MT: June 24-30, 2002

VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,638 / Monday – June 24, 2002
“Ferco’s Untamed Illusion Magic Revue” opens on Tuesday Jun. 25 at the Tropicana Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The Ferco Brothers (Tony and Ferdinand) are the headliners of this large-scale illusion show, which will feature some new illusions with Tigers, Lions and Panthers. A big treat in the show is a guest spot by The Great Tomsoni & Co. who will perform their classic act. Also on the bill are The Hartzells who will present their Cross Bow act. The show is a Sal Angelo production that is being produced by Doug Michaels and Cliff Lawrence. The show is scheduled to run into September with one or two shows on most weekdays and occasional Weekends. Tickets cost $16.80-$22.40 and are available by phoning: 800-736-1420 or clicking: HERE.(6/24)

Martin Gardner is featured in the July issue of Discover where Scott Kim describes several of the puzzles he brought to our attention. The focus of the article are: Solomon Golomb’s “Rep-tiles,” John Conway’s “Lifeline,” and “Word Walk.” To read the Jun. 23 article by Scott Kim titled “Gardner of Mathematical Delights” click: HERE.(6/24)

Jasper Maskelyne’s magic escapades during World War II are featured in this weeks British series “Secret History.” The show is reviewed in the London Independent, which states, “There has been little official recognition of Maskelyne and his work, and it’s suggested that his memoirs exaggerated his role because of his feelings of bitterness at being overlooked. Maybe so – he was, after all, a master in the art of deception and illusion.” To read the Jun. 23 article titled “Stuart Price on Churchill’s secret weapon” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(6/24)

An article about magicians in ancient Rome appeared in the London Independent that reported, “Bruno [Giordano Bruno] was a philosopher burnt at the stake in 1600 for heresy in the innocently named Campo dei Fiori, or Field of Flowers. No one is sure of his exact crime, but it seems he sparked anger by proposing that Christ was not God, but merely an exceptionally skilful magician.” To read the Jun. 23 article by Jesse Grimond titled “Rome Stories” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(6/24)

David Oliver, Jon Stetson, Erik Rochelle, and a special guest appear on Monday Jun. 24 at 8pm in “Mystery Lounge” at The Comedy Studio (1236 Massachusetts Ave.) in Cambridge, MA. Admission is $10 per person. For reservations and information phone: 617-661-6507.(6/24)

MARYLAND: David Parr lectures at Denny & Lee Magic Studio (325 South Marlyn Avenue) in Baltimore on Thursday Jun. 27. Admission is $15 per person. For more information and reservations phone: 410-686-3914.(6/24)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,639 / Tuesday – June 25, 2002
Beulah “Bea” Collins (Sep. 30, 1918-June 23, 2002) died on Sunday Jun. 23 at the age of 83. Bea, as many of her friends called her co-founded the Mecca Magic Society Of Magicians and was the organizer of the Mecca Magic Shop which just recently closed after more than 50 years of serving magicians in the New York/New Jersey area. She was the wife of Professor Ted Collins who invented the famed “Panama Rope Routine” and mother of magicians Bunnie Collins, Fred Collins and Dahne Meeker who performs as a clown. Viewing will be on Tuesday Jun. 25 at 2-4pm and 7-9pm at the La Monica Memorial Home (299 Bloomfield Ave – 973-743-4434) in Bloomfield, New Jersey. A Broken Wand ceremony is scheduled for 8pm on Tuesday. Services will be held on Wednesday Jun. 26 at 10am-noon.(6/25)

David Copperfield’s trip to China and his performance itinerary are given in a China Daily article that reported, “Copperfield promises to give Chinese audiences surprises beyond their wildest dreams – amazing sights, precise lighting, song and dance and complex plots.” To read the Jun. 24 article by Mu Qian titled “Top magician whirls into China” click: HERE.(6/25)

The upcoming release of the new Houdini stamp on Jul. 3 is reported in an Associated Press article that reported that, “The new stamp honors the 100th anniversary of the Society of American Magicians. Houdini served as president of the society until his death on Oct. 31, 1926. The day was Halloween.” To read the Jun. 24 article by Syd Kronish titled “Poof!” click: HERE.(6/25)

