MT: July 22-28, 2002

VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,666 / Monday – July 22, 2002
Paul Zenon in a Sunday Mail article about his teaching Tom Cruise Magic. The article reported that “The following month he’ll fly to Hollywood to coach Cruise on how to palm playing cards, deal from the bottom of the deck and do close magic tricks.” To read the Jul. 21 article titled “And for my next trick, I’m going to turn Tom Cruise into a conman” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(7/22)

Michael Gilliland who is a quartermaster in the sheriff’s office moonlights as a magician. An Augusta Chronicle article reported that “He has turned a hobby into a successful business that carries him across the Southeast to children’s birthday parties and corporate fund-raisers. The veteran officer performs about 250 shows a year under the name Magic With a Twist.” To read the Jul. 21 article by Greg Rickabaugh titled “Officers’ hobbies pay off as second jobs” click: HERE.(7/22)

Jim Jayes who recently performed at the “Rushford Days 2002” is featured in a Winona Daily News article that described most of his show. To read the Jul. 21 article by Margie Cady titled “Magician showcases tricks of the trade” click: HERE.(7/22)

Ice McDonald, Steven Youell, Joycee Beck, Brian Gillis & Sue, James Warren, Mark Haslam, Jason Latimer, and Randall Kappe appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Jul. 22-28.(7/22)

TEXAS: Diamond Jim Tyler lectures on Tuesday Jul. 30 at 7:30pm for Magicland at Le Theatre De Marionette (Northpark Mall) in Dallas. Admission is $20 in advance or $30 at the door (includes a free set of lecture notes). For more information phone: 972-241-9898.(7/22)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,667 / Tuesday – July 23, 2002
Al Hillman (Jun. 24, 1917-Jul. 21, 2002) died on Sunday Jul. 21 at the age of 85. Hillman was a very popular New Jersey magician who once owned a bar where he occasionally performed magic and frequently told jokes. He has won a number of awards for his “drunk” stage act and received many honors from local magic organizations. He is best remembered as one of the directors of JMMRT (John McNicholas Magic Round Table), which has been running monthly magic lectures since the late 1950s. Until very recently Hillman continued to book and entertain all the lecturers. His joke telling and barroom humor never left him. He always greeted people with his latest jokes and could never hang-up the phone before making you laugh. He was also a good friend of many of the New York magicians of the last century. Services will be held this week.(7/22)
–Viewing will be on Wednesday Jul. 24 at 2-4pm and 7-9pm at the Maliszewski Funeral Home (218 Whitehead Ave) in South River. A broken wand ceremony is scheduled for 8:30pm. Final viewing will take place on Thursday Jul. 25 at 8:30am with a Mass at 9am. For directions phone: 732-254-0428.(7/23)

Gambling, cheating, dime museums, and other “allied arts” of conjuring are especially well represented in the current magic related plays being offered on Broadway. Ricky Jays’ show, “On the Stem,” which he both wrote and appears in, has perhaps been the most visible. MagicTimes found that Mr. Jay, as well as Michael Weber, both contributed to the production of another current Broadway offering, the Pulitzer Prize winning play “Topdog/Underdog,” written by Suzan-Lori Parks, now at the Ambassador Theater in New York City. …Go to full story.(7/23)

Rick Allen who performed in Pakistan tells the Contra Costa Times, “I consider magicians storytellers… And I guess there’s a way to tell stories without language.” To read the Jul. 22 article by Corey Lyons titled “Friendly Pakistanis no illusion to visitor” click: HERE.(7/23)

David Copperfield is pictured signing autographs while in Shanghai, China on Jul. 22. The Associated Press photo and caption state that “Copperfield will perform his magic show for the first time in Shanghai from July 24 though 28 at Shanghai Grand Stage.” To see the Jul. 22 photo by Eugene Hoshiko and read the caption click: HERE.(7/23)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,668 / Wednesday – July 24, 2002
David Merry’s show “Don’t Panic” which opened on Apr. 22 has just been extended and upgraded. The show is currently running every Friday through Aug. 16 at The Second City (56 Blue Jays Way) in Toronto, Canada. A recent review of the show in the Toronto Star called it, “…the best abracadaverous lunacy in a long time. Merry is Doug Henning meets Freddy Kruger doing parlour tricks at The Munsters. Jeepers creepers!” The review concluded, “In reconstructing magic’s classic tricks, ‘Don’t Panic’ never fails to conjure comedy. For tickets and reservations phone: 416-343-0011. To read an interview with Merry from the Toronto Stage click: HERE.(7/24)

