MT: November 13-19, 2000

VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,050 / Monday – November 13, 2000
Steve Wheeler is starring in the new “Magic On Ice” show at the Genting International Showroom in Genting Malaysia. Wheeler has been performing magic on ice since 1982 and is “recognized as the world’s premier ice skating illusionist.” The show which opens on Nov. 18 cost RM12 million to produce. Joining Wheeler in the show are champion skaters Delene MacKenzie and Bob Moskalyk. To read the Nov. 11 New Straits Times article titled “Magic extravaganza” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/13)

Michael Moschen who opens for a two-week run in New York City with his one-man show “Michael Moschen in Motion” is the subject of a New York Post article. Moschen is by far the most artistic and magical looking juggler you will ever see. To read the Nov. 12 article by Kristina Feliciano titled “Going For The Juggler” click: HERE.(11/13)

Dimmare, Rich Bloch, Jonathan Levit, David Groves, Ivan Amodei, Woody Pittman, Dale Hindman, and Jim Kopperman appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 13-19. Ivan Amodei lectures on Sunday Nov. 19.(11/13)

CALIFORNIA: Daryl lectures on Saturday Nov. 18 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Boulevard) in Burbank. Cost is $25 per person. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(11/13)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,051 / Tuesday – November 14, 2000
The Wall Street Journal ran a story about the New York “Cafeteria” where magicians have been meeting since 1938. The group is described as “For over 60 years, magicians have gathered every Saturday afternoon to discuss the tricks of the trade, practice routines, and hone their craft.” David Roth explained the changes over the years, “The whole tone of this place has changed dramatically, …It used to be much more intense. It used to have more serious magicians. You used to be expected to perform.” Magicians mentioned or quoted in the article are Doug Edwards, Alan Greenberg, Jerry Deutsch, Sol Stone, Steve Cohen, David Roth, Brian Marks,  Jeremy Robbins, David Copperfield and David Blaine. We also find out that a documentary about the group is currently in the works. The story by Rachel Emma Silverman titled “Come Saturday, Magic Is Always on the Menu At Reuben’s, the Deli” appeared on the cover of the Nov. 13 issue (page A1).(11/14)

The Magique Bazaar appears on Nov. 14-15 at 8pm at Magicopolis (1418 Fourth Street) in Santa Monica, CA. The show features Majinga the Magician and Fontain’s M.U.S.E. with special guest Marguerite Kusuhara. Tickets are $20 per person. For tickets and information phone: 310-451-2241.(11/14)

JAPAN: Johnny Thompson lectures at Magic Land (Yamatoya Blug. 3rd Floor, Kayaba-Cho 3-5-2 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku) in Tokyo on Wednesday Nov. 15. Admission is 3,500 Yen. For more information phone: 81-3-3666-4749.(11/14)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,052 / Wednesday – November 15, 2000
David Blaine’s next TV special is titled “David Blaine: Frozen in Time” and will air on Wednesday Nov. 29 at 10pm ET on ABC-TV. The conclusion of the special will be seen live in the east coast when Blaine will be freed from a giant ice cube in which he will be encased in on Nov. 27th in New York City. A Zap2It article mentioned that “Tubes running through the block of ice to Blaine will transfer oxygen and water to prevent dehydration.” The close-up/street segments will take place in Lisbon, the Vatican, Indonesia, and Jerusalem and include appearances by Kevin Spacey, Michael J. Fox, Lenny Kravitz, and the New York Knicks. To read the Nov. 14 Zap2it article titled “ABC Presents “David Blaine: Frozen In Time” click: HERE.(11/15)

