MT: August 30-September 5, 1999

VOLUME: 20 / ISSUE: 609 / Monday – August 30, 1999
Vismaya Sanchara-99 is a new magic show headed by Kudroli Ganesh and his “neo-magical mystery troup.” The show opens on Tuesday Aug. 31 at the Town Hall in Mangalore, India. The show will have 12 segments whose main theme will focus on people’s welfare and reflect the folk and regional culture. The featured act is the award winning Tulu Nadu magic which won first place in India’s first illusion competition in 1998. To read about the show in the Aug. 29 Deccan Herald click: HERE.(8/30)

T. C. Tahoe, Ed Alonzo & Co., Tom Allen, Randy Pryor, John Shryock, and Howard Jay appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Aug. 30-Sep. 5. Tom Allen lectures on Sunday Sep. 5.(8/30)

A magic themed episode of “Highlander: The Series” on Tuesday Aug. 31 at 9pm and Sep. 1 at 1am ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(8/30)
VOLUME: 20 / ISSUE: 610 / Tuesday – August 31, 1999
84-year old Jack Ricketts who has been performing comedy and magic for more than 60 years is featured in the Battle Creek Enquirer. Ricketts who used his magic to help him in the wholesale food business said, “It was always a big help in business…It helps to break the ice.” Alice Baum, his wife of 60 years, supports his magic, “He loves every minute of it,” she said. “It amazes me. At restaurants, he can go to a table and within a minute or two, they’re laughing at him…He enjoys it as much as the audience.” To read the Aug. 20 article by Steve Smith click: HERE.(8/31)

The Great Spontini – May 9, 1974 episode of Quantum Leap on Wednesday Sep. 1 at 6pm ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(8/31)
VOLUME: 21 / ISSUE: 611 / Wednesday – September 1, 1999
Charles Glass who performed under the name Count Artell died this week at the age of 86 in Lancaster, PA. He started performing professionally in the 30’s in Vaudeville, later appearing with his wife Ann Lorey at leading theaters like the Waldorf Astoria and Carnegie Hall. During WWII he entertained the troops as a member of the Stage Door Canteen and was also one of the magicians who appeared at the 1964 World’s Fair. Most recently he can be seen on the newly released videotape “Magic from MUM” where he performs and teaches a coin penetration.(9/1)

Paul Daniels’ September performances include: The Pavilion Theatre in Weymouth, England (Sep. 1), The Comedy Cruise on the Oriana (4-16), The Prince of Wales Centre in Cannock, England (26), The Parr Hall in Warrington, England (29), and The Royal Spa Centre in Leamington Spa, England (30).(9/1)

WISCONSIN: The Houdini Club convention takes place on Sep. 3-5 at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. Scheduled performers are: Jania Taylor, Hank Moorehouse, Ken Mate, Dick Oslund, Tim Hill, “ICE” Mc Donald, Larry Clark, Walter King Jr., Jeff Wawrzaszek, and Juan. For more information click: HERE.(9/1)

Wednesday, Sep. 1
The Great Spontini – May 9, 1974 episode of Quantum Leap on Wednesday Sep. 1 at 6pm ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(8/31)
A magic themed episode of “Highlander: The Series” on Tuesday Aug. 31 at 9pm and Sep. 1 at 1am ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(8/30)
VOLUME: 21 / ISSUE: 612 / Thursday – September 2, 1999
TEXAS: This year’s T.A.O.M. convention’s incredible lineup will most likely make it the best convention of the year. Scheduled to appear are: Harry Anderson, Rudy Coby, Jeff McBride, Tom Mullica, David Hira, Mike Caveney, Alain Nu, Carl-Einar Hakner, Martin Lewis, Just Alan, Juan Mayoral, Turk Pipkin, Kevin Dunn, Johnny Gaughan, Michael Ammar, Dan Harlan, Del Ray, Jenny Adams, Willard & Falkenstein, John Cornelius, and more. It takes place on Sep. 3-6 in Austin. For more information click: HERE.(9/2)

