MT: May 6-12, 2002

VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,589 / Monday – May 6, 2002
“Murray: Magic’s New Master” at the New Frontier in Las Vegas is reviewed on Las where it is described as “a highly likeable and very talented magician to whom the audience soon responded with much applause and plenty of “Ooohhs” and “Aaahhs” as he went through his repertoire of tricks.” Murray also explains what he sees his purpose on stage is, I try to get them [audiences] to forget their worries and just enjoy themselves.” The article closes with, “‘Go see it.’ And at only $12.95, you get a lot for your money.” To read the Apr. 29 review by Len Butcher titled “A Turn in the Spotlight” click: HERE.(5/6)

David De-Val, well known escape artist from England, died on Tuesday Apr. 30 at the age of 63. The funeral is scheduled of Thursday May 9 at 1:30pm at the Oldham Crematorium in Lancashire, England.(5/6)

Peter Lamont who received £54,000 to study if magic has a future in the age of hi-tech and special effects is featured in the Sunday Herald where his mission is described as, “His goal is to study the changing perception of magic, in a bid to help halt its decline from an awe-inducing mystery to an entertainment associated widely with comedy and children’s parties.” To read the May 5 article by Stephen Naysmith titled “Money for old Indian rope?” click: HERE.(5/6)

Lance Burton fills in for columnist, Norm, in the Las Vegas Review-Journal with a gossip column e-mailed from his current tour of Japan. To read the May 5 article titled “Putting a magical spin on gossip” click: HERE.(5/6)

Chuck Jones & Co., Terry Seabrook, David Groves, Barry Price, Bob Bolivar, and Dan Jordan appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on May 6-12. Terry Seabrooke lectures on Sunday May 12.(5/6)

MARYLAND: Henry Evans lectures at Denny & Lee Magic Studio (325 South Marlyn Avenue) in Baltimore on Thursday May 9. Admission is $15 per person. For more information and reservations phone: 410-686-3914.(5/6)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,590 / Tuesday – May 7, 2002
SAM Assembly #226 in Florida is featured in The Ledger where the article looks at the Society Of American Magician’s upcoming 100-year anniversary celebration. The writer observed that, “Sitting and chatting with four magicians is a bit like watching a floor show of optical illusions, comedy routines, storytelling and acting.” Mentioned in the article were: Luis Campaneria, Chris Harris, Robert Bengel, Elmo Bennett, Mike Peterson, and Jim Zachary. The purpose for the SAM is defined as, “To promote harmony among those interested in magic, and to further the elevation of the art.” To read the May 6 article by Donna Kelly titled “Magicians’ Society to Celebrate 100 Years With Banquet, Show” click: HERE.(5/7)

Ricky Jay’s off-Broadway show is reviewed in the New York Post where they point out that “Jay extracts genuine wonder and juicy joy from the seemingly phony and the aridly cheesy.” To read the May 6 article by Donald Lyons titled “Times Sq. Jay-Walk” click: HERE.(5/7)

The “Fifty Greatest Magic Tricks” TV special is reviewed in The Guardian. Magicians mentioned are: Gay Blackstone, Tommy Cockles, David Berglas, Siegfried & Roy, Juan Tamariz, Geoffrey Durham, Fay Presto, Melinda Saxe, Penn & Teller, Paul Daniels, Hans Moretti, and David Copperfield. To read the May 7 review by Nancy Banks-Smith titled “Magical mystery tour” click: HERE.(5/7)

The new “Sideshow School” in Coney Island is featured in a New York Post story that quotes instructor Todd Robbins about fire eating, “The most important rule is: Do not inhale the flame… Inhaling is very bad.” Explaining how to swallow swords Robbins said, “the ‘trick’ to swallowing it [sword] is merely overcoming 10,000 years of human evolution called the gag reflex.” To read the May 6 article by Gersh Kuntzman titled “Freak Show 101” click: HERE.(5/7)