Steve Wyrick is the subject of an article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal but the angle is a bit different. It seems that the recent issue of MAGIC panned Wyrick’s show and Stan Allen is quoted “We have been critical of the industry over the years. …this is one of the harsher (reviews) we’ve done.” What struck me as funny is that the Journal, who has killed shows in the past with their reviews, compared the MAGIC review to theirs saying, “And people say this publication is tough on local entertainers.” To read the Nov. 14 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Station takeover leaves pipe organ’s fate at the Fiesta up in the air” click: HERE.(11/15)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,053 / Thursday – November 16, 2000
Diamond Jim Tyler will be performing at the DotCompound on Saturday Nov. 18 at 8pm CST as part of their Saturday Net Live show for the DotComGuests. The show will be carried live on the web and can be viewed on streaming video — for free. For those not in the know The Dot Com Guy is well known in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area as the man who locked himself in an undisclosed location for the entire year. He entered on Jan. 1, 2000 and will depart on Jan. 1, 2001 — he is living entirely off the Internet. The entire year is being broadcast live on the web. For more information and to see the show click: HERE.(11/16)

James “Jimmy” Yoshida was honored by HMSA as an “Ageless Hero” for his “…achievements, contributions to the community, and for demonstrating vigor and vitality go hand in hand with maturity.” Yoshida who is now 80-years old and will receive the “Love of Learning” award is described by the Star Bulletin as “He is active in several magicians’ societies and is known as Hawaii’s ambassador of the conjuring arts.” To read the Nov. 15 article titled “”Ageless” seniors win honors” click: HERE.(11/16)

Check out a funny political cartoon featuring Kreskin and James Randi involved in the counting of the Florida votes. Go to Cross Circuit by clicking: HERE.(11/16)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,054 / Friday – November 17, 2000
PENNSYLVANIA: Silly Billy, Puck, Joseph Anthony, Scott Sullivan, Damian and Hank Moorehouse will headline at Bob Little’s Super Sunday on Nov. 19. Admission is a very low $25 per person for this 12-hour (10am-10pm), one-day convention held at The Warrington (Rt. 611, Warrington). Events include a lecture by Silly Billy, a mammoth auction (which is always full of bargains) hosted by Hank Moorehouse, free Champagne, cake, and homemade chocolate. For more information phone: 215-672-3344.(11/17)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,055 / Saturday – November 18, 2000
ENGLAND: Channing Pollock will be receiving the “David Devant International Award” at the Magic Circle’s Awards Banquet and Show on Saturday Nov. 18 at the Hotel Russell (Russell Square) in London. Scheduled performers include Graham P. Jolley, Scott Penrose, Marc Paul, Joe Pasquale, Tony and Yasmin Risotto and much more. In conjunction with the banquet will be a special event on Sunday Nov. 19 at 4pm, at The Center for the Magic Arts, where John Fisher will have a conversation/interview with Mr. Pollock. For more information phone Brian Miller at: 0208 478 1175.(11/18)

Marvin’s Magic is presenting a Marvin’s Magic UK Tour which will visit various shops and put on a show and demonstration of their magic. On Nov. 23 they are scheduled to be at Rackhams, House of Fraser store in Birmingham. According to a Birmingham Post article the event will feature a contest for young magicians and a membership drive for Marvin’s Magic Club. Featured performer is Matthew McGurk. To read the Nov. 17 article titled “Competition: Learn to weave real magic this Christmas” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/18)

Dr. Ingo von Wilke who recently performed in Bangalore is featured in the Deccan Herald where his biography is recounted tips on how to become a magician are given. The article describes the appeal of magic as, “Next to the circus, magic appeals greatly to people of all ages. Magic is fun to watch. Some of you might think it is fun to learn too.” To read the Nov. 18 article titled “Let’s play hats and rabbits” click: HERE.(11/18)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,056 / Sunday – November 19, 2000
Scott Hitchcock & Joan DuKore (The Magic Feets) fresh off the critical hit Abracadazzle! with Jeff McBride in Atlantic City will be headlining at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 20 at 8pm in NYC. Also appearing will be Aye Jaye, Jamy Ian Swiss, Todd Robbins, Bob Dennis, Michael Chaut, and Frank Brents. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/19)

“Les Trix,” starring the Showgirls of Magic (Julie Northrup, Teresa Serge and Teresa Marie King) is reviewed in the Las Vegas Sun where the summation is “The audience had a good time and so did I. So will you.” To read the Nov. 17 story by Joe Delaney titled “‘Les Trix’ offers music, magic” click: HERE.(11/19)
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