MT: May 22-28, 2000

VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 875 / Monday – May 22, 2000 
Think It Again, Sam: Marc Salem’s Mind Games And All That Jazz
Marc Salem’s psychic serenade combining Mentalism and music opens June 27th at NYC’s Feinsteins at the Regency. “Mind Games And All that Jazz” brings a new slant to mind reading by highlighting material that is musically oriented; that music in particular being jazz. Incorporating elements of Salem’s previous successful show, “Mind Games,” this new production features Vibrations, a four piece, all woman band. Vibrations provide interstitial music to open and close the show as well as interacting with master mind Salem. The addition of music to his presentation is both a nod to broadening the appeal of what is basically a one man show/platform demonstration and an opportunity to expand the envelope of psychic entertainment. …Go to full story.(5/22)

Kirk Charles, Steve Dacri, George Tovar, Howard Jay, Lee Bayless, Bruce Block, Murray Hatfield, and Jeff Martin appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on May 22-28.(5/22)

NEW JERSEY: Joe Rindfleisch lectures on Wednesday May 24 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit – Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. For more information phone Al Hillman at: 732-257-3456. Cost to non-members is $12.(5/22)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 876 / Tuesday – May 23, 2000
The May 20 issue of the London Daily Mail ran a story titled, “I hate being Paul Daniels’ son. In a searching first interview, the TV magician’s son tells the truth about his ‘overbearing’ father.”(5/23)

JAPAN: The 10th World Magic Symposium by SAM Japan takes place on May 25-27 in Nagasaki. Performers include Lennart Green, Greorge Saterial, Tommy Wonder, Mahko Tendo, Jimmy Kikuchi (son Yutaka Kikchi), Shintaro Fujiyama, Koichi Sugaya, Isshu, Sako, Bravo Nakatani, Shinpei Ogawa, Joker from Miyashima, Shinpei Ogawa.(5/23)

MISSOURI: Eugene Burger lectures on Thursday May 25 at 7:30pm for SAM Assembly #8 at the St. Louis Seniors Center (Sublette & Arsenal) in St. Louis. There will also be a special workshop on May 27. For more information phone Joe Hardin at: 618-281-8237.(5/23)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 877 / Wednesday – May 24, 2000 
FLORIDA: The annual Florida State Magic Convention takes place in Orlando on May 26-28. Booked this year are: Bev Bergeron, Denny & Lee, Murry, Alain Nu, Mark Merchant, Lee Noble, Abb Dickson, Jair Bonair, Puck & Kecia, Sammy Smith, Tim Glancy Paul Cummins, Bob Knigge, Gerry Frye, Danny Hill, Carl Fowler, Mike Kent, Lyle Balcom and Paul Diamond. The event takes place at the Orlando North Hilton Hotel (350 S. North Lake Blvd). Registration is $90 per person. For more information click: HERE.(5/24)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 878 / Thursday – May 25, 2000 
David Blaine “…nearly stole the show at Lotus restaurant Tuesday [May 16], when Talk magazine and the Endeavor talent agency threw a party anticipating the fall TV season.” According to a NY Daily News article, in addition to David Blaine and his girlfriend Josie Maran also attending the party were Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbara Walters, Andrew Heyward, Charlie Rose, David E. Kelley, Tatum O’Neal, Hank Azaria, David Allen Grier and others who saw Blaine perform. To read the May 18 article by Mitchell Fink titled “David Blaine Does the Trick: Magician David Blaine sure knows how to attract a crowd” click: HERE.(5/25)

VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 879 / Friday – May 26, 2000
Woody Allen’s latest movie, Picking up the Pieces, where “…he fantasizes he’s a magician performing a trick and takes a chain saw to his unfaithful wife Candy, played by Sharon Stone” is having trouble getting a theatrical release. It seems that her severed hand is found in the desert and it becomes a religious shrine — curing the people which come in contact with it. The townspeople in the movie believe that hand belongs to the Virgin Mary — and some movie distributors feel it is in poor taste. Until it gets a theatrical release Cinemax worked out a deal to air it on Friday May 26 at 8pm ET. Lou Lumenick writes that “Allen, who appears to have written or improvised many of his own lines, gives a daring, hilarious performance as Tex – his best in years. To read the May 23 New York Post article titled “Woody Goes Straight To Cable” click: HERE.(5/26)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 880 / Saturday – May 27, 2000 
Princes Tenko, Jonathan David Bass, Nicolas Night & Kinga, The Napoleons, Vladimir, and Phil Keller perform in “Illusion in Yokohama 2000” on Tuesday May 30 at 6:30pm at the Pacifico Yokohama, Kokuritsu-dai Hall (1-1-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku) in Yokohama, Japan. Tickets are 6,000-8,000 yen (US $60-80). For tickets and information phone: 045-221-2155.(5/27)

VIRGINIA & NORTH CAROLINA: David Groves who wrote “Be A Street Magician: A How-To Guide” lectures for IBM Ring #222  in Roanoke, VA on Monday May 29. For more information phone: 540-639-2454. He is also scheduled to be in Charlotte, NC on May 30 – for more info phone: 704-563-9300.(5/27)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 881 / Sunday – May 28, 2000
Jasper Maskelyne featured as “Maxim’s Man Of The Year” in an article by Charles Coxe titled “Poof! Daddy” in their Circus Maximus section. Several of Maskelyne’s adventures during WWII are recounted, when he served for the British forces in Egypt — fooling German bombers into attacking fake armies and cities. He managed to save the Suez Canal and the port of Alexandria from being taken over by the German armies. Eventually he was placed on the Gestapo’s blacklist. The article concludes with, “All that, and he never once got to date Claudia Schiffer. Life is unfaire.” The article appears in the June issue of Maxim, which is available at most magazine stands.(5/28)

Danny Allen, Michael Chaut, Chris Capehart, and Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on May 29 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(5/28)

PENNSYLVANIA: Max Howard lectures on Tuesday May 30 for Marc DeSouza in Gulf Mills. The cost is $15.00. For more information phone: 610-941-4132 or 6l0-668-9300.(5/28)
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