Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,033
August 10, 2022
When my friend, Joe Hernandez, first told me that he was working on some magic that can be done over the phone I was curious as to what he would come up with, because his personality type is that of a Pitbull, once he latches on to something he obsesses over it and does not stop until…
Well, as I suspected I started getting almost daily emails with his latest creations, systems, and combinations. He asked if ten tricks would be enough for a booklet. I said yes. A few more weeks went by and now he had 20 tricks, 30 tricks, 50 tricks, 70 tricks and he kept going. He finally decided to include the 52 best tricks in one Phonetastic book.
I think that most of you will enjoy going through the material in the book and trying out the long-distance magic. I should mention that since I wrote the foreword to the book my opinions are biased.
He also agreed to autograph all my copies. Here is the photo of him signing them for you.
With the cell phone as the number one means of instant communication, performing magic over the phone is an excellent way for magicians to share their magic.
Imagine having a card secretly selected, placed back in the deck, then shuffled, and you reveal the chosen card. You can also have a pair of imaginary dice rolled and be able to tell the chosen number. There is even a gambling routine where the spectator deals himself the winning hand without realizing it. Also includes a revised bonus trick from the legendary John Scarne and the introduction to the JDH Principle, a new magic method that is being revealed for the first time.
Get your autographed copy: HERE
An update on Martin Lewis’ Making Magic book. Another case is on its way and should get here on Monday.
►DIE: Dice Influence Everyone:
The basic effect using this unique prop involves a spectator rolling the paper die three times to form a number which is used to find a card.
To prove that the die influenced all their decisions, the paper die is unfolded to show a duplicate of the selected card.
Comes with two PPDs so you can repeat the routine with a different outcome. Everything is examinable. The PPDs can be carried in your wallet. Use your own deck.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If all goes well, the next David Roth release will be introduced in the next newsletter.