MT: November 29 – December 5, 1999

VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 700 / Monday – November 29, 1999
Geno Munari, owner of Houdini’s Magic Shop in Las Vegas, (Plaintiff) wins a summary judgment against Hardeen H. Houdini (Defendant) in the U.S. District Court – District of Nevada. Papers faxed to MagicTimes show that U.S. District Judge Johnnie B. Rawlinson found, among other things, that the “Defendants are permanently enjoined from: a) Using any trademark containing the word ‘HOUDINI’ in any form, whether alone or in combination with other words or a logo…” He further found that the “Plaintiffs have superior, prior and exclusive rights to the names and trademarks containing the word ‘HOUDINI’ in connection with the sale of magic tricks…” There were many other findings including the misrepresentation of the Defendant as a relative of Harry Houdini, and a monetary settlement.(11/29)

Jerry Andrus, Dale Salwak, Harry Monti, Cameron, Jeff Steele, Chris Mitchell, Tyler Knight & Kaylani, and Blake Maxam appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 29-Dec.5. Dale Salwak lectures on Sunday Dec. 5.(11/29)

Monday, Nov. 29
Death By Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Monday Nov. 29 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/28)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 701 / Tuesday – November 30, 1999
ENGLAND: Ron Macmillan’s International Magic Day on Dec. 3-5 in London features Harry Lorayne, Steve Draun, Eric De Camps, Omar Pasha, Tommy Wonder, Jeff Hobson, Ali Bongo, Derren Brow, David Stone, Adam Williams, Arden James, Yuji Yamamoto, Andy Gebhardt, Russ Stevens, and much more. For more information phone: 0171-405-7324 or e-mail:

Tuesday, Nov. 30
Nathan Burton & Sarah on Crook & Chase on Tuesday Nov. 30 at 3pm ET on TNN-TV (US-cable). (11/29)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies -See 11/17. (11/29)
Houdini – Part 2– See 11/26. (11/29)
Comedy In Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Monday Nov. 30 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/29)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 702 / Wednesday – December 1, 1999
Darren Romeo with his own show at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas. “Darren Romeo – Voice of Magic” opened on Nov. 27 and will continue with two shows per day (except Wednesdays) at 1 and 3pm. Romeo who was a hit at the last Tannen’s Jubilee, closing the final show, is an excellent singer and he takes advantage of the talent by singing live while presenting his illusions. You can see the show which is being produced by Dixon Entertainment Arts, Inc. for only $14.95 per person.(12/1)

Subashnie Devkaran who is the current Miss India South Africa is also a magician. She recently met David Copperfield and she discusses it in the Nov. 28 issue of Sun Times. She plans on”…doing a combination of classical Indian dancing and a magic act,” at the Miss India Worldwide pageant to be held next year in Florida. To read the article click: HERE. (12/1)

Wednesday, Dec. 1
The Great Spontini – May 9, 1974 episode of Quantum Leap on Wednesday Dec. 1 at 3pm ET on   SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(11/30)
Magic Moments has a TV producer falling under the spell of a magician on Wednesday Dec. 1 at 10pm and Dec. 2 at 2:30am ET on ROMCL-TV (US-cable).(11/30)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) on Wednesday Dec. 1 at 5:30am ET on TMC-TV (US-cable).(11/30)
Houdini – Part 2 episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Dec. 1 at 5:30am ET on Discovery Canada.(11/30)
Dai Vernon episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Dec. 1 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/30)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 703 / Thursday – December 2, 1999 
Lance Burton is taping segments for both of his upcoming TV specials on Friday Dec. 10 at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. The two, one-hour, shows will be titled “Lance Burton’s Young Magician’s Showcase” (featuring young magicians) and “Lance Burton: Master Magician: On The Road” (with segments taped in Louisville, Florida, Las Vegas and at the Magic Castle). Tickets for the taping are available for $20 each at the Monte Carlo Box office at: 702-730-7160 or 877-386-8224. Proceeds from the tapings will go to The Shriners’ Burned & Crippled Children’s Fund. Show starts at 8pm, doors open at 7pm.(12/2)

Dixie Dooley’s “Houdini Lives Again” at the Plaza in downtown Las Vegas is reviewed by Michael Paskevich in the Nov. 26 issue of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He also writes about Steve Wyrick’s upcoming show. To read the column click: HERE.(12/2)

Thursday, Dec. 2
Great Magic of Las Vegas I with Kevin James, Valentino, Lauren Michaels, Earl Nelson, and more on Thursday Dec. 2 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable). (12/1)
The Amazing Randi on The Magic Show episode of Happy Days on Thursday Dec. 2 at 5am ET on NICK-TV (US-cable). (12/1)
Magic Moments -See 12/1. (12/1)
Mentalism episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Thursday Dec. 2 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/1)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 704 / Friday – December 3, 1999
Dan Stapleton is organizing a seven day Magic Halloween/Mardi Gras Cruise aboard the Enchanted Isle which will feature magic shows, private shows, lectures and close-up. The cruise sails from New Orleans to the Caribbean, Grand Cayman, Montego Bay Jamaica and Cozumel Mexico during Halloween 2000. Stapleton promises, “This will be the most affordable magic cruise ever…” For More information e-mail:

Jim Skaggs performs at the 51st Annual Cardinal’s Christmas Party on Saturday Dec. 4 at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Music Center in Downtown Los Angeles. The party benefits 600 needy children in Los Angeles County by providing them with a day of celebration in honor of the Christmas season.(12/3)

Friday, Dec. 3
The Fugitive episode of the Twilight Zone features a magician who helps a handicapped girl on Friday Dec. 3 at 1pm ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(12/2)
Le Grand David episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Friday Dec. 3 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/2)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 705 / Saturday – December 4, 2000
David Copperfield finishes off the century performing in Vienna, Kiev, Moscow and then back to the United States. He will be at the Wienerstadhalle in Vienna, Austria (Dec. 3-5), Kiev Palace in Kiev, Ukraine (8), Olympic Stadium in Moscow, Russia (10-12), and back to the U.S. at Caesars Palace in Lake Tahoe, Nevada (25-30). I can’t imagine that anyone else performed more magic shows during the 1900’s than Copperfield — he is probably near the top for the most live shows in any field.(12/4)

Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company, now in its 24th season performs every Sunday in December (5,12,19 and 26) at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677. There will also be a special New Year’s Eve show is on Friday, Dec. 31 at 8pm.(12/4)

Tony Daniels performs at The Corona del Mar Library (420 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar) in California on Sunday Dec. 5. For more information phone 949-717-3801.(12/4)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 706 / Sunday – December 5, 2000
Hank Lee’s Cape Cod Conclave has once again announced an outstanding lineup for their Apr. 14-16, 2000 convention. The 11th annual conclave will feature: George Saterial, Peter Marvey, Roy Davenport, Kohl & Co., Rafael Benatar, Eric DeCamps, Marc Antoine, The Magic of Lyn, Terry Lunceford, Howard Hale, David Acer, Chuck Fayne, Trevor Lewis, Todd Robbins and more to come. For more information click: HERE.(12/5)

Michael Chaut, Chris McDaniel, and Jamy Ian Swiss appear at Monday Night Magic on Dec. 6 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(12/5)

Sunday, Dec. 5
Unmasked! Exposing the Secrets of Deception on Sunday Dec. 5 at 8pm and 11pm and on Dec. 11 at 5pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(12/4)

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