Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,118
July 8, 2023
I just received a shipment of Ted Bogusta’s Dual Position Triple Split Coins that I like so much. They are now available in almost all varieties.
To coincide with their arrival, I decided to finally release my Duality Coin Routine that uses them. The tutorial also includes various phases that I toyed with, used, and eventually decided to eliminate in order to keep the routine short and sweet.
I recently used the routine to close my live lecture in New York, and some of that footage is also included in the video tutorial. It is a quick and solid routine that I use all the time, and I am offering it as a discounted download for the next few days.
►Duality Coin Routine:
The Duality Coin Routine is a quick multiphase routine Meir has been honing for many years. He started using a shell, then upgraded and changed it around using a TUC, then when the Triple Split coins were released, he found the perfect balance…. until the appearance of the Dual Position Triple Split Coins where everything fell into place and allowed him to have the perfect displays along with the visual sequences.
If you own any of the above-mentioned coin sets you will find sequences that you can apply to your own routine. In addition to the basic routine, you will also learn some of the sequences that were part of the previous versions, that can be used to make the routine longer, and look and feel different than the one on the trailer.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Dual Position Triple Split Coins:
There have been many versions of Triple Split coins released by many different companies, but most are basically the same. Until now…
What Ted Bogusta created is a magnetic system he calls Dual Position which uses specially designed and manufactured magnets that allow the magnetic coins to overlap without aligning. This system allows you to place the overlapping coins in your hands, on the table, or even in the spectators’ hands.
The coins are also a little thicker than most which allows them to be shown as full-sized coins as opposed to shims.
Also of note is that we only use real coins as opposed to the counterfeits that our competitors advertise.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Escapist Coin:
You get two strong coin routines for casual situations, that are very easy to learn, and are examinable at the end.
Show two coins and a broken rubber band. The coins are an American penny and a dime that have small holes pierced through them. Thread the penny and dime on the rubber band and have a spectator hold the two ends of the band so the coins are trapped in the center.
You then pull on the coins and let them snap back, so they spin and bounce on the band. When they stop spinning only the penny is on the rubber band and the dime is found in your hand. It was seemingly plucked off the rubber band in a magical and impossible manner. Everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Friday July 16: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
►August 6-9: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The book I was working on was finalized and is now being printed. It is about a subject that I have never offered before and should be available at Magic Live!
“Manipulation is not the genre of magic that you can afford to skip or cheat any time. When you go on, you have to be flawless.”
…Peter Pitchford (Developing A Manipulation Act).