Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #769
July 13, 2019
I was recently messing with some scrabble pieces and accidentally discovered that my name appears in the word cRIME. Have no idea what to do with that, apparently useless piece of information, so I thought I would waste your time with it too.
Been very busy working on my new release for Magic Live. Getting very close to finishing. I will give you a hint, the name is “Catch Me & Win.” If all goes well, I am hoping to offer it to you first, around a week before Vegas.
I set aside most of this weekend for packing the booth, since it will have to be shipped on Thursday. It will be a smaller booth this year with 5-6 cases of magic.

A few weeks ago, I offered you the mint condition Vernon Spinning Coins that were reproduced in his honor, many of you took advantage of that. Shortly after the first announcement a friend of mine contacted me and said that he had nine of the original ones that he got as a gift when he lived in California, they have been sitting in a plastic sandwich bag since the 1970s. I jokingly said, you know the silver ones are the valuable ones. He said, these are the silver ones.
So, he dropped them off at the warehouse and they were in mint-like condition and were very shiny silver, almost a mirror finish. They looked almost chrome plated they were so shiny.
I thought that they might be real silver so I took them to a jeweler who said that it is very possible they are silver by the weight and look but he could not verify it without testing, which would ruin the coin if it was not silver. He recommend not testing.
What to do? I decided to offer them to you as is, I am also going to include one of the millennium editions and an original printed copy of the The Spirit Cut instructions.
Look and buy: HERE.
You can still get the Memorial Edition: HERE.

Dual Position:
I often write about Ted Bogusta’s Dual Position coins and how they are magnetic coins that can be placed in a spectator’s hand overlapping each other without the worry of them lining up due to the magnetic force.
Ted just made five more sets of the Dual Position Triple Split Morgan Sets for me to take to Vegas… unless you buy them first.
Here is the info. Go: HERE.

How To Make Money By Magic:
Here is an excerpt from a great book all of you should read:
Fancy props have their place, but when the audience sees such items, they often subconsciously think to themselves ‘it must have come from a magic shop; therefore the secret is in the prop.’ They then proceed to try and figure out how it works – and that’s not what you want!
So hopefully you can see the importance of knowing a few magic effects that can be performed using everyday objects. But don’t settle for just that. Be well prepared for as many circumstances as possible, as well as to include easily recognisable, everyday items in each show you do, regardless of whether the situation is planned or impromptu.
It is definitely preferable to borrow the item you require, from a spectator, someone in the audience. Doing this adds another dimension to the effect as the audience will know that not only have you used an everyday object, but that it came from a spectator too, therefore they subconsciously conclude that there is no way you could have secretly prepared the prop beforehand. (An excerpt from Paul Daniels’ How To Make Money By Magic, page 242).
Get the softcover: HERE.
Get the hardcover: HERE.
Also available worldwide from Amazon.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.