Thursday, Sep. 2
Masterpiece Theatre – The Great Kandinsky has a retired magician attempting an underwater escape on Thursday Sep. 2 at 4am ET on PBS-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(9/2)
Tim Gabrielson performs on Crook & Chase on Thursday Sep. 2 at 3pm ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(9/1)
Johnny Mysto Boy Wizard (1996) has a Los Angeles magician being whisked away to King Arthur’s court on Thursday Sep. 2 at 8:30pm, Sep. 8 at 7pm, Sep. 10 at 5pm, Sep. 11 at 4:25am, and Sep. 15 at 4am ET on HBOFAM-TV (US-cable).(9/1)
VOLUME: 21 / ISSUE: 613 / Friday – September 3, 1999
Tony Brent is the magician/spokesman for The Fox Family Fest’s national tour which includes a Magic Search Contest at every stop. There will be a First Prize winner selected at every competition who will receive a certificate and the eligibility to win the Grand Prize. The Grand Prize is a chance to perform on “Magic Tonight” which is a primetime magic TV series currently in development for the Fox Family Channel. The September stops include: The Zoo, Denver, CO (Sep. 3-5), Puyallup Fair, Seattle/Tacoma, WA (10-12), LA County Fair, Pomona, CA (17-19), and State Fair of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK (24-26).
–For more on the Family Fest click: HERE.
–For competition details click: HERE.(9/3)

Friday, Sep. 3
Last minute date change: Siegfried & Roy were originally scheduled to appear on Larry King Live on Sep. 6 but were moved up to Friday Sep. 3 at 9pm and midnight ET on CNN-TV (US-cable).(9/3)
VOLUME: 21 / ISSUE: 614 / Saturday – September 4, 1999
Bobby Bernard, one of England’s best known magicians, went through a triple bypass operation on Thursday Sep. 2. Everything seems to have gone well. You may send him a card at: Bobby Bernard, William Coulson Ward, St.Mary’s Hospital, Praed Street, Paddington, London W2 1NY.(9/4)

Saturday, Sep. 4
Champions of Magic III reruns with J.B. Benn, Juliana Chen, Greg Frewin, The Amazing Johnathan, Tim Kole & Jenny Lynn, Nicholas Night & Kinga, Sylvester the Jester and highlights from the Monte Carlo Grand Prix of Magic, with hosts Princess Stephanie and David Chokachee on Saturday Sep. 4 at 8pm ET on ABC-TV (US).(9/3)
James Randi appears on Oracles and Revelations to discuss and examine prophecies on Saturday Sep. 4 at 7pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(9/3)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) on Saturday Sep. 4 at 7pm, Sep. 9 at 2:30pm and 10pm, Sep. 20 at 5:30pm, Sep. 21 at 5:20am, and Sep. 26 at 9:15am and 9pm  ET on SHOW2-TV (US-cable).(9/3,9,16)
VOLUME: 21 / ISSUE: 615 / Sunday – September 5, 1999
Harry Anderson is profiled in the Austin American-Statesman as part of the promotion for this year’s TAOM convention. The focus of the article is how Anderson has used animals in his act and his most recent incident where the 489-store Petco removed the Modern Ferret magazine, he was featured in, from their shelves because they can’t take a joke — they thought the article would offend their customers. Anderson’s reaction was, “There’s nobody more dangerous than a homeowners’ association unless it’s pet lovers.” To read the Sep. 3 Mike Kelley article titled “Not many magicians can make 6,000 magazines disappear” click: HERE.(9/5)

Tom Durnan, Frank Brents, Simon Lovell, and Jamy Ian Swiss appear at Monday Night Magic on Sep. 6 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(9/5)

Sunday, Sep. 5
The 34th annual Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon starts on Sunday Sep. 5 and will run for 21½ hours. Traditionally the telethon has featured many magicians and variety acts, usually scheduled either late at night or in the morning. It is very difficult to get a list of performers, let alone the time of appearance, in advance but they did announce that magician Rick Thomas is scheduled to appear. Variety acts will include the legendary mime Marcel Marceau, world class ventriloquist Ronn Lucas, and world champion juggler Vladik. The telethon begins at 9pm in the East Coast but it will start at different times and channels in your area — check local listings.(9/4)
Lance Burton appears on episode #20 of “Penn and Teller’s Sin City Spectacular” on Sunday Sep. 5 at 11pm ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(9/4)
Young Conjurors episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Sunday Sep. 5 at 7pm ET on Discovery Canada.(9/4)
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