MT: May 13-19, 2002

VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,596 / Monday – May 13, 2002
Joseph Raven (Jose Rodriguez) who blew up his hands while working with “flash powder” is profiled in The Morning Call where his career is recapped. From the time he saw Cardini perform and met Al Flosso at the age of six he has been performing magic. He briefly toured with The Amazing Randi as his assistant and began honing a stand-up act and using it to win a magic competition in Puerto Rico. The extent of the injuries are reported as, “Doctors were able to reattach his left pinkie, but that is the only finger he has above the knuckles on that hand. He has three-quarters of a thumb on his right hand, which still is numb and lacks movement. Other fingers on the right hand are intact.” Randi commented, ”Knowing what I know of him, I think he will bounce back. I think he will learn to do card tricks with one hand.” To read the May 12 article by Mike Frassinelli titled “Magic of his childhood” click: HERE.(5/13)

David Blaine is scheduled to tape a segment on “Last Call with Carson Daly” on Wednesday May 15 at 7pm. The show is scheduled to air on May 22 at 1:35am on NBC-TV. He is also scheduled to appear on 20/20 on Friday May 17. ABC-TV will be regularly promoting the show with commercials up to it’s airing.(5/13)

Robert Arthur Wagner (Bob Wagner, Jan. 18, 1934-May 10, 2002) died on Saturday at the age of 68. Wagner was best known for his book “The Master Notebook of Magic” but also authored of “Magic Dungeon Mentalism” and “Damn Good Tricks!” He contributed many routines to magazines as well as the “Krajax” Linking Ring Parade in 1966. James Hamilton told MagicTimes that “Bob was not only a gifted thinker in magic, but an entertaining and delightful performer. I never saw him perform anything that wasn’t entertaining and completely commercial.”(5/13)

Penn & Teller appear at the Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, VA on May 14-19 and at the Wilshire Theatre in Los Angeles, CA on May 28-Jun. 2. For tickets click: HERE.(5/13)

VIRGINIA: Al Cohen will be honored on May 16 by the Northern Virginia SAM Assembly #252 at the Harvest Moon Restaurant in Falls Church. Featured performer at the event is Bob Sheets. For more information phone: 703-212-8792.(5/13)
Ken Krenzel, Bill Andrews, George Schindler, Eric DeCamps, Imam, and Mike Bornstein, who are all past SAM Parent Assembly, Magicians Of The Year, pose at the Society Of American Magicians 100-year Anniversary party on Saturday May 11 in New York City. (Photo: George Schindler). (5/13)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,597 / Tuesday – May 14, 2002
Paul Daniels is interviewed in the Birmingham Post where he talked about his TV career, “Most of my work was always theatre and cabaret based and maybe ten times a year I would do some TV work. …It was never the major source of my income. But people tend to go bananas about you if you appear on television and don’t really register what is going on in their local theatres.” Daniels also explains about the styles of magic “When you go to a magic show I think you go to a play where an actor is playing a part, …Now, he could play that part dramatically, like David Copperfield, or play it to music. I have seen so many different styles and they work for the person who is playing that role. …I could present my magic show in whatever way I wanted. But because of the way I look, the way I act and my comedy background, there really is only this style that works for me.” To read the May 11 article titled “Mr. Magic continues to cast his spell” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(5/14)

Glenn Farrington has joined the team of Rich Bloch and Joe Stevens as one of the organizers of the World Magic Seminar, which is now going into its second quarter century with the 26th annual convention on January 12-15, 2003 in Las Vegas. Farrington who was originally a New York magician has recently sold his successful telecom business to get back into his original passion of magic.(5/14)

Paul Daniels in a Western Morning News article that describes his show as, “The Paul Daniels of today is more of a stand-up turn, with plenty of audience participation, lots of comedy, slick ad-libbing and his own brand of magic.” To read the May 13 article titled “No Old Tricks From Magician Daniels” click: HERE.(5/14)

Victor and Diamond to star in “The Soul of Magic” at the New Frontier beginning Jun. 1. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal Will Roya who previously partnered with David Darkstone will produce the show. To read the May 12 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Young producers seek fame” click: HERE.(5/14)

Mark Mysterrio will run a benefit for Joe Raven on Jun. 2 at the Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort in Shawnee-on-Delaware. The Morning Call reported that “Raven said the benefit would help meet expenses, and it also might pay for prosthetics. He lost four fingers on his left hand. He hopes to regain some use of the fingers he has left.” To read the May 12 article by Michelle Coulter titled “Raven’s friend plans June 2 benefit to help pay medical bills” click: HERE.(5/14)

Salma Hayek will produce and star in “Murphy’s Law.” According to a Variety article the movie is about a woman who “…falls in love with a successful magician, whose life she has destroyed just by doing her job.” To read the May 12 article by Michael Fleming titled “Hayek Lays Down the ‘Law'” click: HERE.(5/14)

