Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,096
April 8, 2023
One of the more popular coin tricks released through the Martinka Coin Club was Ted Bogusta’s Minted. It has not been available for many years, but he recently agreed to make a few for us.
This simple trick gets a disproportionate response from spectators because of the surprise appearance of an impossible object that materializes in their hands.
Watch the quick trailer I made: HERE
What I like most about this is the devious and deceptive way the coin is switched while they are burning your hands. I don’t think the price can stay this low for long considering the machining that is involved.
You hand out a US Quarter for examination, show a TicTac container and spill out some TicTacs. You then place the Quarter and a TicTac in a spectator’s hand and explain that you will make the TicTac vanish.
When they open their hand the TicTac is gone… but wait… it is now seen embedded inside the Quarter! A truly impossible object that is completely examinable!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Scents Of Wonder:
Although there are many different types of routines that these special flower cards can be used for, the main routine revolves around a prediction.
You begin by writing a prediction on a paper napkin and leaving it in full view. You then show a stack of business sized cards with pictures of different types of flowers on them and have one selected in a very fair manner.
When the selected card is turned over it is seen to be a rose. You then reveal that what you wrote on the napkin was rose.
Watch and buy: HERE

►New eBay Auctions:
It looks like there will likely be lots of eBay bargains that are expiring on Sunday night.
The auctions feature many rare magic books and tricks. Of special interest will be some very rare Tenyo items from the 1980s and many autographed lecture notes. The auctions will all expire on Easter Sunday.
Direct link to my eBay auctions: HERE
Direct link to my eBay store: HERE
►April 26-29, Displaying at the FFFF Convention in Buffalo, New York.
►April 30, Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, New York. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Very sad to hear of the passing of one of my oldest friends in magic Harry Lorayne (5/4/1926-4/7/2023). Amazing that we have known each other for almost half a century! He was more than a friend, a hero, an inspiration, a mentor, a teacher, and so much more. He wrote two of my books, published many of my routines, and I even worked for him during the last five years of Apocalypse, when we used to have as many as 5-10 phone calls a day during the deadlines… Oh! and our birthdays were two days apart… I will miss wishing him a happy Star Wars Day in a few weeks!
PPS: To watch a short talk I had with him a few years ago go: HERE
PPPS: Don’t forget to read the new magic quotes feature at the end of the newsletter.
PPPPS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE
“Upon many occasions, I have watched Harry Lorayne perform with playing cards. He is one of the best.”
…Dai Vernon (Close-Up Card Magic, 1962)