MT: July 31 – August 6, 2000

VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 945 / Monday – July 31, 2000
The Magic Castle will hold it’s “Future Stars Week” on Jul. 31-Aug. 6, where many talented, yet undiscovered, magicians will be given a chance to perform in this professional, prestigious and ideal environment. Featured performers are: Yuri Drell, Jason Latimer, Joseph Tran, David Stryker, Joel Ward, Jonathan Dabach, Brian Dow, Jessica Phillips, Josh Hall, Joel Broock, Derek Scott, and Taylor Hughes. Joining them and working the Parlour are Castle favorites Aldo Colombini and Loren C. Michaels. The Sunday Brunch will be performed by Sarah Stevenson.(7/31)

Jack Disbrow who just became a member of the Order of Merlin/Excalibur of the International Brotherhood of Magicians for 50 consecutive years of membership is profiled in The Star-Ledger. To read the Jul. 30 article by Christina Whitaker titled “Honored Hamburg magician shares one secret of his art” click: HERE.(7/31)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 946 / Tuesday – August 1, 2000
Melinda said in an interview, “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life… When you’re happy with your life and the show and the way things are going, people feel that vibe in you.” Her new show opened last week and she is profiled in The Las Vegas Review-Journal with a biography of her career and life. Gary Ouellet who directs the current show said of Melinda, “Every magician’s challenge is to somehow make them like us despite the fact that we’re fooling them… She has a very ingratiating way of making us like her early on in the game.” To read the Jul. 28 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Reappearing Act” click: HERE.(8/1)

Lynn George became a magician at the age of 68 and is profiled in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. To read the Jul. 30 article supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix titled “The Great Lynzini conquers hearing loss” click: HERE.(8/1)

Penn & Teller perform at the Hollywood Theatre at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV through Aug. 9. For tickets and information phone: 800-929-1111.(8/1)

Siegfried & Roy will be making a live appearance to introduce their IMAX 3D movie at the Metreon Center IMAX Theater in San Francisco, CA on Thursday Aug. 3.(8/1)

Mario Manzini performs his “A Tribute To Houdini” on Aug. 2-4 at Prince George’s Publick Playhouse (5445 Landover Rd) in Cheverly, MD. Tickets are $6 per person. For Tickets and information phone: 301-277-1710.(8/1)

“Jedlie’s Totally Interactive Magic Circus!” is a family show which travels throughout the East Coast doing mostly school shows. If they appear in your area you may want to e-mail Jed Doherty at: about the possibility of attending one of the shows. In August they will be in: Easton, CT (1), Woburn, MA (2), Windosr Lockes, CT (3), Ansonia, CT (9), Medfield, MA (10), Shelton, CT (11), Fall River, MA (14), and Dorchester, MA (31).(8/1)

WISCONSIN/ILLINOIS: Kevin King does two exclusive lectures at the J.T. Whitneys Restaurant in Madison, WI on Aug. 4 at 7pm (Phone: Cliff Wollin 608-271-0498) and at Magic Inc. (5082 N. Lincoln Ave.) in Chicago on Aug. 5 at 2pm (Phone: Mike Schwabe  773-334-2855).(8/1)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 947 / Wednesday – August 2 2000
Abbott’s Magic Get-Together which runs on Aug. 2-5 in Colon, MI “The Magic Capital of the World” is featured in two different stories in the Kalamazoo Gazette. Gordon Miller describes the event as, “You get 1,000 magical hams in town… And you see more magic by accident than on purpose.” The convention started out in 1935 by Harry Blackstone and Percy Abbott as a one-day open house and has continued to grow and take over the small town of Colon during the week — almost doubling it’s population. Performers this year include Jeff McBride, Rich Bloch, Todd Robbins, Yumi, Stephen Bargatze, Jay Mattioli, Pavel, Abb Dickson, Mike Gancia, Ken Mate, David Kaplan, The Derringers, Gordon Miller, Jason Baney, Joe Harrison and Lisa, Ron London, Tim Hill, Ken Groves, Ron London, Mike DiDomenico, Rick Walker and many others. To read the Aug. 1 article by Sarah Mieras titled “Abracadabra: Mystery and mesmerizing coming to Colon, the ‘Magic Capital of the World'” click: HERE.
–To read a second Aug. 1 Kalamazoo Gazette article titled “Abbott’s Magic Get-Together” click: HERE.
–For information about the convention click: HERE.(8/2)

