MT: July 15-21, 2002

VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,659 / Monday – July 15, 2002
A Sunday Telegraph article reported that “Tom Cruise is about to take lessons in magic from an Englishman.” Paul Zenon who is said to have gotten a phone call from Cruise after he was seen on the recent TV documentary about Jasper Maskelyne said, “I’m excited about working with him.” What is being described as “Cruise’s next film, The War Magician” is a project Cruise has wanted to star in for a number of years. It is about the exploits of Maskelyne during World War II when he “Öfoiled the Nazis during the war by appearing to make the Suez Canal disappear, creating a phantom army with phantom tanks, guns and explosions.” To read the Jul. 14 article by Vincent Lovegrove titled “Tom’s illusions of grandeur” click: HERE.(7/15)

The June 28/July 5 issue of Entertainment Weekly published its annual “It List 2002” which lists “the most creative people who are on the rise in showbiz.” Although no magicians are on the list, an interesting reference is made by “Criminal Intent” star Vincent D’Onofrio who when asked what he would be doing if he wasn’t an actor he said, ”I’d probably be doing magic on the streets.”(7/15)

An article about the Houdini stamp in the reports that “The Postal Service recently put the famous escape artist on a new 37-cent stamp. And with 61 million of the stamps printed, an early disappearance is probably unlikely.” The story also presents a short biography of Houdini’s life and career. To read the Jul. 14 article by Larry Duhe titled “Famous magician appears on stamp” click: HERE.(7/15)

Dick Newton, Levent, Todd Robbins, Jamy Ian Swiss, Dennis Kyriakos, RJ Lewis and Michael Chaut appear at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 15 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(7/15)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,660 / Tuesday – July 16, 2002
Chris “Doc” Dixon is featured in a Daily Courier article that described what he accomplishes, “Ö[he] makes audiences gasp with wonder at his illusions and doubt their eyes.” Dixon explained, “I like the classic illusions. I learned them from books and through hours of practice. There is a certain fraternity in magic. Once you reach a certain level, you meet others who pass on their knowledge, but I started with books.” To read the Jul. 15 article by Judy Kroeger titled “Magician visits Brownfield Community Center” click: HERE.(7/16)

Paul Zenon who will be appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe festival is profiled in The Times where he is described as, “A laid-back magician who combines sleight of hand with adroit comic timing, Zenon has given the magiciansí realm a much-needed touch of cool. “Zenon explained, “I like the word ‘trick’ rather than magic. It hints at that link with low life.” Zenon also took a shot at David Blaine, “I donít think he could ever carry it off without cameras. Thatís the problem David Blaine has these days. People expect to see him float. The actual trick was a camera trick.” To read the Jul. 16 article by Clive Davis titled “Trickster of the trade” click: HERE.(7/16)

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck just finished production of “Speakeasy” which features a magician as one of the main characters. According to a Variety article, “the picture tells the story of a random accident that brings together a struggling magician, his estranged wife, her deaf father, a quack psychiatrist and a mysterious stranger.” To read the Jul. 15 article by Dana Harris titled “Matt & Ben Wrap Low-Budget Indie” click: HERE.(7/16)

Robert Towne has been signed to direct Glen David Gold’s novel “Carter Beats the Devil,” According to a Hollywood Reporter article. To read the Jul. 15 article by Zorianna Kit titled “Towne makes deal with ‘Devil’ for C/W Prods.” click: HERE.(7/16)

CALIFORNIA: Jay Scott Berry lectures on Monday Jul. 22 at 7pm for Mind Over Magic at the Ramada INN Burbank (2900 N. San Fernando Blvd.) in Burbank.  For reservations and information phone: 818-562-1921.(7/16)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,661 / Wednesday – July 17, 2002
Lyn Dillies who is billed as “America’s Premiere Female Illusionist” will present her full-scale illusion show, “The Magic Of Lyn,” at the Tilden Arts Center (Cape Cod Community College) in Cape Cod, MA on Jul. 18, 29 and 30 at 7:30pm. Jon Stetson will make a guest appearance in her show on Jul. 30. The show is also slated for six more performances throughout August. For tickets and information phone: 508-430-1305.(7/17)