Tony Blanco will once again present his “Magic & Mirth” show at the Excalibur Hotel Casino which runs daily at the Court Jester Stage. The show is free for visitors and guests. It is scheduled to run through Aug. 15.(5/7)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,591 / Wednesday – May 8, 2002
“The Magician” is a 50-minute show from a consortium of Broadway producers which, according to Variety is, “an evening of seven illusions based on the work of legendary magician Harry Blackstone. Seven illusions will be presented for four performances, May 22-24, at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center.” The article also mentions that a version of the show could make it to Broadway in the spring of 2003. The producers, which includes Gay Blackstone, have “acquired exclusive worldwide rights to all illusions created by the two Blackstones [Sr. and Jr.].” To read the May 6 article by Robert Hofler titled “‘Magician’ to Turn Tricks on Broadway” click: HERE.(5/8)

Ricky Jay’s show is reviewed in USA Today where it is called, “a most disarming diversion,” and Jay’s “…ability to temper this confidence with wry humility that makes Ricky Jay both a maestro and a mensch.” To read the May 5 review by Elysa Gardner titled “Magic and laughter stem from Ricky Jay” click: HERE.(5/8)

Adam Steinfeld brings his MagicLive! show, “the longest running illusion/magic show ever in Aruba,” for a one-night only appearance at the Helen Stairs Theatre (201 S. Magnolia Ave.) in Sanford, FL. Joining Steinfeld are Geometric Fantasy, Aydar. The show is on Saturday May 11 at 8pm. Admission is $15-$20 per person. For more information phone: 407-321-8111. A second show has just been added for 2:30pm. Steinfeld will also be appearing on FOX-TV morning news in Orlando on May 9.(5/8,9)

PENNSYLVANIA: The May Magic Spectacular produced by White Magic is a one-day convention on Saturday May 11 which will feature Tim Wright, Bob Little, Steve Dacri, Eric Henning, Tom Yurasits, David Kaplan, Bob Gibbons, Ed White, Dr. Hex, and Dr. Forde. The convention takes place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Breinigsville and attendance is limited to 125 conventioneers. Registration is $25.00 per person. For more information phone: 610-432-9846 or click: HERE.(5/8)

CALIFORNIA: Jay Sankey lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop on Thursday May 9 at 7:30pm at Miraloma Park Improvement Club (350-O’Shaughnessy Boulevard) in San Francisco. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(5/8)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,592 / Thursday – May 9, 2002
Darren Romeo’s new show, “Siegfried & Roy present … Darren Romeo, the Voice of Magic,” is set to open on Tuesday May 28 at The Mirage. The show will run Tuesday-Saturday at 3pm at the Siegfried & Roy Theater. A Las Vegas Review-Journal article quoted Romeo, “‘It was really an evolving process,’ Romeo said of the past two years. At first, Siegfried and Roy were going to finance an evening show at Paris Las Vegas or The Venetian. But in rehearsing illusions onstage at The Mirage, ‘what we thought would be dwarfed (on the stage) came alive.'” The article also mentions that Caesars Magical Empire will begin presenting afternoon shows which feature different magicians than their evening shows. To read the May 7 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Kaplan returns to stand-up roots” click: HERE.(5/9)

“David Blaine Vertigo” which is scheduled to air on Wednesday May 22 at 10pm ET on ABC is discussed on the ABC site. The new web page gives more details on the stunt and exactly when and where it will happen, “David Blaine’s latest endurance challenge will take place in full public view with passersby being able to see him in Bryant Park, starting at noon on Tuesday, May 21.” To visit the ABC-TV David Blaine page click: HERE.(5/9)

EAST COAST: Jeff McBride presents his new “Magic In Concert” show and lecture at Kenzo’s (410-727-5811) in Baltimore MD on May 11, and a “No Holds Barred” secret session at Denny & Lee’s (410-686-3914) in Baltimore on May 12. He will then head to Salem, MA where he presents shows and lectures on May 15-18 with a special Master Class with Eugene Burger on the 16th. For more information on the Salem events contact David Birtwell at: 978-921-9310 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,593 / Friday – May 10, 2002
David Blaine is featured in the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine where the subtitle of the article is “In the Dark World of America’s Strangest Magician, Nothing Is Real but the Pain.” Blaine explained about the character he plays on TV, “He’s the me I would want to be, the guy that’s laid back, speaks slow, is intense, connects to the people. He does these stunts, has these powers, is the guy that never shows up at things, but when he does, it’s a very serious thing, because something might happen.” Blaine also explains about his “stare” and what it accomplishes and how it can take “somebody to a crazy place.” At several points in the article Blaine opens up and talks about his life and his feelings, much of the information is seeing print here for the first time. The article written by Erik Hedegaard titled “David Blaine Wants To Freak You Out!” appears on page 70 of the May 23 issue of Rolling Stone.(5/10)

