VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,022 / Monday – October 16, 2000 |
Lance Burton, and Steve Wyrick are mentioned as being promoted in Las Vegas on “10-story-high neon signs” instead of the lounge singers who dominated Vegas for many years. The legendary Wayne Newton explained, “…the demand for star entertainers cannot be filled with ‘names’ because of the sheer number of new megaresorts. …So the town has moved to many production shows, magic shows and impressionists… The great thing about our town is that there’s truly room for everybody regardless of their style of entertainment.” To read the Oct. 12 Associated Press article by Lisa Snedeker titled “Las Vegas losing legendary lounges” click: HERE.(10/16) Denis Goodwin who won the British IBM’s Comedy award wants to embark on a career as a magician. To read the Oct. 16 article titled “A Spell At The Top For Magician” which appeared in The News click: HERE.(10/16) Goldfinger & Dove, Bob Jardine, George Millward, John George, Bertie Pierce, Howard Jay, Mr. Martini, and J.C. Dunn appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Oct. 16-22. Doug Malloy lectures on Sunday Oct. 22.(10/16) Darren Brown, Dave Brown, and John Lenahan appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 16 at 8pm at Upstairs at the Gatehouse (Junction of North Road & Hampstead Lane, Highgate Village) in London, England. Tickets are £5-£7 per person and are available by phoning:020 8340 3488.(10/16) CALIFORNIA: John “Handsome Jack” Lovick lectures on Monday Oct. 16 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Boulevard) in Burbank. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(10/16) |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,023 / Tuesday – October 17, 2000 |
David Blaine will be performing magic on the streets of London on Oct. 19-20 and will be releasing a new DVD and video in the UK on Nov. 13 titled “David Blaine Mystifier: Street Magic – Magic Man.” A Guardian article describes Blaine as, “…part hip-hop kid, part card sharp, part shaman – is all his own. Siegfried and Roy may have their lions, David Copperfield his big night pizzazz, but David Blaine has perfected something approaching an anti-performance performance. To read the Oct. 15 article by Adam Sutherland titled “Go see…David Blaine” click: HERE.(10/17) A Scotland on Sunday article about Las Vegas mentions Magic Masters, Mac King, and Siegfried & Roy. To read the Oct. 15 article by Tom Adair titled “Mirage in the desert” and supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(10/17) Jenny Alexander and Maria Gara are the featured magicians in Hot Trix which opened on Oct. 7 at the Union Plaza (1 Main St.) in Las Vegas. The show runs on Tuesday through Sunday at 8pm and 10pm. For information or tickets phone: 702-368-2444.(10/17) |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,024 / Wednesday – October 18, 2000 |
![]() “Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?” is Martin Gardner’s latest book a bout debunking the myths and pseudoscience in our coulture. A positive Salon review concludes, “Schools could do well to interest children in science through Gardner’s entertaining volume — if they don’t ban it first. After all, there are plenty of adults out there who don’t want their kids exposed to the notion that Adam and Eve had the same bellybuttons we all love to contemplate.” To Read the Oct. 17 review by Tom DiEgidio titled “A witty, world-class debunker cuts through centuries of pseudoscience crap, from earthbound asteroids to balancing eggs” click: HERE. –To buy “Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?” for $21.56 from Amazon click: HERE.(10/18) An objective story about psychics appeared in the Boston Herald which gives tips on spotting the difference between harmless and dangerous psychics. James Randi is quoted, “…it’s all hokum. Psychics and their sitters are enjoying a game of self-deception.” To read the Oct. 17 article by J.M. Lawrence titled “Seeing seers: How local psychics stand up under closer gaze” click: HERE.(10/18) Do the dead communicate with mediums is the subject of a Boston Herald article. A debate between a believer, Dr. Schwartz, and a skeptic, James Randi, has the usual effect of each having a different threshold for proof. Randi describes Schwartz as, “…an honest man who is self-deluded.” To read the Oct. 17 article by J.M. Lawrence titled “Spirited debate over `proof’ that the dead talk” click: HERE.(10/18) Scott Steindorf’s adaptation of the Tom Tryon novel “Night Magic” which, “…centers on a hungry New York street magician and a sinister old master sorcerer eager to milk the upstart’s youth,” is going to become a movie. To read the Oct. 16 Variety article by David Rooney titled “Eagle Lands ‘Night’” click: HERE.