Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #990
January 29, 2022
One of the highlights to my Vegas trip was the long lunch I had with Candice and George Joseph. They are among the most fascinating people I know.
George is one of the leading gambling and security experts in the world. If you take every patter story that magic “gambling experts” talk about during their shows it is likely that what they are saying is something George deals with on an average day. When Pennsylvania legalized casinos a few years ago they hired George to make sure that their anti-cheating and security was going to be effective.
He regularly consults and trains casino employees in anti-cheating procedures. Is a matter of fact he had to delay our lunch by two hours because he was sent a surveillance video of Craps cheats that he had to review and write a report about? He is the real deal and is always up on the latest methods being employed.
But more than that he is part of Vegas casino history and knew everyone involved in the casino industry. The players, the cheaters, the bosses, the celebrities, the athletes, just about everyone, and he is free to share their inside stories and adventures.
Candice, as some of you might know, is the daughter of Joe Louis who is considered the greatest boxer of all time. Joe also lived in Las Vegas for a very long time and was a well-respected celebrity who was loved and known by everyone. Everyone who was anyone would hang out with Joe, and Candice got to know all of them.
So, the best stories started with George discussing a person I was interested in and Candice filling in the background about their spouses, kids, siblings… that used to stay at her house. Lots of gossip you can’t find on the web.
As you can tell, I really like them. But where am I going with this? I now have, in stock, all of George’s books and the recent book they both wrote about Joe Louis. George autographed all his books and they both signed copies of the Joe Louis book.
Why should you get these books? Obviously, the information is very good, educational, and interesting. But the best part are the stories they interweave throughout about Vegas history, their experiences, and the people and situations they lived through.
For everything George Joseph go: HERE
►Hand Mucking:
This book has become an underground classic and many copies of the first edition have been sold for more than $100. The full title is, “Hand Mucking: The Art Of Switching Cards In Play.”
There are no magic tricks discussed. It was written for both card cheaters and magicians who might want to incorporate these sleight of hand techniques into their hobby of profession. It discusses the many ways to switch cards that are in play which would mean during a game for gamblers and during a magic routine for magicians.
Get it: HERE
►Poker Cheating:
The first half of the book covers Hold’em Poker and it is full of definitions, strategies, history, advice, and outlines of how the game and its many variations are played. The second half is all about cheating the games with the methods used and how to spot them. Reading this book will not make you an authority but knowing the answers to all these questions will make you sound like a Poker and cheating authority.
Get it: HERE
►Joe Louis:
Joe Louis was one of the most historically influential and best boxers of all time. This book, which is subtitled, “An Accidental Contact With Greatness” is written by Candice Joseph (Joe Louis’ daughter) and George Joseph (Joe’s son-in-law).
Candice & George house the largest Joe Louis memorabilia collection which is used throughout the book to chronicle Joe’s career, achievements, and his impact on the world. Special attention is given to his enormous contributions to the civil rights movement.
Get it: HERE
►We also have these George Joseph titles:
Vegas Lounge Cut: HERE
Why Shouldn’t A Woman Wear Red In A Casino? HERE
Cheating At Backgammon: HERE
Cheating At Blackjack: HERE
Cheating At Craps: HERE
Cheating At Gin: HERE
Cheating At Poker: HERE
Cheating At DVD Set: HERE
►Essential Sol Stone: Intimate Magic with the Sol Stone Touch:
At long last, legendary New York magician Sol Stone’s best effects have been amassed into a single volume. Here are more than 50 of Sol’s favorite effects — including some of his most closely guarded secrets — all completely updated and rewritten, with the full routines and Sol’s newest improvements.
The book details all the sleights and subtleties in Sol’s arsenal, clearly and in isolation, thereby streamlining and simplifying the learning process. Magicians of all skill levels can learn from this master of intimate illusion.
Watch & buy: HERE
Just added two more original Jerry’s Nugget decks and some other stuff you might like. As usual all auctions will end on Sunday night.
►A direct link to the auctions: HERE
►A link to my eBay store: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: As expected the Fish trick in the last newsletter sold out immediately. I hope to get more by next Thursday.