Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,053
November 2, 2022
I know that some of you were thinking that this newsletter was going to be about baseball since the Astros are in the World Series.
It actually refers to P. Cinimod’s Astro Coin which was released in 1979. Unlike other versions of this classic trick (which I always thought was Derek Dingle’s) this gimmick holds an extra coin which you can switch for the produced Quarter at the end.
These were made using Poker sized USPC Torpedo decks, which might be collectible. This type of gimmick always took a knack to master, and even then, I could never get them to work perfectly every time (as you can see in the trailer). As with the previous Cinimod items, that have been in storage for 40+ years, they are being sold as collectibles… although you can still perform with it as you can see in the trailer: HERE
►Astro Coin:
A major part of the routine is placing a glass mouth down on a deck of cards. Tossing an invisible coin at the glass and a coin appears under it. When the coin is slid off the deck it changes into a penny.
The hand-made gimmicks used with this routine are around nine cards thick, which allows the rest of the deck to be used for whatever you like. The instructions teach a simple triumph routine to do with it before the coin magic sequence.
Watch and buy: HERE
Danny’s Panel Board just received a great review from Craig and Ryland Petty. The review starts at around 25 minutes. Watch it: HERE
►Danny’s Panel Board:
The Panel Board was first introduced in the 1880s as a coin vanish under cover of a cap. It sat dormant until the late 1920s and early 1930s when Danny Tsukalas discovered it and started coming up with amazing looking sequences where coins would vanish and appear under impossible conditions.
We have put every effort to teach you everything you need to know to do impossible looking magic. You will be able to do some of the sequences within minutes of learning the real secrets of how to prepare and manipulate the board.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Easy Aces:
The basic routine starts out by having the spectator shuffle a deck of cards face-up and face down. You then use the messed-up deck to cut to three of the Aces. As a kicker ending the rest of the cards are spread on the table to show that they magically straightened themselves out and are now all face down… Except for the final fourth Ace.
Easy Aces comes with a specially gaffed deck of Bicycle Poker Size cards that allow you to perform this routine with almost no skill.
Watch and buy: HERE
►The Hoff:
The four aces are produced and used to divine a selected card. A spectator takes the deck under the table and cuts the deck to select a card. With a wave of the hand, one of the aces mysteriously turns face down. When the selected card is revealed, it is discovered that the suit of the selected card matches the ace that has turned face down. After a magical gesture, the deck is spread on the table to reveal that a card has turned face up in the middle of the deck. Impossibly the face-up card in the middle of the deck is the ace that was just face down, and when the face-down card between the other aces is turned over, it is discovered to be the selected card.
Watch and buy: HERE
►New eBay Auctions:
Had a chance to add 16 new/old items to my eBay auctions. All auctions will expire on Sunday night.
A direct link to the auction: HERE
A direct link to my eBay store: HERE
►Upcoming Appearances:
Nov. 12: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Nov. 13: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Dec. 4: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Was very sorry to hear about the passing of my brilliant friend Max Maven last night. We met in 1978 at the very first magic convention I ever attended.
“Remember, all the audience knows, is what it Sees & Hears, if they don’t see or hear it there is no performance… There is no art! If they miss a word of it you won’t get Laughs!”
…Bob Fitch (Sharing My Secrets, 2002)