MT: September 25 – October 1, 2000
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 1,001 / Monday - September 25, 2000Dante, Oscar Eliason, who was born in 1869 in Salt Lake City is featured in...
MT: September 18-24, 2000
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 994 / Monday - September 18, 2000''Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company'' which opens next week in Beverly,...
MT: September 11-17, 2000
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 987 / Monday - September 11, 2000The Columbus Magi-Fest will be celebrating its 70th anniversary convention on Feb. 1-3, 2001 at...
MT: September 4-10, 2000
VOLUME: 33 / ISSUE: 980 / Monday - September 4, 2000Dorothy Dietrich and John Bravo's Houdini Museum in Scranton, PA is featured in a Pocono...
MT: August 28 – September 3, 2000
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 973 / Monday - August 28, 2000David Blaine: Magic Man airs in the UK on Monday and a Sunday Mail preview...
MT: August 21-27, 2000
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 966 / Monday - August 21, 2000Tannen's Magic Camp has traditionally ended with an awards presentation for the winners of stage...
MT: August 14-20, 2000
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 959 / Monday - August 14, 2000Lennart Green is headlining the Close-Up Gallery at the Magic Castle this week (Aug. 14-20)...
MT: August 7-13, 2000
VOLUME: 32 / ISSUE: 952 / Monday - August 7, 2000Medicine Lake in Canada’s Jasper National Park,located between Maligne Lake and the Maligne River...
MT: July 31 – August 6, 2000
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 945 / Monday - July 31, 2000The Magic Castle will hold it's "Future Stars Week" on Jul. 31-Aug. 6, where many talented, yet...
MT: July 24-30, 2000
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 938 / Monday - July 24, 2000 An outstanding article on Ricky Jay appeared in the Los Angeles Times. This could very...