Fielding West posing with Tommy Smothers and the “Chicks” (Marcy Parker and Natalie Lund) from his Las Vegas show “Comedy, Tricks & Naked Chicks!” West got his big break appearing on “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” TV show in 1988. (Photo: David Saxe Productions). (7/24)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,669 / Thursday – July 25, 2002
Eugene Poinc (Apr. 20, 1930-Jul. 23, 2002) died on Tuesday Jul. 23 at the age of 72. Poinc is best known as an eccentric magician who specialized in bizarre magic with weird and unique presentations. He was also a longtime columnist and illustrator for Genii magazine. His published books include: “Illusions For Princes & Paupers,” “Imagination Illusions Of Eugene Poinc,” and “The Practitioner: Journeys into Grey.” A little known fact about Poinc is that he also wrote the 1978 children’s movie “Olly, Olly, Oxen Free” starring Katharine Hepburn.(7/25)

An interesting story about Cricket in the Vancouver Sun describes Martin Saunders who said that he is “354th in line for the British throne.” Saunders does magic and one such event is described, “Saunders brought out his briefcase full of magic props and started doing tricks for the wives of the New Zealand team and me. The batting pads extending up over his knees made it easier for him to kneel in front of us so that had we wanted we could have still caught sight of the game. Midway through his third card trick, the show was abruptly halted. Saunders was called to bat.” To read the Jul. 24 article by Daphne Bramham titled “Golden Oldies cricketers come to bat in Vancouver” click: HERE.(7/25)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,670 / Friday – July 26, 2002
John Lovick plays the ghost of Robert-Houdin in “Laura Comstock’s Bag-Punching Dog” which runs at The 24th Street Theatre (1117 West 24th St.) in Los Angeles, CA. The show is a musical about the creation of cinema at the end of the nineteenth century and also features the character of Georges Melies who performs several magic routines. The show is full of magic. Expect to see performances of The Shadow Box, Everywhere & Nowhere, Torn & Restored Newspaper, Cups & Balls and much more. The limited engagement show opened on Jul. 19 and runs on Thursdays-Sundays. Tickets are $20 per person and are available by phoning: 323-461-6069.(7/26)

Luke Lay’s show at the Du Quoin Library’s Summer Reading Program is reported in the Du Quoin Evening Call. Lay pointed out that “Magic isn’t a career goal, but a hobby for Lay. He has no ambition to move to Las Vegas and be the next Houdini or David Williamson (Lay’s favorite magician).” To read the Jul. 25 article by Kathy Kopshever titled “Amateur Du Quoin magician teaches himself, wows ’em every time” click: HERE.(7/26)

VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,671 / Saturday – July 27, 2002
Geno Munari’s Houdini Museum in Las Vegas is featured in a Las Vegas Sun article that reported, “Munari owns one of the largest collections of Houdini artifacts, props, tools and memorabilia. He recently acquired additional Houdini items from Sid Radner, owner of the largest Houdini artifact collection in the world.” The article looks at what led Munari to become a Houdini collector and to ultimately open the museum two years ago. Radner pointed out, “Geno has the second-largest collection in the world… He’s got a lot of very interesting items here … and may have some more because I may be putting some more here. It all depends if he can do an expansion.” To read the Jul. 26 article by Kirk Baird titled “Houdini Museum adds to impressive collection” click: HERE.(7/27)

Alfred Z. Hillman’s obituary appeared in the Star-Ledger where it is reported that “His friends and family say Mr. Hillman’s life revolved around magic and magical moments.” Magicians quoted in the story were Carl Bajor, Eric Appel, and Carmen Spezzi Jr. To read the Jul. 25 obituary by Andy Seyka titled “Alfred Hillman, 85, led a magical life” click: HERE.(7/27)

James Clayton presents a 30-minute show at Bookpeople (96th and Lamar) in Austin, TX on Tuesday Jul. 30 at 6pm. The event is a Harry Potter birthday party. For more information phone: 800-853-9757.(7/27)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,672 / Sunday – July 28, 2002
Steve Wyrick who opened at the Sahara Theater almost two years ago is featured in a Las Vegas Sun article that interviews him about his show and career. Explaining what makes his show stand out Wyrick explained, “I feel that my niche is, without question, that the largest illusions on the Las Vegas Strip are in my show. …I feel like I’ve brought a different level of magic to the Las Vegas Strip, what I like to call “mega-illusions,” which can be done live onstage. Such as the twin-engine Beechcraft Baron airplane. The thing actually weighs 17,000 pounds. We had to have steel supports put underneath the stage just to be able to hold the size and the weight of these props.” Wyrick also mentioned that he sold one of his illusions to David Copperfield who is using it in his new show. To read the Jul. 28 article by Kirk Baird titled “Wyrick’s Tricks” click: HERE.(7/28)

James Flint’s “52 Ways to Magic America” is reviewed in The Guardian where it is called “…a heady achievement, a British take on Carter Beats the Devil with acne and hangovers.” To read the Jul. 27 review by Peter Preston titled “The lady vanishes” click: HERE.(7/28)
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