MT: July 24-30, 2000

VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 938 / Monday – July 24, 2000 
An outstanding article on Ricky Jay appeared in the Los Angeles Times. This could very well be the most comprehensive biography on Jay so far. Even though the author, Max Jacobson, found out that it was very difficult to get information on Jay that he did not want you to have and to become one of Jay’s friends means that you do not talk about him to reporters. “He is also a private man, obsessively private, and any attempt to unearth the real Ricky Jay–performance artist? eccentric? mountebank?–turns into a scavenger hunt.” He managed to speak to Byron Walker, Steve Forte, Persi Diaconis, Steve Freeman among many others and unearthed detailed information about Jay that has yet to see print. You also get a fairly detailed description of some of the routines in his “Ricky Jay & His 52 Assistants” show. Jay says, “I’m much more comfortable with someone who wants to talk about the history of sleight-of-hand than I am with someone who performs it badly. This notion of the brotherhood of magicians is nonsense. You practice a trick your whole life, and then someone comes along who’s been doing magic for two weeks, and you’re supposed to tell him about it?” To read the Jul. 23 article by Max Jacobson titled “Searching for Ricky Jay” click: HERE.(7/24)

John Carney, Marvyn Roy, Joe Monti, George Tovar, Tom Ogden, Bob Borgia, and Howard Jay appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jul. 24-30. Joe Monti lectures on Sunday Jul. 30.(7/24)

NEW YORK: A Magic Auction and Flea Market is scheduled for Wednesday Jul. 26 at 7:30pm at the Northorp Grumman Magic Club in Hicksville. You can bring your own items to be auctioned and dealer tables are available for $10. For more information phone Vincent “J” at: 516-328-9289.(7/24)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 939 / Tuesday – July 25, 2000 
The Magic Island in Houston, TX caught fire on Sunday night when it’s neon lights shorted out during a storm. The club was closed at the time and nobody was injured. The exterior damage should not keep the club from reopening. To read the Jul. 23 Houston Chronicle article click: HERE.(7/25)

A story about a man who finds a two headed quarter and is trying to authenticate it – the interesting part of the story is an explanation on how to make the gaffed coins. To read the Jul. 24 Tribune Review Westmoreland News article click: HERE.(7/25)

Melinda and Fielding West are mentioned as ’80s Vegas veterans who have returned. To read the Jul. 24 Las Vegas Review-Journal blurb by Mike Weatherford titled “’80s magician reappears with one-drink show” click: HERE.(7/25)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 940 / Wednesday – July 26, 2000
Anthony “Chappy” Brazil who was killed on Jun. 27,1998 in an accident with a police car was in the news as the Las Vegas Metro Police’s fiscal oversight board awarded $100,000 to his widow Lorena Brazil on Monday. The police department originally won the lawsuit but decided to settle when the case was appealed. In the settlement they do not admit to the liability but stated that, “the settlement was made to be fair to everyone involved.” The officer involved in the accident pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors, fined $2,000 and was suspended for four weeks. To read the Jul. 25 Las Vegas Sun article by Keith Paul titled, “Magician’s widow gets settlement from Metro Police” click: HERE.
–To read the Jul. 25 KVBC News story on the subject click: HERE.(7/26)

Pearl Bhumgara who won the junior stage contest at the Society of American Magicians convention in Milwaukee last month got some hometown press as, “the is the first Indian to win the junior stage magic contest.” To read the Jul. 26 Times of India- Mumbai article titled “Magician wins international contest” click: HERE.(7/26)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 941 / Thursday – July 27, 2000 
Marc Salem who is currently starring in Mind Games and All That Jazz in NYC is back in the news. This past Saturday he gave a Command Performance in South Hampton, NY for Prince Albert and is featured in this week’s Hamptons Magazine. He recently taped a segment for Extra which should air any day and he is scheduled to appear on “Lifetime Live” on Friday and on “Sunday Today in New York” on Sunday. –For more on Mind Games click: HERE.
–For up-to-the-minute TV listings click: HERE.(7/27)