David Blaine will be performing on Saturday Aug. 5 at “Super Saturday 3” at the Water Mill in New York City. The event is a fundraiser for ovarian cancer and is being produced by Donna Karan and Entertainment Weekly. To read the Aug. 1, NY Post, Liz Smith article by Denis Ferrara and Diane Judge click: HERE.(8/2)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 948 / Thursday – August 3, 2000
The 10th annual Abracadabra Magic Show produced by Ken Klosterman in Cincinnati, OH as a fundraiser for the Playhouse in the Park will take place on Aug. 18-20. This year’s performers are Darren Romeo, Nicholas Night & Kinga, Ali Bongo, Johnny Fox, and Alan Shaxon. Tickets range from $15-$250. For information and tickets phone: 800-582-3208. To read the Aug. 2, Cincinnati Enquirer by Jackie Demaline titled “Abracadabra pulls all new cast out of the hat” click: HERE.(8/3)

OREGON: The P.C.A.M. Convention takes place on Aug. 2-5 in Portland. Scheduled to appear are Jerry Andrus, Derek Dingle, John Carney, Dave Charvet, Lee Asher, Rick Anderson, Christopher Hart, Amos Levkovitch, David Ashton, Mark Benthimer,  Scott Davis, Steve Fearson, Aaron Fisher, Lon Mandrake, Shawn McMaster, and Jim Pace. For more information click: HERE.(8/3)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 949 / Friday – August 4, 2000
Arthuro Brachetti’s “The Man With 1000 Faces,” which has won the “Moliere” (France’s highest theatrical award) for Best One-Man Show of 1999-2000, makes it’s US debut on Aug. 6-13 at the Performing Art Center in Tulsa, OK. Besides being one of the best, if not the best, quick-change artists in the world Brachetti is also an accomplished magician. The show features more than 80 characters and incorporates, comedy, music, story-telling and of course magic. He will then continue to the Rose  State Performing Arts Theatre in Oklahoma City from Aug. 13-21. For more information and tickets click: HERE.(8/4)

The Jul. 29 rerun of David Blaine: Magic Man, his second TV special, finished in 70th place for the week of Jul. 24-30. According to Nielsen Media Research the show got a rating of 4.2.(8/4)

Abbott’s Magic gets a brief story about their Get-Together in The Detroit News. To read the Aug. 3 article titled “Annual magic festival has history of success” click: HERE.(8/4)

TEXAS: Max Maven lectures on Sunday Aug. 6 for Magicland at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (14315 Midway Road) in Addison. The lecture begins at 1pm with a special seminar to follow at 3pm. For information and tickets phone: 972-241-9898.(8/4)

NORTH CAROLINA: SEAM (South Eastern Association of Magicians) 2000 sponsored by SAM Assembly #128 on Aug. 4-5 at the Airport Holiday Inn in Greensboro will feature Scotty York, Billy McComb, John Cornelius, and The Amazing Randi. Registration is $85 per person. For more information e-mail:
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 950 / Saturday – August 5, 2000
Jerry Sadowitz who was called, “Disgusting, offensive and very, very funny!” by the Sunday Times, performs at the Assembly Rooms (54 George Street) in Edinburgh, Scotland for the entire month of August as part of the 2000 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The one-hour show will feature magic and his trademark comedy which The Guardian described as, “Brash magic, savage comedy and not a bunny rabbit in sight… comic genius.” Scheduled performances on Aug. 3-28 at 8pm (dark on Aug. 12, 16, 19, 24 and 26). Cost is £9.00 – £11.00 per person. For tickets phone: 226 2428. Also performing at the festival is close-up magician Ian Kendall in “Teeny Weeny Magic Show.”(8/5)