Quentin Reynolds’ mentalism show “Adventures In Astonishment” begins another run at the Bewley’s Cafe Theatre (Grafton Street) in Dublin, Ireland on Wednesday Jul. 17 and will continue through Sep. 18 with shows every Wednesday at 8:30pm. Tickets are 10 euro per person and are available by phoning: (01) 872 0104.(7/17)

Stuart MacDonald who is performing at the Maple City Fest is featured in the Daily Telegram where he explains about the dangers of performing a straight jacket escape while suspended from a tower, “There is an element of danger… It’s a very physically exhausting escape. We have to be out of there in three minutes or bad things can happen.” To read the Jul. 14 article by Chris Gautz titled “Maple City Fest: Second escape planned” click: HERE.(7/17)

David Acer’s role as ‘Doubtful Dave’ in Mystery Hunters is being promoted as part of the Children’s programming on Canadian Television season. To read the Jul. 16 press release titled “Corus Entertainment Inc. – Kids’ Television Highlights for 2002/2003” click: HERE.(7/17)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,662 / Thursday – July 18, 2002
Robert Gallup who starred in his own FOX television special in 1996 and is currently performing in Australia is featured in The Age. Gallup who is best remembered for jumping out of a plane while escaping from various contraptions explained, “If the consequence of error isn’t death… then it’s just not fun.” Gallup is currently recreating the escapes Houdini presented in Australia but with added difficulty and danger. The article reported that “He is touring Australia with his show, ‘Extreme Magic and Deadly Escapes,’ the second-largest touring magic show in the world with 22 crew and three semi-trailers of equipment.” Gallup is also said to be living in Australia four months a hear and he commented that, “The biggest rush is the challenge of creating something completely unique and insane that no one has ever done, or let alone thought of.” To read the Jul. 18 article by Suzanne Carbone titled “Taking magic to new extremes” click: HERE.(7/18)

Albert Cadabra and Adam Cardone present “Magical Madness” every Thursday at 9pm at the Mahjoun Lounge @ Tagine’s (537 9th Ave. – 40th St.) in New York City. Admission is $8 per person. For reservations phone: 212-564-7292.(7/18)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,663 / Friday – July 19, 2002
Computer based magic is the subject of an article in the current issue of Newsweek which concentrates on two of the magic manufacturers that displayed at the SAM convention in New York City. Eddy Au from Hong Kong explained that the Tenyo magic CD which he was demonstrating and Haim Goldenberg from Israel was performing the many PC based magic routines which he recently released. The article pointed out that “Magicians are putting a high-tech spin on their routines, performing tricks on a laptop for small crowds or on an enlarged screen for a theater audience.” Goldenberg pointed out that “The computer is just a prop for new ways to do magic.” The article points out that these routines are still based on the sleight-of-hand of a magician and concludes, “Computer magic probably wonít spell the end for the cutting in half of the lovely assistant. But would we want it to?” To read the Jul. 22 article by Asher Hawkins titled “Magic: New Tricks of the Trade” click: HERE.(7/19)

Gary Laramore who is appearing in “It’s Magic at the Gaslight Theatre” in Tucson is featured in an Arizona Daily Star article, which looks at his work as magician, actor, director and stuntman. To read the Jul. 12 article titled “Tucson native’s versatility is no illusion” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(7/19)

Felix Snipes’ “Magical Wonder-Full Week-Ends” is scheduled to appear in Sulphur, LA (Jul. 19-21) and Belleville, IL (Jul. 26-28). Admission is free. For more information phone: 770-938-8073.(7/19)

MICHIGAN: Rick Fisher lectures for the Grand Rapids IBM Ring on Sunday Jul. 21 at 2pm. For more information phone: 616-457-2939.(7/19)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,664 / Saturday – July 20, 2002
“Ferco’s Untamed Illusions” which runs at the Tropicana in Atlantic City through Sep. 26 is reviewed in the Bergen Record. The show is described as “Öthe overall presentation has a rich, professional look, and it easily fills the Tropicana’s huge stage (something some previous revues couldn’t do). The battalion of ultra-buff male and female dancers provides plenty of eye candy.” The Great Tomsoni & Co. are singled out as “Although there’s a good deal of sharp sleight-of-hand involved, the best parts of the turn remain the antics of Tomsoni’s blowzy blonde assistant, who continually frustrates her boss in amusing ways.” The review concludes, “It all adds up to a familiar program, but it remains fine family entertainment.” To read the Jul. 19 review by Chuck Darrow titled “An illusion of freshness” click: HERE.(7/20)