CALIFORNIA: Dan Harlan lectures on Monday May 13 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd) in Burbank. Admission is $25 per person and is limited to 30 people. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(5/10)

ENGLAND: Doc Eason lectures on Monday May 13 at The Magic Circle in London. Open to members only.(5/10)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,594 / Saturday – May 11, 2002
Penn Jillette writes a column in the Las Vegas Review-Journal about the quality of entertainment in Las Vegas. Speaking about magic in Vegas Jillette commented, “…we’ve got better magic than anywhere else in the world. Mac King does the best comedy magic show anywhere. Amazing Johnathan (that’s a complete sentence). Mike Close plays great jazz piano and does the best close-up magic I’ve seen, right in your face in the same building where Lance Burton does his perfect dove work.” To read the May 10 article by Penn Jillette titled “Vegas continues shift toward smart but clings to a touch of cringe” click: HERE.(5/11)

“Siegfried & Roy Present Darren Romeo, The Voice of Magic” opens on May 28th at the Mirage in Las Vegas. A company press release, which calls Romeo “‘the protégé’ to the most successful entertainers in the history of live entertainment,” also quotes Mirage president William P. McBeath, “Siegfried & Roy have been integral parts of our family for more than a decade. When they introduced us to Darren, we saw immediately why they believe he is the star of the future. We agree and look forward to introducing all of our guests to this new experience.” To read the May 10 press release titled “‘Siegfried & Roy Present Darren Romeo, The Voice of Magic’ Debuts at The Mirage — Matinee Performances Scheduled to Begin May 28” click: HERE.(5/11)

Michael Grasso, Michael Chaut, Frank Brents, Simon Lovell, Todd Robbins, Carl Mercurio, Belinda Sinclair, and Florian Klein appearing at Monday Night Magic on May. 13 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(5/11)

NEW YORK CITY: The Society of American Magicians, Parent Assembly celebrates it’s 100th anniversary at a cocktail party on Saturday May 11 at the Soldiers, Sailors and Airman’s Club in New York City. The event will also honor past “Magicians Of The Year.” It is a members only event.(5/11)

NEW JERSEY: Doc Dixon lectures for SAM Assembly #161 in Green Brook on Monday May 13 at 8pm. For more information click: HERE.(5/11)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,595 / Sunday – May 12, 2002
David Merry’s new comedy/magic show “Don’t Panic” opened on April 22 at The Second City (56 Blue Jays Way) in Toronto, Canada. Merry is well known in Canada as a TV Host, past recipient of Canada’s “Club Comic of the Year,” and as an opening act for the leading musicians and comedians who tour Canada. Billed as “Comedy’s Mad Man of Magic” he has also been described as “A Colonel in the Mayhem Corps” (Winnipeg Free Press), and “Where Tool Time meets Rodney Dangerfield” (Halifax Herald). His new show features magic, comedy, and his wild inventions. The 80-minute show which is directed by Steven Morel will run on most Mondays through June 24 with a good chance of an extension. For tickets and reservations phone: 416-343-0011.(5/12)

Mac King performed at the 32nd annual Mother of the Year awards ceremony at the Gold Coast in Las Vegas. To read the May 10 Las Vegas Sun article titled “Community salutes Mothers of the Year” click: HERE.(5/12)

Joe Monti, Reed McClintock, Woody Pittman, Enrico de la Vega, Jesse Dee, Stan Gerson, James Holguin, and Chuck Griffith appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on May 13-19. Pavel lectures on Sunday May 19.(5/12)
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