situational comedy. Even if you are not a comedian the situational comedy that is built into the routine will always get you laughs. But not just laughs… The magic is strong and there is even a duel reality ending where the spectator and the audience experience two different effects and both are impactful! | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a very special coin purse that is hand-made in Italy using fine Italian leather and contains real coins inside a hidden compartment that are used to create a perfect jingling sound when the purse is shaken… even when it is empty. The purse is used to add an audible element to your coin magic. Simple things like shaking the purse after pretending to put coins inside, solidifies the fact that the coins must be inside because you can hear them inside. The same sound can be used to prove the arrival of vanished coins before any sneaky stuff is done. |