Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #963
September 11, 2021
I don’t know how I missed this when Chris Kenworthey first released it. It is probably the best information gathering device I ever came across.
Chris’ Telethought Pad is pretty brilliant. Anything a spectator writes or draws inside a normal looking spiral pad is instantly available to you to use anyway you like. But please don’t use it to start a new cult… we have enough of those.
In making the trailer I kind of give away how it works by calling it x-ray vision. Take a look: HERE
►Telethought Pad:
Chris’ original Telethought Wallet was a game changer when it came out. It allowed anyone to easily find out what someone wrote on a business card when it was replaced into the wallet.
It used a special privacy lens that was built into the wallet so anything that goes under it could only be seen by the magician or mentalist at a certain angle.
This new pad is a brilliant application of the privacy lens. What Chris did was use a standard looking spiral pad and replaced the cover with this special lens.
So now you can have someone write or draw anything they want in the pad, while your back is turned. They close the pad, you turn around and can immediately know what they wrote or drew. It is as if you have x-ray vision and can see through the black cover… which you can.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Tenyo Four Nightmares DX:
I also received another shipment of the outstanding Tenyo Four Nightmares DX. As before, this is the only place you can get it with written English instructions and a video tutorial.
Watch and buy: HERE
Sometimes I see something that is so silly I must buy it and play with it. I assume many of you feel the same way.
This time it is the Wand Sanitizer! That’s right. A magic wand you can fill with a hand sanitizer and use to spray yourself or your audience members.
When I got them, I started thinking about what other liquids you can use it for. The best and most obvious was a hand moisturizer, I use Golden Touch, especially in the winter. Take a look:
►Wand Sanitizer:
A magic wand is a known tool for magicians, and many people carry hand sanitizers.
This new magic wand combines both into one. At any moment, you can transform this medical blue magic wand into a sanitizing spray device, for magical and personal hygiene.
A nice gag for visibly sanitizing your hands, props and the hands of others before, during or after your performance, while reassuring your audiences the preventing of germs.
Watch and buy: HERE
Back In Stock:
►Origami Rabbit Trick: HERE
►Nice To Meet You 2: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Been very busy lately. Writing this after three hours of sleep in two days. Hopefully it does not contain too many spelling and grammar errors.
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE