MT: February 18-24, 2002

VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,512 / Monday – February 18, 2002
Steve Cohen who continues to present his “Chamber Magic” show in New York City is featured in a New York Post article which says he, “specializes in Victorian salon-style magic in the tradition of Robert Houdin (Houdini’s namesake).” Cohen explains what he tries to do, “I spend a little time doing card ‘tricks,’ then I move on to magic of the mind. Many magicians impress you with tricks, but once people have a suspicion it’s a trick, it’s over. I want to focus on the mystery. Hit them in the gut. Make them gasp.” Cohen will also be making a jeep disappear in an upcoming History Channel special about Jasper Maskelyne. To read the Feb. 17 article by Nathaniel Eaton titled “What A Card!” click: HERE.(2/18)

“Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company,” who are celebrating their monumental 25th anniversary season are featured in a Boston Herald article that points out the strengths of the show, “Le Grand David’s steady, hypnotic method of magic makes even the smallest trick, like the dancing handkerchief, seem glamorous, and the grander ones – like a woman appearing out of an ornately decorated, seemingly empty box – all the more mesmerizing.” To read the Feb. 17 article by Kimberly Click titled “Shazam! Celebrating 25 years of magic in Beverly with Le Grand David” click: HERE.(2/18)

Andre Kole’s show in the Post-Tribune where they described the event, “Hundreds who gathered at Kahler Elementary School were treated to an array of illusions in a kaleidoscopic burst of glitzy costumes and dazzling light effects.” To read the Feb. 17 article by Alyce Jarman titled “‘Christian illusionist’ wows with mix of religion and magic” click: HERE.(2/18)

Max Maven, Eugene Burger, Tina Lenert, Whit Haydn, Bob Jardine, Tom Stone, Henry Evans, and Gerry Katzman appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Feb. 18-24. Henry Evans lectures on Sunday Feb. 24.(2/18)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,513 / Tuesday – February 19, 2002
Criss Angel who currently stars in “Mindfreak” will be presenting a very unusual endurance stunt in the window of WWF New York on the corner of Broadway and 43rd street in New York City. Eight fishhooks will be pierced through his skin at different locations on his body and he will be hoisted into the air, eight feet above ground, where he will attempt to remain hanging from the hooks for six hours, from 8am to 2pm on Wednesday Feb. 20. People are invited to come and see this “demonstration of an ancient tribal tradition.” Asked if he is planning on anything else like this in the future Angel said, “Next up, a Halloween Television special, where I really plan on pushing the envelope.”(2/19)

Rolando Medina who specializes in sideshow magic and tricks is featured in a San Antonio Express-News article. Performing under the name Father Jack Kill “…the San Antonio College student has left the respectable world of close-up magic and entered a new realm of conjuring that relies heavily on ‘shock value.'” To read the Feb. 18 article by Anita Baca titled “Act mixes magic with the macabre” click: HERE.(2/19)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,514 / Wednesday – February 20, 2002
From February 10-14 more than 10,000 people crowded the vast Jacob Javits Convention Center on the west side of Manhattan and the toy business showroom HQ — 200 Fifth Avenue. Amidst the hundreds of vendors, four manufacturers of magic-related items stood out. The US Playing Card Co. and Cadaco featured new magic products while Techniart Inc. unveiled interactive wizards. The big news was the newly launched Fantasma Magic which will try to become one of the big players in the general public magic niche. …Go to full story.(2/20)

A discussion of Lance Burton’s recent tour to the East Coast is mentioned in the Las Vegas Review-Journal where they pointed out that all six shows sold-out and that Burton had to build a second show to tour with as he was back in Vegas a day later. Burton will also be appearing in Japan in April. The article also mentions a lawsuit against Garry Ouellet’s new show “Tease.” To read the Feb. 19 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Burton wraps up successful East Coast tour” click: HERE.(2/20)

Andrew Baerlocher who is performing on the streets of Salt Lake City during the Olympics explained to the Deseret News “At night, people don’t stop to watch a card trick. But they do stop to watch a guy on fire.” To read the Feb. 19 article by Angie Welling titled “Entertainers line Salt Lake streets” click: HERE.(2/20)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,515 / Thursday – February 21, 2002
ENGLAND: The Blackpool Magicians’ Club celebrates their 50th Magic Convention on Feb. 22-24, 2002 at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, England. Touted as the largest magic convention in the world they will try to outdo themselves by hiring some of the finest magicians in the business. Scheduled to appear are Juan Tamariz, Norm Nielsen, Jeff McBride, Lennart Green, Jay Sankey, David Williamson, Bob Sheets, Michael Ammar, Juliana Chen, Mystina, George Sateriale, Peter Marvey, Emerson & Jayne, Simo Aalto, Simon Lovell, Terry Seabrooke, Guy Barrett, David & Dania and many more. For more information click: HERE.(2/21)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,516 / Friday – February 22, 2002
“The New Foon” is the title of a spec script for a movie which was just purchased by Paramount Pictures. According to Variety the story is about “…a Siegfried & Roy-type magician who goes into rehab and is replaced by a hapless look-alike.” To read the Feb. 21 article titled “Latest Hollywood script deals” click: HERE.(2/22)

