Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,085
March 1, 2023
The Accumulator Deck has been getting a nice buzz so I thought I should carry it. It is a very nice solution to the two-phase routine where two selections are found. The first by cutting to it, and the second is found at a named location in the deck. It requires no physical skill, just some presentation and thought.
►The Accumulator Deck:
Based on Wayne Fox and David Penn’s The 52-1 Deck this new version allows you to do the original plus a kicker ending where a second card is found in a freely named position.
The routine in detail: You spread the cards and show them to be all different. As you spread them again you have one spectator look at and remember a red card, and another remember a black card. Someone then names a number between one and fifty-two.
You cut to the first spectator’s card even though they never tell you the identity of the card. You then count down to the number that is freely named, and the second spectator’s card is at that number!
Watch and buy: HERE
As soon as I saw the Transporter Card, I had to buy a bunch (for obvious reasons). The effect on the trailer looks amazing and impossible. Tried it out for people a few times. Most Magicians see through the method, non-magicians are surprised by the impossible visual. But just like many of Jerry Andrus’ optical illusions this looks much better on video than live. Also, if you have large hands your finger will likely not fit through the holes in the card. You should really watch the trailer, it is amazing.
►Transporter Card:
This is a beautiful visual where the middle of your finger seems to turn invisible.
You show a card with two holes that you put your finger through. You cover the middle of your finger for just a moment, and it disappears. You then remove your finger from the card and the center of your finger reappears. It’s a quick illusion with eye popping visuals.
Watch and buy: HERE
You get a three-phase routine using the toy blocks that both adults and children immediately recognize.
The basic routine has you show a small magic wand made of interlocking toy blocks. With a wave, one of the white blocks vanishes and reappears in your free hand.
You disassemble the wand to show that they are ordinary toy blocks and do a quick hand to hand transposition before the finale, where a white block vanishes and appears in the center of the wand.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Countdown Coins:
Many years ago, Rocco came up with a coin gimmick that can be used to display four US Quarters while instantly changing to three Quarters, then two, and finally one Quarter, it can also be shown in reverse, going from one to four Quarters. The displays can be made one handed which allows for a very clean in the hand’s coins across.
The utility device can be used for many different routines, both stand-up and close-up. The tutorial includes easy, intermediate, and advanced coin routines that are taught by Rocco Silano, Dr. Michael Rubinstein, and Meir Yedid.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday March 26, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Next newsletter will feature Higar’s latest creation.
“Magic stirs the imagination, and transports the magician and his audience into a world of fantasy.”
…Abraham B. Hurwitz (Magic For Non-Magicians, 1975)