The Amazing Johnathan writes a funny article about downtown Las Vegas in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. To read the May 12 article by The Amazing Johnathan titled “Fremont Street is Vegas at its gritty best” click: HERE.(5/14)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,598 / Wednesday – May 15, 2002
David Blaine maybe planning on faking his death at the end of his stunt next week. According to an article in The Sun “He will balance on top of a 100ft flagpole in New York — but has hatched a secret plan to stage a terrifying fall. The 29-year-old would play dead by dramatically slowing his pulse through meditation. His death would be officially announced and he would disappear for several days — then amaze grieving fans by reappearing.” The article also quotes an unidentified source that “He [Blaine] is concerned news of his plan may be leaking out — so he has another he may revert to.” To read the May 14 article by Dominic Mohan titled “Star plans to fake death” click: HERE.(5/15)

Ricky Jay is said to outclass “David Blaine, David Copperfield, Penn and Teller, the affable crew of “Monday Night Magic,” and an eerie fellow named Igor…” The May 8-14 issue of the Village Voice explains that Jay is “Equal parts prestidigitator and professor, Jay’s legerdemain is rivaled only by his scholarship, from popular histories of singular performers to esoteric studies of conjuring literature and card magic.” To read the Alexis Soloski review titled “Ricky Jay’s Stem-Winder” click: HERE.(5/15)

Tom Standage who recently wrote “The Turk: The Life and Times of the Famous Eighteenth-Century Chess-Playing Machine” appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered on Monday. To visit the NPR site and listen to the May 13 Turk segment titled “Standage the Turk” click: HERE.(5/15)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,599 / Thursday – May 16, 2002
Rocco, Frank Brents, Michael Chaut, and Silly Billy perform at the “Masters Of Magic” show on Saturday May 18 at the Walter Reade Theater in Lincoln Center in New York City. This is part of the “Reel to Real” series which showcases archival films interweaved with real performances. Film segments will include: Houdini, Doug Henning, Slydini, and Lance Burton. Also scheduled is the performance of Mahsul (Korean for “magic”) by Nadine Mozon and Beata Moon. Shows are at 11:30am and 2pm. For tickets and information phone: 212-875-5570 or click: HERE. The live show will be emceed by Tony Hassini.(5/16,17)

Paul Daniels’ show is reviewed in the Western Morning News where they conclude, “According to 11-year-old Jonathan, who clutched a book of tricks reminiscent of Daniels himself at that age, ‘Paul was brilliant!’ It’s hard to argue with that level of enthusiasm.” To read the May 15 review titled “Life’s An Illusion In A Windy Marquee” click: HERE.(5/16)

A Harry Houdini padlocked “milk can” which he escaped from is up for sale by Henry Aldridge and Son in England. According to an Associated Press article the can will be auctioned on May 25 in Devizes. The can, which has “Houdini’s name cut into its top”, also comes with instructions on how it worked. To read the May 15 article titled “Milk can used by Houdini goes up for sale” click: HERE.(5/16)

Matt Fore gets some press in The Charlotte Observer after making “a $1 bill bearing Lowe’s Motor Speedway President H.A. “Humpy” Wheeler’s pick to win The Winston inside a lemon…” To read the May 15 article by David Poole titled “It’s time to unveil strategy for keeping all-star race here” click: HERE.(5/16)

TEXAS: Ren Clark and Arthur Emerson will be honored at the 33rd Annual Magic Collectors’ Weekend on May 16-18 at the Radisson Plaza in Fort Worth. For more information e-mail:
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,600 / Friday – May 17, 2002
David Blaine will dedicate the last 10 minutes of his upcoming special to “…plunge from the pillar to street level, with only cardboard boxes to break his fall.” A Zap2it article quotes Blaine as he practices his stunt, “‘I’ve been standing [20 feet up] on a pillar in a warehouse in Las Vegas now, for about 18 hours,’ says Blaine, calling in on May 10. ‘I’m standing on it as I speak to you.'” The article also speaks to stuntman Bob Brown who has been training Blaine on how to survive the 100-foot jump at the end of the stunt. Blaine also explained about being vulnerable while on the pillar, “We’ve got 30 ex-Secret Service guys on buildings and positioned all around, making sure no wise guy tries to throw or shoot something up there.” To read the May 16 article by Kate O’Hare titled “David Blaine Tempts Fate for ABC” click: HERE.(5/17)

David Blaine is scheduled to do a live online chat on Monday May 20 at 4pm ET on He is described as “A Modern-Day Houdini?” and is quoted from the upcoming 20/20 story, “There’s been so many great magicians, but the public remembers Houdini… And the reason they remember Houdini is because he understood how to captivate the public’s imagination.” For more information about the chat click: HERE.(5/17)

The overnight TV ratings for the “Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed” special on Wednesday May 16 placed it in fourth place in the 8-9pm time slot. The official numbers will be published next week.(5/17)