A new book by James Flint titled “52 Ways To Magic America” was just released in the UK where it was reviewed in Scotland on Sunday. The book revolves Martin Quick who sets out to become a successful magician. To read the Jun. 23 review titled “52 Ways To Magic America: Imperfect conjuror of prose” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(6/25)

David Blaine and Daryl Hannah’s trip to Paris is described in a New York Post, Page Six article as, “Playboy magician David Blaine made sure actress Daryl Hannah won’t vanish into thin air – grabbing his new sweetheart in a playful neck-lock as the two vacationed in Paris.” To read the Jun. 24 article titled “Daryl’s Magic Moment” click: HERE.(6/25)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,640 / Wednesday – June 26, 2002
The official information about the new Houdini stamp appeared in a United States Postal service press release that gave all of the pertinent information from David Copperfield’s dedication of the stamp at he SAM convention on Jul. 3 to how non-attendees can get their own first day issue postmarked Houdini envelopes. The stamps will be available at New York Post Offices on Jul. 3 and the rest of the country on Jul. 5. Some very interesting details are that 61 million Houdini stamps will be printed in Williamsville, NY using Offset with Scrambled Indicia. The stamp also “contains a hidden image that-when viewed through the official U.S. Postal Service Stamp Decoder-appears to wrap Houdini in chains.” The image used on the stamp was taken from a 1911 lithograph from the collection of Gary H. Mandelblatt and the stamp was designed by Richard Sheaff. They will be available in blocks of four, blocks of 10, and a full pane of 20 (with a plate number). The overall size of the stamp is .99 x 1.56 inches. To read the official US Postal Service press release dated Jun. 20 click: HERE.(6/26)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,641 / Thursday – June 27, 2002
Roger Dreyer is featured in the Jun. 24-30 issue of Crain’s New York in an article titled “Success In The Cards.” Dreyer is described as “An avid collector of Houdini memorabilia and a former professional magician, he’s now channeling his interest into a new venture, Fantasma Toys.” The article also reported that Dreyer “projects revenues of $1 million this year.” Although not mentioned in the article Dreyer wanted to point out that his partner in Fantasma Toys is Mark Setteducati.(6/27,8)

Christopher Hurlbert in a Middletown Press article that looks at his upcoming three-week tour of Europe where he and Dan LaRosa will entertain the United States military stationed at U.S. Naval bases in Rota, Spain; Naples, Italy and Sigonella, Sicily. Hurlbert is quoted, “I have to admit, I’m a little apprehensive about going overseas with all that is happening in the world… But overall I’m looking forward to entertaining the troops. It should be a really good time. This is the least we can do, considering what all they’re doing for us.” To read the Jun. 26 article by John Christie titled “Thrilling the Troops” click: HERE.(6/27)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,642 / Friday – June 28, 2002
MARYLAND: The annual Phoenix Gathering which is described as “A True Conference on Performing Magic” takes place on Jun. 28-Jul. 1 in Baltimore. This year’s guest of honor is Kevin James who will perform and lecture. On Jun. 30 at 5:30pm the convention presents a “Magic Dream Gala Show” at the Gordon Center for Performing Arts in Owings Mills. The all-star show will feature Alain Nu, Kevin James, Gaetan Bloom, Jay Scott Berry, Hiawatha, Torkova, Harley Newman, Francis J. Menotti, and Kevin Dunn. Tickets for this outstanding show are only $10 for children and $20 for adults. Tickets will be available at the door prior to the show. Convention attendees will perform close-up in the lobby prior to the show. For more information click: HERE.(6/28)

Ricky Jay’s show “Ricky Jay: On the Stem” is reviewed in Playbill where it is described as, “The power to astonish — a lost (or, certainly, mislaid) art of late — makes a robust comeback in Ricky Jay: On the Stem.” Jay speaks about the importance of surprise, “The element that I really care about is surprise. It’s not nearly about fooling someone as it is about surprising them and making the entertainment come from that surprise. I think my show is structured so that they are being surprised not only in terms of the performance but in terms of the patter as well.” The show has also been extended into August. To read the Jun. 26 article by Monty Arnold titled “Mamet’s Merlin” click: HERE.(6/28)

