Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #950
July 28, 2021
Geoff Latta was a good friend of mine. Even though he was three years older than me, we were both teenagers when we first met.
Even back then he was one of the best combined card and coin magicians I ever met. Thinking back, I think I only had two other friends that were in his class of combined skill and creativity in both genres. The other two, if you are curious… Derek Dingle and Michael Gallo (don’t tell Gallo I said this, I will never live it down).
Back then, Geoff’s go to routine, that I saw him perform dozens of times was his Twist Till It Hurts. He used to fool everyone with it because of its many surprise visuals and kicker ending. I was very happy when it finally appeared in Apocalypse in 1978 because I was now allowed to do it. I used to perform it all the time. Especially to magicians who were familiar with other twisting routines… this would fool them. And the best part was that it was impromptu and could be done with a borrowed deck, with everything being examinable.
Geoff and I ended up being very friendly. There was a time when we used to session, three or more times per week and being an expert graphic artist, he designed both my Tom-Foolery video box, and my Magical Wishes book cover. One thing nobody mentions about him is that even though he was highly skilled he was also easy to fool. I think it is because he loved to watch magic back then.
I was recently looking through his coin book and remembered his Twist Till It Hurts routine. Have spent the last month re-learning it and practicing it to create a download so it will not be forgotten. As far as I know he and I are the only people who ever performed it. Until now… hopefully.
It is a routine which uses several different techniques and could be classified as advanced by current standards. But it is worth the practice. Everyone I showed it to loved it and was fooled by it. Watch the full performance to see if you can follow everything that is happening: HERE
►Twist Till It Hurts:
This was one of Geoff Latta’s favorite creations because it featured many visual sequences and a kicker ending. It is also structured in such a way that knowledgeable magicians would have a lot of trouble following the methods involved. And best of all it is impromptu and could be done with a borrowed deck.
The routine is basically a multi-phase twisting effect with a kicker ending. It would be much easier for you to watch the trailer than to read a detailed description of every phase.
In addition to a detailed explanation of the routine you are also taught the best methods to execute all the techniques used. Performed and explained by Meir Yedid.
Watch and buy: HERE
Usually when I write interesting/educational or humorous newsletters sales plummet. The last newsletter was a rare exception. The Himber trick with the original crib sheet sold out within hours. I still have a few with the photocopy left…
►Thousand Dollar Challenge:
Original Himber Ad Copy: Once in a lifetime a trick is conceived which embodies all of the features that make a magic trick successful. This we feel, is it!
Through the courtesy and cooperation of the Mercury Mystery Magazine, Ellery Queen and Fred Dannay (all connected with Mercury Mystery Magazine) we were able to print a magazine that will send the average mentalist into ecstatic raptures.
With this magazine you can make a prediction a week or so in advance and then read a spectator’s mind the night you perform on television, radio or the stage.
Get one: HERE
Martin Lewis’ Technicolor Prediction keeps selling out. The third shipment arrived today so you can order it now: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Saturday will be the launch of my second David Roth release. Stay tuned…