Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,108
May 31, 2023
What do Doug Henning, Harry Anderson, and Quentin Reynolds have in common? All three performed a version of Joe Riding’s “Three Card Trick With Four Cards.”
The differences between them, besides the obvious, is that Henning and Anderson performed their routines on TV and am sure you can find those on YouTube.
It has become a classic routine that many pros use. Probably because it uses Jumbo cards, it is easy to follow, plays big, has a surprise ending, and is relatively easy to carry, perform, and remember.
Last month Quentin featured this routine when he performed at the 4F convention and at the end of the convention I purchased all the copies he had left. You can get them now. 4F Photo by Mike Maione.
►Monte Goes To The Fair:
This is Quentin’s handling and presentation to Joe Riding’s classic “Three Card Trick With Four Cards.” What he has done is re-engineered the routine so it can be performed at face level, allowing full eye-contact with the audience.
It is a three phase Monte routine that uses four cards. The money card keeps vanishing from your hands and appears in an unlikely place where an odd card was just placed. The routine ends with a surprise finish where three of the cards are now money cards.
Get one: HERE
Tom Craven Interview:
While at the FFFF Convention last month I had a chance to interview Tom Craven who is the only person to attend all 50 conventions. I hope you enjoy some of his reflections and memories from the past.
Watch it: HERE
►Black Modern Panel Board:
These are the original Modern Boards that have been professionally painted black. Should you drop or scratch the board you can fill in the spots with a Sharpie marker.
The black color makes the boards look more innocent and can be used as drink coasters.
Everything taught on the tutorial also applies to this board which was manufactured to accept US Quarter sized coins.
Watch and buy: HERE
I have been negligent in adding recent reviews to my products that appear in magic magazines, but I just caught up on a few recent reviews you can read them at the bottom of the product pages:
►Scents Of Wonder: HERE
►ARM: Almost Real Magic: HERE
►Blank Coins Routines: HERE
I also added the MUM and Linking Ring reviews for Phonetastic which is back in stock, below:
Phonetastic is a collection of fifty-two magic tricks you can perform over any phone. Almost all the routines are ones that were either created or refined by Joe Hernandez for virtual use, although many can also be performed live.
With the cell phone as the number one means of instant communication, performing magic over the phone is an excellent way for magicians to share their magic.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Strolling Smiley:
This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people’s faces.
You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.
To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins smiling when the sad face changes into a happy one! Another wave, and the coin changes to a very happy grinning face as you hand it back to the person you borrowed it from as a souvenir.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Saturday June 10, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Saturday June 17: Performing, Lecturing, and Emceeing at the New York Magic Conference in Queens, NY.
►Saturday June 17, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Friday June 23: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Was sorry to hear about the passing of Milt Larsen at the age of 92. He was always kind to me and often asked when I was going to perform at the Magic Castle. I never heard anything about him being a magician until one day at an early Tannen Jubilee he performed his Carpenter Act. It brought the house down, got a standing ovation, and I was in tears laughing the entire time.
“The principles of magic laid down by Hoffmann, Sachs, Robert Houdin, and a few other writers remain unchanged in the midst of our advancement. New sleights have been devised, more deceptive apparatus invented, but the fundamentals expressed by these old writers form the foundation of legerdemain.”
…Fulton Ourseller (Illustrated Magic, 1931).