CONNECTICUT: Harry Lorayne is headlining at the 21st annual New England Magician’s Conference (NEMCON) on Saturday Feb. 23 at the Holiday Inn (201 Washington Avenue) in North Haven. Lorayne will present one of his famous 2 1/2 hour lectures at the one-day convention which will also feature performances and lectures by Stephen Bargatze, Chris Capehart, Tom Jones, Rachel Wild, and Jay Mattioli. Registration is $60 per person at the door and includes all events. For more information e-mail: or phone: 860-349-8149.(2/22)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,517 / Saturday – February 23, 2002
Ricky Jay’s new show “Ricky Jay: On The Stem” which is scheduled to open on April 9 will run through July 14 (with a short hiatus Jun. 10-17) at the 299-seat Second Stage Theatre (307 W. 43rd Street) in New York City. Tickets will sell-out very quickly, so if you have any aspirations to see this modern day master of our art — act now. The box office opens on Tuesday-Saturday from noon-6pm. Tickets are $65 per person and are available by phoning: 212-246-4422. The new show is also being directed by David Mamet and will feature new material and larger performing pieces than what many are used to seeing Jay perform.(2/23)

AFLAC is now the official sponsor of David Copperfield’s 40-city US Portal tour. In addition to the sponsorship they are also partnering with Project Magic to bring the rehabilitation program to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. AFLAC will also be involved in producing a Project Magic handbook. To read the Feb. 22 press release titled “AFLAC and David Copperfield Unite for Children; AFLAC Duck Takes Center Stage for Project Magic” click: HERE.(2/23)

Joe Riding in the news trying to raise money for his nine-year-old granddaughter Sally Hoolin’s Olympic aspirations as a skater. She has already qualified for the British Novices Ice Skating Championships. A This Is Blackpool article mentioned that Riding is donating his services as a magician in exchange for sponsorship from companies and individuals who will help in the expensive Olympic preparations and training. To read the Feb. 22 article by Nikki Masters titled “Oh Grandad, you’re magic” click: HERE.(2/23)

David Corsaro performs at the Bellagio Restaurant & Covellos Catering (Route 23 North) in Kinnelon, NJ on Saturday Feb. 23 at 8pm. Cost is $5-$20 per person depending on dinner package. For tickets and information phone: 973-838-2900.(2/23)

The Italian Committee for the Verification of Paranormal Assertions explains how easy it is to become a psychic in a Guardian article. Massimo Polidoro and Luigi Garlaschelli, two of the members, will be releasing a book about debunking many of the paranormal hoaxes of the past ten years. The article asked, “At the end of the day, thousands of copies of this new book will circulate, while those psychics who appear on television preying on the pain of others are watched by millions. Who can we blame for misguiding so many people?” To read the Feb. 23 article by Umberto Eco titled “Psychic? It could just be the power of persuasion” click: HERE.(2/23)

Oscar Wilson who performs in clown as “Rosco the Court Jester” is profiled in the Messenger Post where he said, “If you’re going to entertain that age group, you’ll become that age group… One of the great things about this job is you get to watch cartoons.” To read the Feb.21 article by Bryan Mahoney titled “Clowning achievement” click: HERE.(2/23)

CALIFORNIA: Eugene Burger lectures at the Renaissance Hotel (1755 N Highland) in Hollywood on Saturday Feb. 23. Admission is $30 per person at the door. For more information phone: 661-260-3773.(2/23)
Criss Angel hanging at the WWF New York site shortly after he was impaled on eight fish hooks and raised off the ground on Wednesday February 20, 2002. (Photo: Carl Polaris). (2/23)
VOLUME: 50 / ISSUE: 1,518 / Sunday – February 24, 2002
Erik Jan Hanussen (1889-1933) was a very popular magician, mentalist and hypnotist in the early part of the 20th century. He billed himself as “The Man Who Knows All” and was also widely known as Hitler’s psychic and was very friendly with the Nazi party, which supported him. His close connections as an insider also helped him make predictions about upcoming fires and attacks. He is also rumored to have been the one who suggested to Hitler the use of a swastika as a good luck charm. What they didn’t know at the time was that he was Jewish. Hanussen has been the subject of several books and a 1988 German movie. On Mar. 29th a new movie, “Invincible,” opens in the US with Hanussen as one of the main characters. Hanussen will be played by by Tim Roth (General Thade – Planet of the Apes). To watch a German trailer for the movie with magic scenes click: HERE.(2/24)
— To buy the movie Hanussen for $19.95 click: HERE.
— To buy the book Hanussen: Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyant for $17.46 click: HERE.

Jadoogar O.P. Sharma who is running for the Indian legislative assembly is profiled in The Rediff where they describe the outside of his house, “He has a huge spider’s web made of iron as his porch gate. The front portion of the house is a giant skull, painted in white and the windows have smaller skulls engraved on them.” Explaining why he is running he said, “I have enough money. I entered politics not for money. For sometime I wanted to do something for the people and that is why I entered politics.” To read the Feb. 23 article by Basharat Peer titled “I will make my rival disappear” click: HERE.(2/24)

Loren Lind, former national president of the SAM, is given a surprise 80th birthday party by local magicians and the story is reported in the San Francisco Chronicle. To read the Feb. 22 article by Justino Aguila titled “And poof! It’s a birthday party for Concord magician, 80” click: HERE.(2/24)

Sylvester the Jester, Christopher Hart, Randy Pryor, Josh Sadowsky, Jon Armstrong, Brian Stoops, Mike Wong, and Bill Perron appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Feb. 25-Mar. 3.(2/24)

CALIFORNIA: Andy Nyman lectures at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd) in Burbank on Monday Feb. 25 at 7pm. Admission is $25 per person. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(2/24)
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