Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #993
February 20, 2022
A photo quiz: Who, what, where, why.
A hint she was part of a Bob Hope USO Tour, one of the Golddiggers on the Dean Martin Show and even a magic assistant to Orson Welles.
Answers coming soon.
Larry Weeks (1919-2014) was the original packrat/magic accumulator. He would buy magic collections, pick up stuff at auctions, accumulate show programs every-time he attended shows, he specialized in Houdini and even had his furniture at his home. When magic shops would go out of business he would take or buy their inventory, the stories and accumulations are endless.
One of his quirks is that once he got something he didn’t like to get rid of it or sell it, occasionally he would trade for something he really wanted. He overvalued everything so we could never agree on a price for the stuff he had that I wanted.
Until July 2002. He walked up to my booth at the SAM Convention in NYC and asked if I would be interested in some magic programs from Doug Henning, Blackstone, Richiardi, and others. We worked out a per program price and the transfer began. Over the next four mornings he would come to my booth with a shopping cart full of programs and unload them on me. I have been selling them on eBay ever since and decided to offer some of them to you for the first time, at a bundle price.
Broadway Stars Programs:
These are three original programs from three of the most popular illusionists of the last century.
►Doug Henning And His Word Of Magic was Doug’s third and final Broadway show. This is an original Playbill from that show.
►The Blacksone Magic Show program is from November 12, 1978 and features original cover art.
►Richiardi’s The Incredible World Of Magic & Illusion Showbill is from his 1978 Off-Broadway show that co-starred: Ger Copper, Count Della Ragione, Bob Baxter, and Rina.
Get a set: HERE
A few months ago I offered you the highly collectible Roy Benson By Starlight book that I got from the Larry Weeks estate (HERE). In that newsletter I explained why Larry got those books. I still have some left and thought this would be a good time to give you a second chance at them before I offer them on ebay.
►Roy Benson By Starlight:
Roy Benson was a legendary magician and comedian who was way ahead of his time. Besides being a magician, he was also a movie actor and musician.
This is a monumental book that looks at his life, his career, his magic, his comedy, and so much more. In addition to the new unearthed information and essays the book reprints the very rare “Benson On Magic” booklet and his previously unpublished book “The Second Oldest Profession.” There are more than fifty effects, routines and sleights explained in detail.
Watch and buy: HERE
Last month I introduced you to George Joseph and his books which immediately sold out (HERE). I just received another shipment. As before, all our copies are autographed.
►Hand Mucking: HERE
►Vegas Lounge Cut: HERE
►Why Shouldn’t A Woman Wear Red In A Casino: HERE
►Joe Louis: HERE
►For everything George Joseph: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Of course, the picture is of the legendary Gay Blackstone who is the force behind the Masters of Illusion brand. For the answers to the rest of the questions go: HERE