Bruce Kalver is featured in a Providence Journal article about his show as “headmaster of the Revlak School of Magic and Wizardry.” Kalver explains the premise, “The attraction of the show is, people are supposed to be learning magic, but they’re notÖ They’re being brought in and then fooled in the end, sort of what magicians did to people in the 1800s. They sold them elixirs.” To read the Jul. 18 article titled “Kids’ stuff – Check out the magic at the library” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(7/20)

Stephane Vanol who is the current magician in the Crazy Horse show, “La Femme,” in Las Vegas is reviewed in the Las Vegas Sun. Vanol is described as, “Öa prestidigitator, utilized playing cards and worked at breakneck speed in a short but effective variety turn.” To read the Jul. 19 review by Joe Delaney titled “‘La Femme’ remains a tasteful and artful adult revue at MGM Grand” click: HERE.(7/20)

Greg Britt who uses anti-bullying magic shows to teach children about being kind to each other is featured in the Timaru Herald. The article reported that “His anti-bullying show has been presented to around 95,000 of the nation’s [New Zealand] children aged five to 12 in the 20 months it has been running.” To read the Jul. 18 article titled “Uncool to be cruel message for bullies” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(7/20)

Some of David Copperfield’s shows in south China have been running with disappointing attendance according to an article in Xinhua. The rest of the tour has already sold 80 percent of the tickets. To read the Jul. 19 article titled “American magician receives cold shoulder in south China” click: HERE.(7/20)
VOLUME: 55 / ISSUE: 1,665 / Sunday – July 21, 2002
Gazzo is featured in a Boston Herald article that describes him as a “Örenowned Boston street performer whose best trick is making political correctness disappear.” Gazzo who has decided to perform full-time in Boston said that after he recovered from a stroke six years ago he “Öbelieves he performs his sleight of hand more skillfully than ever. Yet he’s growing tired of his income’s depending on the size of crowds and the weather, so he’s planning a new venture where he performs in bars for tips.” Explaining about his art Gazzo said, “Things are changingÖ Twenty years ago, there used to be more artists and poets here. Now there are more chain stores coming in. But I’m never going to retire. I pour my heart and soul into every performance and I’d rather be dead if I couldn’t do this.” To read the Jul. 21 article by Cara Nissman titled “Britwit: Hub street artist Gazzo gives passers-by a dose of acerbic humor” click: HERE.(7/21)

Paul D. McElroy died on Jul. 15 at the age of 67. A Baltimore Sun obituary reported that “The interest in magic dated back to Dr. McElroy’s childhood in Youngstown, Ohio, where he discovered a book on magic by English barrister Angelo Lewis (pen name “Professor Hoffman”) at the library. His fascination grew with age as he joined the Magic Collectors Association, attended magician’s conventions, collected antique lithographs of magicians, and assembled a closet of magic supplies.” To read the Jul. 20 obituary by Alec MacGillis titled “Paul D. McElroy, 67, led training of school principals at Morgan State” click: HERE.(7/21)

James Flint’s book “52 Ways to Magic America” is reviewed in The Observer where the article concludes that, “His discussion of the history and execution of conjuring tricks is never laboured, but testifies to the same depth of research that he brought to his scientific themes in Habitus, and his characters are convincing and even oddly endearing in their banality.” To read the Jul. 21 review by Stephanie Merritt titled “Tricks and treats” click: HERE.(7/21)

Michael Chaut, Chris McDaniel, Jeff Moche, Todd Robbins, Asi Wind, Dennis Kyriakos and Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 22 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100. For more information click: HERE.(7/21)

OHIO: Cellini lectures for the Carew Tower Magic Shop on Saturday Jul. 27 at 1pm at Haines House Of Cards (2514 Leslie Avenue) in Norwood. Admission is $10 in advance or $15 at the door. For more information phone: 513-241-6603.(7/21)
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