(10/18) David Seebach’s 10th annual “Illusions in the Night” takes place on Oct. 20-28 at the Modjeska Theatre (1134 W. Mitchell St.) in Milwaykee, WI.(10/18) NEW JERSEY: Orin Shemin will be lecturing for the Harry Rouclere SAM #25 on Friday Oct. 20 at 8pm at the VFW Hall (Veterans Place) in Elmwood Park. Admission is free to all SAM members.(10/18) ENGLAND: The Magic Circle’s Close-Up Magician Of The Year competition takes place on Monday Oct. 23 at 7pm at the Center For The Magical Arts (12 Stephenson Way) in London.(10/18) |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,025 / Thursday – October 19, 2000 |
Are the Harry Potter books creating a new generation of magicians? According to Robb Fullmer, in an Arizona Daily Star article interest in magic and magic lessons is up thanks to, in part, the Potter phenomenon. To read the Oct. 18 article by Hanna Miller titled “Book is magical for wizard biz” click: HERE.(10/19) Lance Burton’s induction into the Casino Legends Hall of Fame is covered in the current issue of Las Vegas Showbiz. To read the Oct. 22-28 article titled “Lance Burton receives honors” click: HERE.(10/19) Siegfried & Roy are profiled for their work on preserving and bringing awareness, to the plight of wildlife, in the current issue of Las Vegas Showbiz. To read the Oct. 22-28 article titled “Going … Going … Siegfried & Roy promote animal extinction awareness” click: HERE.(10/19) Stampville.com, Inc. will be selling the new magic stamps featuring David Copperfield, Houdini, Howard Thurston and Harry Kellar through their website. To read the Oct. 18 company press release titled “StampVille.com Facilitate David Copperfield Stamps And The Magic On Stamps Event At Grand Central Station” click: HERE.(10/19) Joe Romano is featured at Six Flags America’s Frightfest 2000 (13710 Central Avenue) in Largo, MD on weekends at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm during Frightfest. For more information phone: 301-249-1500.(10/19) CALIFORNIA: The Oakland Magic Circle celebrates its 75th Anniversary with a one-day convention on Saturday Oct. 21. Scheduled performers include: Mike Rogers, Alain Nu, James Hamilton, Dan Harlan, Andrew Goldenhersh, Margaret Steele, Walt Anthony, Timothy James, Kostya Kimlat, Charlie Martin, Santiago, Marshall Magoon, Andrew Hershgold, Moi-Yo Miller, Lee Grabel & Helen, Dan Solo, Dick Newton, John Daniel, and many others. The OMC was originally founded on Jul. 25, 1925 in Oakland. The convention will be held at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center (Pacific Renaissance Plaza, 388 Ninth Street). Cost for the one day event is $60. For more information phone: 415-704-3181.(10/19) NEW YORK: Barry Richardson lectures on Friday Oct. 20 at 7pm for SAM, Parent Assembly #1 at the Fordham University (113 West 60th Street, Room 1124) in New York City. Admission is free to Parent Assembly #1 members. For more information e-mail: jrmedows@panix.com.(10/19) PRESS RELEASE: DAVID CRESEY AND NYCAN VIDEOS AVAILABLE AGAIN. |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,026 / Friday – October 20, 2000 |
Penn Jillette comments about David Blaine’s next stunt where he will spend four days frozen in a block of ice, “…seems to have this specialty in doing nothing.” Blaine responds, “I’d like to see Penn put himself in a coffin for a week… I’d show up every day for that.” Blaine also described himself as more of a performance artist than a magician. To read the Oct. 18 New York Daily News article titled “Penn writes off Blaine” click: HERE.(10/20) Cleopatra who is billed as “Chicagoland’s premiere female magician” and will be performing at the Algonquin Area Public Library on Oct. 28 at 2pm is featured in a Chicago Daily Herald article. To read the Oct. 13 article by Holmes & O’Brien titled “Cleopatra brings her own magic to library show” click: HERE.(10/20) The Oakland Magic Circle’s 75th Anniversary and convention is previewed in the San Francisco Gate. Quoted in the article are James Hamilton and Marshall Magoon who said, “In an age of science and technology, people want to be dazzled by the seemingly impossible.” To read the Oct. 19 story by Peter Stack titled “How Did They Do That? It’s Magic Magicians’ club celebrates 75th year” click: HERE.(10/20) David Copperfield made the rounds at the Beth Israel Medical Center North in New York City, teaching simple magic in the rehab center as part of his Project Magic program. To read the Oct. 19 Associated Press story titled “Copperfield Teaches Magic to Kids” click: HERE.