Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,003
March 30, 2022
I am going to let you in on a secret. Many years ago, I came across the Bicycle Rainbow Decks that were made by the United States Playing Card Company for Magic Makers and they were perfect. But not just for color changing deck routines but they are ideal for packet tricks and card routines that feature odd cards. For example, I use them for Hamman’s brilliant Two Card Trick and give away the odd card as a souvenir.
What makes them special is that the card backs are of different colors and the designs are all current and historical card backs that USPCC owns the rights to. Take a look at the trailer: HERE
►Bicycle Rainbow Cards:
This is a custom deck of Bicycle, Air Cushion finish cards that were printed by the USPCC using some of their proprietary card backs that date back to the 1800s. The cards are printed using different colors to create a Rainbow Deck.
Comes with a 52-card deck with different backs and colors, three double backed cards, a Joker reveal card, and access to video instructions.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Double Wedge Deck:
These Double Wedge decks have sold out countless times, usually within hours of me announcing that they are back. All are hand made and are perfect.
I think the reason they keep selling out is return purchasers. Magicians and gamblers who played with them, fell in love with them, and are buying them 4-5 at a time.
Watch and buy: HERE
The Malini book and the Faro Exposed book from the last newsletter sold out out within hours but the good news is that I just received another case of each, and they are available now.
In case I sell out again there will be another case of Malini books scheduled to arrive on Monday.

►Max Malini:
Max Malini circled the globe eight times, enthralling kings and emperors, czars, and presidents. After a private show at the White House, Theodore Roosevelt said, “A remarkable young man and a remarkable performance.”
Through the pages of Max Malini: King of Magicians, Magician of Kings Steve Cohen details a wealth of never-before-revealed information, both instructional and historical.
But the book explains far more than the mechanics of Malini’s magic. It gives new insight into his presentations, his personality, and explains how these factors made him famous.
Watch and buy: HERE
►To get the Faro Exposed book go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: John Mintz once told me that Frank Thompson performed around two hours of card magic using a deck with cards from many different decks with different back designs. Many of the routines were coincidences and matching type effects and the deck had some duplicates of faces and backs. I was never able to find more information on this. I know it’s not his Mem deck. Anyone out there can help?