The new “Magic at War” British documentary about Jasper Maskelyne is previewed in The Guardian where they comment, “Maskelyne received no official recognition. For a vain man this was intolerable and he died an embittered drunk. It gives his story a poignancy without which it would be mere chest-beating.” To read the Jun. 28 story by Nancy Banks-Smith titled “That’s magic” click: HERE.(6/28)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,643 / Saturday – June 29, 2002
Daniel Stashower who recently wrote a book about Philo T. Farnsworth titled “The Boy Genius and the Mogul” says that, “Magic is fiction. So, writing fiction about magic is the most natural thing in the world.” Stashower is also the author of “The Dime Museum Murders,” “The Floating Lady Murder,” “The Houdini Specter” and “The Magic Box” which all revolve around magic. This MagicTimes exclusive by Ben Robinson looks at the life and career of the magician turned award-winning author.  …Go to full story.(6/29)

Jamie O’Hara who performs as “The Magic Guy” is featured in the Alamogordo Daily News which describes him as, “a veteran of magic for 15 years, has been presenting magic and humor for educational school shows, business presentations, private parties, promotions, and since 1990, library programs. He travels in the summer all around New Mexico providing fun times to vacationing kids who become involved in summer reading programs.” To read the Jun. 28 article by Jennifer L. Meadows titled “Magician dazzles Alamo library patrons” click: HERE.(6/29)

Christopher Carter’s show at the Live Bait Theater in Chicago is reviewed in the Daily Herald where they describe the show as, “wilder and wilder feats of mind-reading.” He appears at the theater through Jul. 21. To read the Jun. 28 article titled “Christopher Carter messes with your mind at Live Bait” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(6/29)

Jasper Maskelyne is described in The Scotsmana s “the early 20th century’s answer to David Blaine.” To read the Jun. 28 article titled “Abracadabra! When magic went to war” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(6/29)

Dick Sanders who performs as “Topper the Clown” is featured in a Fremont Tribune article that reported how he got into magic, “Sanders said his interest in magic began while campaigning for the Legislature when he happened to walk into a magicians’ convention. ‘I lost the election but ended up joining the magician group (in Omaha), he said.” To read the Jun. 28 article by Janet Nitsick titled “Topper the Clown is tops with kids” click: HERE.(6/29)

David Oliver, John Carney, Simon Lovell, Todd Robbins, Jamy Ian Swiss, Dennis Kyriakos, and Per Ekland appearing at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 1 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(6/29)

NEW YORK: John Carney will be giving a special lecture and workshop on Sunday Jun. 30 at the VFW Post 7763 (1012 Park Blvd.) in Massapequa Park, Long Island. The lecture is scheduled from 1-3pm and the workshop from 4-7pm. For more information phone: 516-799-6758.(6/29)
VOLUME: 54 / ISSUE: 1,644 / Sunday – June 30, 2002
Lance Burton has just finished the first six years of his thirteen-year contract at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas where he celebrated between shows on Friday Jun. 21. A Las Vegas Sun article looks back at his career in Vegas and how he has contributed to the community. The article points out, “Since Burton opened at the Monte Carlo, he has devoted half his income from merchandise profits to charities helping children and disadvantaged individuals … As a longtime board member [Joe Delaney] of Variety, the children’s charity, I can attest to the generous contributions of time and money by Burton, Reveen, and Burton’s publicist, Wayne Bernath.” To read the Jun. 28 article by Joe Delaney titled “Burton banks his sixth year at Monte Carlo” click: HERE.(6/30)

Victor & Diamond and Ray Shank star in “Soul of Magic” at the New Frontier in Las Vegas on Saturday through Thursday at 2pm. A Las Vegas Sun review describes it as, “This is not your average magic show. It is a smooth, hour-plus presentation, deftly combining comedy and magic, with well-selected jazz overtones.” The review concludes, “With a $14.95 plus tax tab, which includes two free beverages plus free admission for children ages 5 and under, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable, less-expensive entertainment package anywhere.” To read the Jun. 28 article by Joe Delaney titled “‘Soul of Magic’ is an entertainment bargain at New Frontier” click: HERE.(6/30)

The Society of American Magicians’ 100-year anniversary in an Associated Press Article that speaks to George Schindler and Charles Reynolds. Reynolds pointed out, “I think everyone deep down in their hearts wants to believe in magic…There is an aspiring toward that sense of wonder.” The convention opens to the public with the Houdini stamp dedication and a lecture on Houdini by his niece. To read the Jun. 28 article titled “Society Of American Magicians To Hold Centennial Convention In New York” click: HERE.(6/30)
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