John Pomeroy, who performed under the name The Great Sebastian and was the owner of Gem Magic Mfg. in Seattle, WA died on Jul. 27. In 1975. Pomeroy wrote several books, Basic Makeup For Magicians (1969), Dove, Mentology (1973), and Silk and Flower Magic (1975), which were published by Hades Publications. Services will be held on Sunday Aug. 6 at The Hotel International (5621 – 196th S.W.) in Lynnwood, WA from 2-6pm. The Broken Wand Ceremony will be conducted by his friend George Robinson of Viking Mfg. who recently purchased the Gem Magic line.(8/5)

Another story about Abbott’s 63rd annual Magic Get-Together in Colon appears in The Detroit News. Greg Bordner is quoted, “Where else can you go for a hamburger and a guy says, Pick a card, any card?” To read the Aug. 4 article by Megan Swoyer titled “Annual magic festival casts enchanting spell on Colon” click: HERE.(8/5)

The myth about Jarry Sadowitz’ 1986 event where he throw out Perrier award panelists from his show is dispelled – he said the show was simply sold out and they could not get in. In the interview he also says, “But it’s frustrating that you can’t make big bucks out of the magic show.” To read the Aug. 3 Evening News article titled “Sadowitz: Magic Behind The Myth” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(8/5)
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 951 / Sunday – August 6, 2000
Mecca Magic will be holding a “Rare & Collectible Magic Auction” on Sunday Sep. 17 at 11am. The auction will consist of items left over from estates purchased by Mecca Magic founder Ted Collins over the past 50 years and many magic items which are no longer available but have been found in the Mecca warehouse. The auction which will be conducted and catalogued by Mario Carrandi has limited seating of 90-100 people which is why they are asking for a $50 (refundable) deposit to reserve a seat and a paddle. There will be an estimated 300 lots with no minimum and no reserve. For more information phone Mecca Magic (49 Dodd Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003) at: 973-429-7597.(8/6)

Arturo Brachetti describes the goal of his show as, “To me, magic is not `I want to fool you.’ It is a way to use theater to express a dream. That is what I try to do with my show — I want people to be amazed, to feel that child-like sense of wonder.” Brachetti makes his US premiere in Tulsa, OK this week. To read the Aug. 4 Tulsa World story by James D. Watts Jr. titled “Arturo” click: HERE.(8/6)

Danny Alan, Chris Capehart, Jamy Ian Swiss, Simon Lovell, and David Groves appear at Monday Night Magic on Aug. 7 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(8/6)

Jay Alexander and  Paul Nathan will be performing at the annual Palo Alto Black and White Ball to be held on Sep. 9. The theme of this year’s event is “It’s Magic.” To read the Aug. 4 San Francisco Examiner story titled “It’s Magic is theme of Palo Alto B&W Ball” click: HERE.(8/6)

Leonard Radde, who is attending Abbott’s Magic Get-Together in Colon was hit by a car on Friday morning. He is in fair condition. To read the Aug. 5 story in the Kalamazoo Gazette titled “Magician struck by car in colon” click: HERE.(8/6)

Jeff Dunham, one of the best ventriloquists in the business, gets some press in the Sarasota, FL area in conjunction with several of his shows where he is debuting some new characters. He is also hosting a new TV series on TNN titled Sofa Cinema. To read the Jul. 29 Sarasota Herald-Tribune article by Steve Heisler titled “Dunham adds two characters to ‘talk’ show” click: HERE.
-To read the Aug. 3 Sarasota Herald-Tribune article by Steve Webb titled “Stand-up Jeff  Dunham promising something new for Sarasota” click: HERE.(8/6)
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