Reminiscing about Harry Blackstone, Sr. in the Lancaster New Era. It seems that during the depression Blackstone had to close his show and gave his ducks to a local reporter who bred them and when they started multiplying they were transported to the Hershey Amusement Park where their decedents are still living and continue to multiply. To read the Jul. 25 article by Jack Brubaker titled “Thaddeus Stevens nearly missed the first meeting of Lancaster Republicans” click: HERE.(7/27)

Stuart and Lori MacDonald are performing at the Lenawee County fairgrounds in Adrian, MI on Saturday Jul. Jul. 29 at 9:50pm. They will be trying to escape from a sealed packing crate under a Mercedes-Benz suspended by a rope 30 feet above him. Activities begin at 7pm and ticket prices range from $5-$7.50.(7/27)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 942 / Friday – July 28, 2000
Darkest Color Infinitely Amplified With Rodman & Velma
There is an ongoing effort to convince the world at large that magic is an art form. Well, art it is — literally — at the Whitney Museum of American Art. What is going on there that might interest magicians is a kinetic art piece entitled “The Darkest Color Amplified” by Tony Oursler. On exhibit until October 31, this optical feast employs a three dimensional imaging technology called “High Definition Volumetric Display.” This mouthful includes a modern version of an ancient apparatus called Camera Obscura, a primitive optical device that projects an image from one place to another. Going back to the Fifth Century, it was used to investigate vision and linear perspective. It was also used by magicians to create theatrical spectacles for conjuring. …Go to full story.(7/28)

Jim Passe is planning to open the Magic Warehouse, a 750-seat theater with a 225-seat theme restaurant, and a 30-seat close-up magic room in Myrtle Beach, SC in the spring of 2002. The $4 million dollar venture will be located at Broadway at the Beach. To read the Jul. 27 Sun News story by Steve Wildsmith titled “Magic complex is planned for Broadway” click: HERE.(7/28)

WISCONSIN: Pavel lectures for S.A.M. Assembly #61 on Sunday Jul. 30 at 7:30pm in Milwaukee. The lecture is free to members and $10 for non-members. For more information phone Bob at The Well Dressed Wall: 414-271-9255.(7/28)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 943 / Saturday – July 29, 2000 
David Blaine’s commercial for the Peugeot 206 Gti which has been playing all over British movie screens and on TV as part of their “magician” campaign is discussed in a Mail On Sunday article. We find out that Blaine shot the commercial in April, 1999 shortly after his buried alive stunt where the film crew followed him through New York streets performing for people. The material which was finally used was taped at 188th Street in Harlem. To read the Jul. 23 Mail On Sunday article titled “location, location Peugeot 206 Gti” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(7/29)

Mario Manzini who will be performing his “A Tribute To Houdini” on Saturday at the Round Lake Auditorium (2 Wesley Ave) in Round Lake, NY recounts a brief biography of why and how he became interested in Houdini and Escapes. You will also read how Elvis Presley tied him up with his shoe laces once. To read the Jul. 27 Times Union Albany article supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(7/29)

Magician Aaron Olson was on the Jet that was held up by a gunman last Thursday at Kennedy Airport and he describes what he saw in the Las Vegas Sun. To read the Jul. 28 story by Ed Koch titled “Passengers describe quick exit from National’s jet” click: HERE.(7/29)
VOLUME: 31 / ISSUE: 944 / Sunday – July 30, 2000
Princess Tenko’s Illusion Show “Tenko Densetsu (Tenko Legend)” runs on Jul. 30 – Aug. 6 at the Takanawa Prince Hotel, Prince Room in Tokyo, Japan. The event is a celebration of the 20th anniversary of her Tenko name being adopted from Tenko Hikida who was the most popular magician/escape artist in Japan in the 1970s. Tickets are 5,500 – 21,000 yen per person depending on drink, food and room packages. For Information and tickets phone:03-3447-1121.(7/30)

Jeff Moche, Simon Lovell, and Will Shaw appear at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 31 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(7/30)

Kirby VanBurch who filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on his Palace of Mystery more that a year ago is being pressured into an involuntary personal bankruptcy by his creditors. The Springfield News Leader mentioned that VanBurch continues to perform at his theatre. To read the Jul. 29 article by Kathryn Buckstaff titled “Creditors go to court against VanBurch” click: HERE.(7/30)
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