David Blaine’s recent article/profile in Rolling Stone is reprinted in This Is London. To read the May 17 article by Erik Hedegaard titled “Secrets of a magician ready to die” click: HERE.(5/17)

Dana Fleming is featured in a Coalfield article which looks at his career as a close-up magician. Explaining how he became a professional he said, “I was in a restaurant (The Tavern) in Abingdon one night and got to doing a few little things. The owner asked me if I wanted to come in. He said, ‘You can come in and if people like it you can come back.’ I stayed at The Tavern for six years.” To read the May 15 article by Rena Powers titled “Clintwood native turns magic hobby into career” click: HERE.(5/17)

David Copperfield who just opened at the MGM Grand’s Hollywood Theatre will display his Houdini collection in the lobby. A Las Vegas Review-Journal article explained, “Among the relics: the magician’s [Houdini] first wand and a rare recording of his voice.” To read the May 16 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Copperfield to display Houdini memorabilia” click: HERE.(5/17)

Jeff McBride, Abigail Spinner McBride, and Eugene Burger perform their “McBride Magic: The Secret Art” show on May 17 at 7:30pm at the First Universalist Society (211 Bridge Street) in Salem, MA. On Saturday the 18th the threesome will also be featured in the “Magick, Music & Miracles!” which runs from 2pm-10pm. For more information click: HERE.(5/17)

ENGLAND: Anthony Brahams, Tony Griffiths, Peter Greenwood, Wayne Rogers, Chris North, Mike Rose, Len Blease, Michael Fitchand, Richard Whymark appear at the 15th annual Ipswich Magical Society’s Annual One-Day Convention on May 19 at the Community Centre in Needham Market.(5/17)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,601 / Saturday – May 18, 2002
Criss Angel’s Mindfreak will be celebrating it’s 250th performance at The World Underground Theatre in New York City on Monday May 20. The show, which opened on November 23, 2001, has received some terrific reviews and regularly attracts celebrities and wrestlers. The theater is part of the WWF entertainment complex in Times Square and allows Angel to appear on the many wrestling TV shows and pay-per-views. Currently the show is scheduled to run till January 2003. Angel will also be featured in the August issue of Playboy Japan and is currently working on his first TV special which is scheduled for Halloween. To purchase tickets for the show phone: 212-307-4100 or click: HERE.(5/18)

David Blaine fears more from a broken heart than of the life threatening stunts he attempts. A Sky News article quotes Blaine, “I’m afraid of relationships. Every girl I’ve ever dated I’m all romantic and a helpless child. I guess really I’m afraid of losing somebody I love. That’s my only fear. …I just know that scar that it leaves, that wound that slices your insides open and leaves your guts hanging out.” To read the May 17 article titled “Blaine ‘Scared’ Of Love” click: HERE.(5/18)

David Blaine’s obsession with challenging himself is discussed in a Knoxville News-Sentinel article, which quotes him, “Mentally… I just assume I have to do this. I have no choice.” The article also describes his possible next stunt, which has been scheduled for February in London. Blaine will be, “…thrown off a bridge in London and into the Thames River. He’ll be bound in chains, Houdini style. To read the May 17 article by Terry Morrow titled “Blaine’s stunts balance mental, physical abilities” click: HERE.(5/18)
VOLUME: 53 / ISSUE: 1,602 / Sunday – May 19, 2002
David Blaine is featured in the New York Times Magazine with a lengthy article about his daily life, thoughts and magic. Most of the article tries to analyze what makes Blaine tick, his strengths and weaknesses are revealed as the author concludes that “…the publicity machine, the famous friends, the messianic ideals, the life of furious motion, the pained reaction to his peers’ critiques, the razzle-dazzle of illusions and the torture of the stunts. He wants — he needs — very much to be loved.” Magicians quoted in the article include: Jon Racherbaumer, Richard Kaufman, Brian Wendell Morton, Max Maven, and Brent Gifford. To read the May 19 article by Glen David Gold titled “Making a Spectacle of Himself” click: HERE. (Members only site). (5/19)

Penn & Teller’s recent show in Norfolk, VA is reviewed in the Virginian – Pilot. What’s odd about the review is that this is one of the few (possibly only) times that they got panned. The reviewer hated just about everything from the size of the show to the way they looked to their vocabulary. To read the May 16 review by Mal Vincent titled “Act Is Remarkably Predictable For Show That Depends On Spontaneity” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(5/19)

A transcript of the 20/20 David Blaine feature by Chris Cuomo is archived on the ABC website. To read the transcript of the May 17 feature titled “Defying Death — Again” click: HERE.(5/19)

Milt Larsen, Mystina, Alfonso, Joycee Beck, Terry Lunceford, David Sandy, and Tom Burgoon appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on May 20-26. Pavel lectures on Sunday May 19.(5/19)
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