(10/20) Mark Mitton performs at The Egg (Empire State Plaza) in Albany on Sunday Oct. 22 at 1pm and 4pm. Tickets are $8-10 and are available by phoning: 473-1845 or by clicking: HERE.(10/20) NEW YORK: Willis Kenny is the Special Guest of Honor at the 5th Annual Buffalo Get-Together on Oct. 20-21 at the West End Inn in Hamburg, NY. Also appearing is Baltazar Fuentes. Registration is limited to 52 people. For more information phone Dan Block at: 716-674-2089.(10/20) INDIANA: The Alakazam Magic Show produced by IBM Ring #56 takes place on Oct. 21 at 2pm at the Heights Middle School (5800 Hogue Road) in Evansville. Tickets are $5 per person.(10/20) |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,027 / Saturday – October 21, 2000 |
An Electronic Telegraph article about David Copperfield interviews him about the bad press which he was subjected to in England in 1995. He also spoke about his flying illusion, “I know one paper in England said they saw the wires when I was flying, but they never saw the wires, because there aren’t any! Actually I have several different ways of flying!” Also mentioned in the article is what he has been working on lately in New Your City with an interactive billboard. To read the Oct. 14 article by Christa D’Souza titled “Trick or treat” click: HERE.(10/21) The David Copperfield event in Grand Central Station is covered in a CBS News story where Copperfield is quoted, “It’s a big honor, not just for me, but for the art of magic, which I love so much.” Also included in the article are profiles of Harry Houdini (1874-1926), Harry Kellar (1849-1922), and Howard Thurston (1869-1936). To read the Oct. 19 story by Lloyd de Vries titled ” Copperfield Makes Stamps Appear: ‘Living Legend’ Illusionist Unveils Stamps From Caribbean Nations Stamps Honor Copperfield, Houdini, Thurston And Kellar” click: HERE.(10/21) Johnny “Ace” Palmer performs at the annual Taste of Santora fund-raiser on Saturday Oct. 21 at 6pm at the Santora Arts Building, (207 N. Broadway) in Santa Ana, CA. Tickets are $30 at the door. For more information phone: 714-972-2610.(10/21) The Lance Burton Variety Club Golf Classic is a fundraiser to benefit the Variety Club of Southern Nevada and will be held on Oct. 23 at 12:30pm at the Dragon Ridge Golf Club in Henderson, NV. The Variety Club is a children’s charity which serves more than 17,500 children in Southern Nevada through programs affiliated with 33 local non-profit organizations. Entry fee is $350 per person and includes an awards dinner, prizes and an auction. For more information phone: 702-383-8466.(10/21) MIDWEST: Chad Long lectures in Springfield, IL (Oct. 22), Kansas City, MO (23), St. Louis, MO (24), Louisville, KY (25), Stickney, IL (26), and Franklin Park, IL (27). For more information check with your local magic clubs or e-mail the Magicians Lecture Network by clicking: HERE.(10/21) PRESS RELEASE: FREE EZINE SHOWS MAGICIANS HOW TO DOUBLE AMOUNT OF SHOWS. |
VOLUME: 34 / ISSUE: 1,028 / Sunday – October 22, 2000 |
![]() Read about David Copperfield escaping from Al Gore’s Social Security lockbox in The American Spectator. To read the Oct. 19 story by Mark Hemingway titled “A Magic Moment: David Copperfield stages daring escape from Social Security lockbox on live television” click: HERE.(10/22) Jerry Hart’s “Magical No Show” which is themed as an anti drugs, alcohol and tobacco show is featured in The Los Angeles Times. The show was “developed by McLeod Educational Services as part of its program to combine magic, entertainment and education.” To read the Oct. 21 story by Sean Kirwan titled “Magic Opens Kids’ Eyes and Minds to Drug Lesson” click: HERE.(10/22) Magician Harry Garrison who is best known as an expert smoke-ring blower is featured in The Cincinnati Enquirer. To read the Oct. 10 story by Jim Knippenberg titled ”Smoke rings lead to ‘GQ’ magazine” click: HERE.(10/22) A more precise and detailed account of David Copperfield’s visit to the pediatric rehab unit at Beth Israel Medical Center on Manhattan’s East Side is recounted in the New York Daily News. Copperfield also performed for the patients and their parents, “He awed youngsters and adults with a few advanced tricks, including one in which he placed his hand on the ground and then rotated it in a full circle.” To read the Oct. 19 story by Robert Ingrassia titled “Copperfield Materializes In Hospital Ward” click: HERE.(10/22) Torkova, Doc Swan, Robin Chantawan, Jeff Moche, Todd Robbins, Michael Chaut, Allan Zola Kronzek, and Frank Brents appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 23 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(10/22) |
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